
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <fstream>
 3 #define NUMOFDATAS 25000000
 5 using namespace std;
 6 double array[NUMOFDATAS];
 7 int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
 8 {
 9     freopen("50ETF.txt","rb",stdin);
11     double data;
12     int cnt = 0;
13     while(scanf("%lf",&data) != EOF) {
14         array[cnt++] = data;
15     }
17     double max = 0;
18     for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { //find the max number
19         if(max < array[i]) {
20             max = array[i];
21         }
22     }
23     cout<<"the max number is "<<max<<endl;
25     int pre_num = 0,now_num = 0;
26     for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
27         double temp = (i*0.1)*max;
28         now_num = 0;
29         for(int j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
30             if(temp > array[j]){
31                  now_num++;
32             }
33         }
34         int ans = now_num - pre_num;
35         cout<<"the number of \%"<<(i-1)*10<<"- \%"<<i*10<<" is "<<ans<<endl;
36         pre_num = now_num;
37     }
38     return 0;
39 }


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