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1st Birthday of Cocos2d-x

Posted on 2011-12-10 15:16  Walzer  阅读(997)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Cocos2d-x open-source project is a C++ version of cocos2d-iphone. Our focus for Cocos2d-x development is around making cocos2d cross-platform. On top of the framework provided by cocos2d-x, mobile games can be written in C++ or Lua,  using API that is COMPLETELY COMPATIBLE with that of cocos2d-iphone. Cocos2d-x projects can easily be built and run on iOS, Android, Samsung Bada and BlackBerry Tablet OS. Cocos2d-x also supports Windows and Linux, therefore we can debug source code easily and write editors on desktop operating systems.


Here’s our website: http://www.cocos2d-x.org


1. Native Gap for cpp



Though not as elegant as ObjectiveC, C++ is supported widely by most mobile/desktop platforms. Even though platforms offer higher level programming language, such as WebOS, which has the closest resemblance to html5, they still opens a gap of C++ & OpenGL ES for those computation-hungry games. Therefore C++ & OpenGL ES is still the most common gaming layer on most platforms. 


Cocos2d-x caught this gap to makes games cross-platform. Besides libGLES, developers also benefit from direct access to various C/C++ resources such as pthread, libxml2, libCurl, poco, etc. This dramatically improves our productivity. 


2. Supported Platforms

 (Ordered by stability & reliability) 

Platform Status Remarks
 1 iOS 4.0~5.0 Stable 63 registered games with about 3.5 million downloads
 2 Android 2.0~2.3, 3.0~3.1 Stable 62 registered games with about 16.6 million downloads
 3 Windows Stable Please don’t release games base on win32 port before we replace PowerVR GLES library with OpenGL
 4 Bada Stable Finished in v0.10.0. Some alpha users have released games onto samsung store, and have totally 90,000+ downloads
 5 BlackBerry Tablet OS Coming Soon Finished & merging. RIM guys joined in us recently
 6 Ubuntu Usable Linux port uses OpenGL directly.
 7 WoPhone Almost deprecated Without maintenance for several months
 8 Marmalade Almost deprecated Only one game released is base on this port. We’re looking for a maintainer of this port
 9 MeeGo Deprecated Finished but unmerged.  MeeGo is deprecated by Nokia & Intel after our contributors finished this port, oops


3. Some Top Games using Cocos2d-x

You can find more awesome games & showcases from http://www.cocos2d-x.org/projects/cocos2d-x/apps 

One year ago, the first stable version of cocos2d-x was released on Nov 30, 2010. During last year, more than 125 mobile games based on cocos2d-x were released. In other words, two new games were shipped every week. Many developers, contributors and bloggers joined cocos2d-x community, sharing their new platform ports, bug fixes, cool features and tutorials to the community. Thanks to all of you, Cocos2d-x has grown out of its infancy.

We plan to make more cool stuffs in the coming year. Stay tuned.

