Quick Sort

character:as the name implies,this sort method is usaully quicker than other ones.

the key part of this sort algorithm is the partition of head and bottom.

as to the realization ,I 'll show two method.one is simple,and the other is a little complex.the complexity is reference to the thinking.

the simple one:

public static int partition(Comparable [] a,int lo,int hi){
int index=lo;
Comparable temp=a[lo];
for(int i=lo+1;i<=hi;++i){
return index;
there is a problem in this realization:it doesnot consider the negtive direction.
so here is a substitute,a little redundency,I'll reconstruct it later:
    public static int partition(Comparable [] a,int lo,int hi){
int len=a.length;
boolean loInclude=(lo>=0) && (lo<len);
boolean hiInclude=(hi>=0) && (hi<len);
assert (!loInclude) || (!hiInclude);
assert (hi<lo);

Comparable temp=a[lo];
int i=lo;
int j=hi;

while(true) {
while ((!lessOrEqual(a[j], temp)) && (i<j)) {
if (j == lo) break;
a[i] = a[j];
if (i == hi) break;if (j == lo) break;if(i>=j) break;

while (lessOrEqual(a[i], temp) && (i<j)) {
if (i == hi) break;
a[j] = a[i];
if (i == hi) break;if (j == lo) break;if(i>=j) break;
if(i>=j) break;
return i;

the complex one:

public static int updatePartition(Comparable[]a,int lo,int hi){
if(hi<=lo) return lo;
Comparable v=a[lo];
int head=lo;
int tail=hi+1;
while(less(a[++head],v)){if(head==hi) break;}
while(less(v,a[--tail])){if(tail==lo) break;}
if(head>=tail) break;
return tail;

we now can cut an array into two part by the partition fuction,the head part is less than the middle one while the tail part is greater than the middle one.

so we can sort the total array by recursion.you can program as follow:

private static void quickSort(Comparable[]a,int lo,int hi){
if(hi<=lo) return;
//int mid=partition(a,lo,hi);
int mid=updatePartition(a,lo,hi);

In additon ,the customer may be reluctant to input any redundancy infomation.so we can pack the sort function into a new function with less input parameters,and use it as an interface to the customer:

public static void quickSort(Comparable[] a){

The end.

posted @ 2017-03-13 17:10  空山皓月  阅读(186)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报