Lesson 19 A very dear cat

New words and expressions

1. Dear 亲爱的

Darling 亲爱的 honey 亲爱的,宝贝 sugar 亲爱的人 sweetheart 甜心 candy 亲爱的

Mr. right 如意郎君 sugar report 情书

2. kidnapper 绑匪

Hold somebody for ransom 以勒索赎金为目的的绑架某人

Put a price on somebody’s head 悬赏捉拿

abduct women and kids 拐卖妇女和儿童

swindle money out of somebody 拐骗钱财

defraud somebody of money 从某人那诈骗钱财

Swindler 骗子 political swindler 政治骗子

Imposter :somebody who pretends to be someone else 冒名顶替者

Cheat :sb who is dishonest

Cheat on somebody :to be unfaithful to one’s husband or wife 对丈夫(妻子)不忠

Trickster 骗子 (耍把戏的)

A fast-talking trickster 油嘴滑舌的骗子

3. Considerable adj.相当多的

Considerable income 收入可观 handsome income 可观收入

Meager income 收入菲薄

Considerate :very thoughtful 体贴细致的

eg.It is so considerate of you not to play the piano while I was sleeping.

tolerable 可容忍的

tolerate 宽容大度 respectable old lady 值得尊敬的老妇人

respectful be respectful to somebody 对…..表示尊敬

respective 各自的

eg.These ambitious young men have their respective future dreams.这些有抱负的年轻人都有各自的梦想。

4. wealthy 有钱,有资产

rich (口) rich in vitamin C 富含维他命C的 protein food 高蛋白食物

rich blue :a beautiful strong color 亮丽的蓝色

opulent adj.富足的 luxurious [lʌˈʒʊriəs,] adj.豪华奢侈的

a luxurious dining room

well-off : to have enough money to have a good standard of living 生活富裕的,生活小康的。

better-off best-off 生活很富裕的

eg.The government claims that people are better-off than they were five years ago.

be loaded 腰缠万贯的 fat cat 有钱人 have deep pockets 有钱人

5. disappear v.消失

disappear from view 消失在视野中 disappear from sight 消失在视线中

eg.Peter watched the boat with his sweet heart on it until it disappeared from view.

vanish v.消失(突然)

vanish into the air 消失得无影无踪,一扫而光

eg.The little boy’s sorrow vanished into the air when he saw his prize dog(心爱的小狗) come back.

gone with the wind 随风而逝

6. anonymous adj.(unknown by name) 没有署名的,匿名的

an anonymous phone call /an anonymous letter an anonymous donation(捐赠, 赠送)

anonymity under the anonymity 没有署名

autonym n.真名 pseudonym [ˈsu:dnˌɪm]笔名

an- (否定) not ,without

anemia [əˈni:mi:ə] :want of blood 贫血

anarchy :without a monarch 无政府

anecdote (not given out) a story in private life 奇闻异事

7. ransom n.赎金

hold somebody for ransom

bail n./v. 保释金(人)

pay (money) in bail for somebody 花钱保释

bail somebody out 保释出狱 premium n.保险费 pension n.退休金

mortgage [ˈmɔ:gidʒ] 抵押金(房产等)

8. withdraw v.撤回,取回

withdraw the troops from the front 从前线撤军

withdraw oneself from society 隐退

withdraw a child from school 接孩子放学

withdraw from the election 退出选举 withdraw a bill withdraw an order

withdraw money

deposit v.存款 deposit money in the bank.

overdraw 透支 hot money 短期贷款

interest rate 银行利率

9. punctually adv.准时地

punctual adj.

be punctual for appointments 准点

be late for school 上学迟到 be early for party 早到

break an appointment 失约 stand somebody up 放了某人的鸽子


1. be interested in sth 对…感兴趣

show interest in sth 对…兴趣 take interest in sth lose interest in sth 对….失去兴趣

arouse sb’s interest in sth 激起某人的兴趣

stimulate sb’s interest in sth

supplement of oral English :

How to ask if sb is interested in sth:

Does bull fight appeal to you ?你对丢牛感兴趣吗?

Do you think of golfing attracting? 你对高尔夫有兴趣吗?

Are you a film goer? 你是一个电影迷吗?

Are you keen on bowling? 你对保龄球感兴趣吗?

Do you go for basketball ?你喜欢常常打篮球吗?

What turns you on ?那你对什么感兴趣呢?

be interested in 同….有利害关系

eg.Being interested in the matter,he cannot arbitrate(裁决).由于他跟这件事有利害关系,他不能裁决。

2. take considerable interest in 盯上了

3. a very wealth old lady….


a Chinese writing desk 一张中式写字台

a big dark brown Chineses writing desk 一张宽大的深褐色的中式写字台

a wonderful example of early Chinese architecture .

4. share sth with sb 与某人共享,分担

share the same interest with sb 二者有共同爱好

share the sorrow as well as joy with sb 一起分担痛苦分享快乐

shares n.股份 (Br.) stock(Am)

eg.He holds 50% shares in this company. 他有这个公司50%股份。

5. lead an orderly life 过着有规律的生活

lead a colorful life 过着多彩的生活 lead a mysterious life 过着神秘的生活

orderly adj. 有规律的,有规范的

orderly market 规范的市场

a man with an orderly mind 头脑清晰的一个人。


dream a sweet dream 做了一个美梦 sleep a sound sleep 甜甜的睡了一觉

laugh a hearty laugh 开怀大笑 smile a faint smile 微微一笑 sigh a deep sigh 深深叹息

6. in the evenings :in every eveving 每逢

On Sundays 每逢周末 at nights 每逢晚上 in the mornings 每逢早上

7. be home 回家

home adv strike home :击中要害

hit the nail on its head 一针见血

drive home :to make sb understood. 讲清楚,讲透彻

home free 大获成功

eg.The whole project is now home free.整个工程告捷。

8. even … rather …

eg.Even it was rather late,the cat could not have failed to come back home.

9. hand n.

writer :写信人

be in safe hands / be in good hands 在可靠人手中,(悉心照顾)

hand : in control /care 照看,控制

eg.Don’t worry the kids are in good hands.不用担心,孩子们现在被细心照看着。

a firm hand 严加管教

eg.The naughty boy needed a firm hand.

a free hand 全权负责 a green hand 生手 a help hand 帮手

a right hand 得力助手 a China hand 中国通

a farm hand 农民

10. but fearing 担心,唯恐(表示原因状语)

afraid of ….

eg.But fearing to frighten the poor man,Mrs Richards quickly hid herself in the small storeroom under the stairs.

插入语 – “that” refers to

“If she didn’t pay a ransom,she would never see the cat again”

eg.I’ve made it clear that I’m against the plan.关于这一点我说的很清楚了,我反对这个计划

11. follow one’s instructions 听从某人的指示

eg.follow one’s orders 听从命令 follow one’s wishes 遵从某人意愿

follow one’s advice 听从建议 follow one’s promise 信守诺言

follow one’s nose 跟着感觉走

12. the next morning /the following morning

the very next moring 转天大清早

13. keep one’s word/promise 遵守诺言

make a promise carry out a promise

keep a promise

break a promise 食言

character 方块字(象形文字)

3-character scripture 三字真经 calligraphy 书法

‘happiness’ character

word 字母文字 a man of her word 说话算数的人 a woman of her word

4-letter words 四字真言

strong language which is often made of 4 letters 骂人的粗话

fart放屁讨厌的人;令人厌烦的人;蠢人shit屎, 粪, 大便

fuck 1. 性交2. 他妈的 interj. 1. 他妈的,滚开,混账(常后接you)


14. carry out to the letter 事事照办

eg.The henpecked husband carried out everything to his wife’s letters.这个妻管严丈夫对妻子事事照办。

15. look well

well adj.health

look fit 身体好 look healthy fitness centre 健身中心

How are you? I’m very well.

16. be dear to somebody

dear: expensive and lovely 含有两种含义 双关语(pun)


1) 同音同形异义

eg. customer :This soup is spoiled.

Waiter :who told you ?

customer :A little swallow.(燕子)表示尝了一小口

2) Sabrina

eg.A :I thought the guy was gay.

B:He is not a gay.

A:It’s not a gay,it’s just gay.

3) 同音异形异义(更具有不可翻译性)

eg.Seven days without water make one weak(week) 七天不喝水会使人虚弱。

17. considering 就…而论 ,考虑到(介词)

according to 根据 concerning 关于 regarding 关于 respecting 关于,鉴于

eg.Respecting his serious illness, the doctor decided to make an operator on him.

18. in more ways than one 不仅如此

Eg.Education is paid too much attention to ,for the simple reason that it is important for anyone who wants to find a job,But,acturally it is essential in more ways than one.

eg.The sticky business could have been dealt with in more ways than one.


1. play cat and mouse with 对….欲擒故纵

eg.The police decided to play cat and mouse with then thief.

2. dog days 伏天 ;酷热期