
imposition:征收 n.
The government is responsible for the imposition of taxes.

appetite:食欲,胃口 n.
Wow,what a huge appetite you have!

renew:更新 v.
I have to renew my ID card because it has expired.

physician:内科医生 n.
My physician told me to eat more fruits and vegetables.

briefcase:公文包 n.
My new briefcase is black.

subsidize:给予补助金 v.
The government subsidizes housing costs for those with low-income.

outstanding:杰出的,突出的,显著的 adj.
He is an outstanding example of entrepreneurs.

imperialist:帝国主义者 n. 帝国主义的 adj.
In the past,we were under imperialist oppression, and forced to sign unequal treaties.

equivalent:相等的;等值的 adj. 同义词;等价物 n.
The price of the luxury car is equivalent to ten times his annual salary.

anxiety:焦虑 n.
She is in a state of anxiety as she lacks money for raising a baby.

gamble:赌博;打赌 v. 赌博 n.
If you gamble, you might win sometimes, but you will lose in the long run.

grease:油脂;动物脂;润滑脂 n. 抹油;使润滑 v.
The mechanic is applying a lubricating grease to the bearing.

staircase:楼梯 n.
Just walk up the staircase to get to the second floor.

involved:卷入的;有关的 adj.
Maybe he shouldn't have gotten himself involved in the boys fight.

comply:依从,服从,遵守 vi.
We should comply with traffic regulations.

malnutrition:营养不良 n.
She suffers from malnutrition as a result of excessive dieting.

imaginary:想象的,虚构的 adj.
In my imaginary world, I am a princess who lives in a big castle.

dynasty:王朝,朝代 n.
The picture shows three dynasties in Chinese history.

introductory:介绍性的 adj.
The introductory course on statistics begins with a simple example - a coin toss.

bossy:专横的,浮雕装饰的,爱指挥他人的 adj. 母牛,牛犊 n.
I don't like it when my boss is so,well... bossy!

overdraft:[金融]透支,[金融]透支额 n. [金融]透支 v.
I took out an overdraft to pay for my new things.

narration:叙述;配音 n.
Her narration of the story really brought the characters to life.

impact:冲击力;碰撞,冲击 n. 影响;有影响 v.
The impact of the hammer completely destroyed my computer.

exert:尽(力),运用,发挥 vt.
I exerted all my strength to lift all the boxes.

windmill:风车;风车房 n.
We used to use windmills to grind grain.

wrestle:摔跤,角斗;努力斗争 v. 摔跤,角力,扭斗 n.
I grabbed him by the legs and wrestled him to the ground.

incomplete:未完成的,未结束的 adj.
The building is still incomplete? How slow!

recycle:回收利用 v.
We should recycle trash by putting it into different bins.

posted @ 2020-08-09 20:47  ukyo--君君小时候  阅读(261)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报