

(1)  Identify the fault : The first element of the array is not looped.

“for(int i=x.length-1;i>0;i--)”should be “for(int i=x.length-1;i>=0;i--)”

(2)  If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the fault. ( Reachability ): x = null ,y = 3

expected output:NullPointerException

Actual output:NullPointerException

(3)  If possible, identify a test case that executes the fault, but does

not result in an error state. : x = [2,3,5],y = 3

Expected output : 1

Actual output : 1

(4)  If possible identify a test case that results in an error, but not

a failure.:  x = [2,3,5],y = 1

Expected output : -1

Actual output : -1


(1)Identify the fault : The loop is reversed.

“for(int i = 0 ; i < x.length ; i++)”should be “for(int i = x.length-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)”

(2)The fault will always be there.

(3)If possible, identify a test case that executes the fault, but does

not result in an error state. : x = [0,1,2]

Expected output : 1

Actual output : 1

(3)  If possible identify a test case that results in an error, but not

a failure.:  x = [1,1,1]

Expected output : -1

Actual output : -1


posted @ 2017-03-01 21:07  宋小环  阅读(681)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报