Reflect Journal 2

Posted on 2024-04-14 20:52  passionate-  阅读(5)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

The process of doing a video presentation
In honest, the process of doing a video presentation is very difficult and complex for me. Not only a proper choice is supposed to make aiming to give listeners comfortable feelings, but also an abundant and interesting story need to be conveyed. Meanwhile, the presentation should use proper words to tell well.
**The semotic choice **
From visual, I choose to use PPT to better present my presentation. Words which I say, are on the screen clearly so listeners can easily understand.
Some challenges of doing such a video presentation
May be the voice? I can’t find the approach to deal with this.
What you have learned through preparation of this video presentation
To be honest, I like the theme “Who is important to your life”. It arouses my memory about many people around me. I realize there are so many people I love and love me. I’ m very grateful.
The benefit of doing a video presentation compared with traditional writing
Convenient and clear. With vivid pictures, listeners can have a wonderful feeling of this presentation.
Attitude towards this type of DMC
I enjoy this type of DMC very much. I’ d like to choose this type next time!

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