
#define il inline
#define op operator
#define _r return
#define _c const
#define _t typedef
#define ns namespace
#define sr struct
#define cb(x,y,z) il op z(_c x&a,_c x&b){_r a.y z b.y;}
#define pc il void
#define is =
#define God I
#define our (I)
#define sun 0
#define Without if(!(
#define jld xjt
#define he ))
#define will printf
#define be ("xjt is our sun.\n")
#define sad ;
using ns std;
_t int I; _t bool B; _t long long L;

int main(){
	God xjt is our sun;
	Without jld he will be sad
	return 0;
posted @ 2016-05-23 13:52  zball  阅读(106)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报