关于Oppen Live Writer中插入可折叠着色代码的插件

插件:OLW Plugins


1.在Oppen Live Writer安装目录下的app_xx目录下创建Plugins文件夹






  1 __Author__ = "YiMi Du"
  3 from core import auth
  4 from core import creditcard
  5 from core import log
  6 from core import shopping
  7 from core import user
  8 def main_list():
  9     msg = ["  ATM  ",
 10            "购物商城",
 11            "管理系统",
 12            "退出程序 输入 q", ]
 14     index = 0
 15     for i in msg:
 16         print("\t\t\t\t", index + 1, "\t ", i)
 17         index += 1
 20 '''ATM页面列表'''
 23 def atm_list():
 24     msg = ["信用卡信息",
 25            "信用卡取现",
 26            "信用卡转账",
 27            "信用卡还款",
 28            "申请信用卡",
 29            "信用卡绑定",
 30            "信用卡流水",
 31            "返回上一层 输入 q",
 32            "退出程序 输入 exit"]
 34     index = 0
 35     for i in msg:
 36         print("\t\t\t\t", index + 1, "\t ", i)
 37         index += 1
 40 '''购物车页面列表'''
 43 def shopp_list():
 44     msg = ["购物",
 45            "购物车",
 46            "购物结算",
 47            "购物记录",
 48            "清空购物车",
 49            "返回上一层 输入 q",
 50            "退出程序 输入  exit"]
 52     index = 0
 53     for i in msg:
 54         print("\t\t\t\t", index + 1, "\t ", i)
 55         index += 1
 57 '''管理员页面列表'''
 60 def admin_list():
 61     msg = ["冻结信用卡",
 62            "解冻信用卡",
 63            "创建用户",
 64            "锁定用户",
 65            "解锁用户",
 66            "返回上一层 输入 q",
 67            "退出程序  输入 exit"]
 69     index = 0
 70     for i in msg:
 71         print("\t\t\t\t", index + 1, "\t ", i)
 72         index += 1
 74 '''主函数'''
 76 def main():
 77     print("购物商城ATM系统".center(40, "-"))
 78     user.lock()  # 三次锁定模块
 79     while True:
 80         print("欢迎来到购物商城ATM系统".center(40, "-"))
 81         print(" \t\t\t\t ID\t\t信息")
 82         main_list()
 83         choice = input("请选择 ID :").strip()
 84         if choice == "q":
 85             print(" bye bye ".center(50, "-"))
 86             exit()
 87         if choice.isdigit():
 88             choice = int(choice)
 89             if choice >= 1 and choice <= 4:
 90                 if choice == "q": break
 91                 while True:
 92                     if choice == 1:
 93                         print("欢迎来到信用卡中心".center(50, "-"))
 94                         print(" \t\t\t\t ID\t\tATM信息")
 95                         atm_list()  # 信用卡列表
 96                         atm_choice = input("请选择 ATM ID :").strip()
 97                         if atm_choice == "q": break
 98                         if atm_choice == "exit": exit()
 99                         if atm_choice.isdigit():
100                             atm_choice = int(atm_choice)
101                             if atm_choice >= 1 and atm_choice <= 7:
102                                 while True:
103                                     if atm_choice == 1:
104                                         creditcard.creditcard_data()  # 信用卡信息模块
105                                         break
106                                     elif atm_choice == 2:
107                                         creditcard.creditcard_auth()  # 信用卡认证模块
108                                         creditcard.takenow()  # 信用卡取现模块
109                                         break
110                                     elif atm_choice == 3:
111                                         creditcard.creditcard_auth()  # 信用卡认证模块
112                                         creditcard.transfer()  # 信用卡转账模块
113                                         break
114                                     elif atm_choice == 4:
115                                         creditcard.creditcard_auth()  # 信用卡认证模块
116                                         creditcard.repayment()  # 信用卡还款模块
117                                         break
118                                     elif atm_choice == 5:
119                                         creditcard.new_creditcard(limit=15000, locked=False)  # 申请信用卡模块
120                                         break
121                                     elif atm_choice == 6:
122                                         creditcard.link_creditcard()  # 用户绑定信用卡模块
123                                         break
124                                     elif atm_choice == 7:
125                                         creditcard.cat_cred_record()  # 查看信用卡流水模块
126                                         break
127                             else:
128                                 print("请输入正确的 ID ")
129                         else:
130                             print("请输入正确的 ID ")
132                     elif choice == 2:
133                         print("欢迎来到购物中心".center(50, "-"))
134                         print(" \t\t\t\t ID\t\t商城信息")
135                         shopp_list()  # 商城列表
136                         shopp_choice = input("请选择 商城 ID :").strip()
137                         if shopp_choice == "q": break
138                         if shopp_choice == "exit": exit()
139                         if shopp_choice.isdigit():
140                             shopp_choice = int(shopp_choice)
141                             if shopp_choice >= 1 and shopp_choice <= 5:
142                                 while True:
143                                     if shopp_choice == 1:
144                                         shopping.shopping_mall()  # 购物商城模块
145                                         break
146                                     elif shopp_choice == 2:
147                                         shopping.Shopping_car()  # 购物车模块
148                                         break
149                                     elif shopp_choice == 3:
150                                         shopping.shopping_pay()  # 购物结算模块
151                                         break
152                                     elif shopp_choice == 4:
153                                         shopping.cat_shopp_record()  # 查看购物记录模块
154                                         break
155                                     elif shopp_choice == 5:
156                                         shopping.del_shopping_car()  # 清空购物车模块
157                                         break
158                             else:
159                                 print("请输入正确的 ID ")
160                         else:
161                             print("请输入正确的 ID ")
163                     elif choice == 3:
164                         print("欢迎来到管理中心".center(50, "-"))
165                         print(" \t\t\t\t ID\t\t操作信息")
166                         admin_list()  # 管理中心列表
167                         admin_choice = input("请选择 信息 ID :").strip()
168                         if admin_choice == "q": break
169                         if admin_choice == "exit": exit()
170                         if admin_choice.isdigit():
171                             admin_choice = int(admin_choice)
172                             if admin_choice >= 1 and admin_choice <= 5:
173                                 while True:
174                                     if admin_choice == 1:
175                                         auth.admin_auth()  # 管理员用户验证模块
176                                         creditcard.lock_creditcard()  # 冻结信用卡模块
177                                         break
178                                     elif admin_choice == 2:
179                                         auth.admin_auth()  # 管理员用户验证模块
180                                         creditcard.unlock_creditcard()  # 解冻信用卡模块
181                                         break
182                                     elif admin_choice == 3:
183                                         auth.admin_auth()  # 管理员用户验证模块
184                                         # 创建用户模块
185                                         user.new_user(address="None", locked=False, creditcard=False)
186                                         break
187                                     elif admin_choice == 4:
188                                         auth.admin_auth()  # 管理员用户验证模块
189                                         user.lock_user()  # 锁定用户模块
190                                         break
191                                     elif admin_choice == 5:
192                                         auth.admin_auth()  # 管理员用户验证模块
193                                         user.unlock_user()  # 解锁用户模块
194                                         break
196                     elif choice == 4:
197                         exit()
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posted @ 2019-02-20 21:06  Yimiu  阅读(275)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报