
最近在看《iOS编程(第4版)》(就是Big Nerd Ranch用的那本教材)。这本书写的不错,推荐一下,写的很细致,循序渐进,不能不赞一下外国人写书的思路,确实跟国人不同。之前学Android的时候,看了《Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide》,虽然全英文看得有点慢,但是慢慢看觉得很有意思,对于有了一定基础的初学者,收获很大。回到这本国人翻译的iOS编程,中文翻译过来的一些词汇有点拗口,我表示有点记不住╭(╯^╰)╮,看到大段中文的时候,耐心不足。

言归正传,今天看到一处,关于添加Local Notification的,自己用XCode6进行构建的时候,出现了错误。


1 -(IBAction)addReminder:(id)sender
2 {
3     NSDate *;
4     UILocalNotification *note=[[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
5     note.alertBody=@"Hypnotize me!";
6     note.fireDate=date;
7     [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:note];
8 }


2015-07-02 10:21:31.538 HypnoNerd[1185:42048] Attempting to schedule a local notification <UIConcreteLocalNotification: 0x7fcd5be826b0>{fire date = Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 10:21:29 AM China Standard Time, time zone = (null), repeat interval = 0, repeat count = UILocalNotificationInfiniteRepeatCount, next fire date = (null), user info = (null)} with an alert but haven't received permission from the user to display alerts


上网查了一下,看到这篇文章“iOS8系统下的无法弹出通知”,说是iOS8系统变更了注册方法(没错,我用的SDK是iOS 8.3)。用了作者的方法,确实解决了问题。


我到XCode的SDK Guide帮助文档 Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide: Registering, Scheduling, and Handling User Notifications


In iOS 8 and later, apps that use either local or remote notifications must register the types of notifications they intend to deliver. The system then gives the user the ability to limit the types of notifications your app displays. The system does not badge icons, display alert messages, or play alert sounds if any of these notification types are not enabled for your app, even if they are specified in the notification payload.


1     UIUserNotificationType type=UIUserNotificationTypeAlert;
2     UIUserNotificationSettings *settings=[UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:type categories:nil];
3     [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerUserNotificationSettings:settings];





posted @ 2015-07-02 11:29  庭庭小妖  阅读(417)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报