第三十一篇 -- 学习第六十八天打卡20190911




dismay [dɪs'meɪ] n.沮丧;惊慌 vt.使沮丧;使惊慌
    例:The government's attitude towards the economic crisis dismayed all people.
    搭:to one's dismay 令某人失望的是/in dismay 沮丧;吃惊
    派:dismayed adj.惊愕的;失望的
cash [kæʃ] n.现金,现付款 vr.兑现
    例:A commission charge is requested if you want to cash a cheque.
    商:cash crop 经济作物/cash sale 现金销售/cash settlement 现金结算/cash voucher 凭单/cash statement 现金日报表,库存表/cash flow(公司、政府等的)现金流转/cash on delivery 货到付款
    搭:cash in 把...兑换成现金/be strapped for cash 缺钱/cash cow 摇钱树
    派:cashless adj.不用现钞的,使用信用卡、借记卡等结算的(例:cashless society 无现钞的社会)
dead [ded] adj.死的;无生气的 adv.完全地;直接地 n.死;死人
    例:We are dead against your dishonest business behaviour.
    商:dead capital 呆滞资本/dead assets 报废资产/dead account 坏账,呆账/dead cheque 无效支票/dead loss 净亏损/dead cat bounce 死猫弹跳(股市大跌后的短暂回升)
    搭:more dead than alive 精疲力竭/dead to 对...麻木的/dead silence 静默无声/dead in water 被搁置的
    派:deadly adj./adv.非常地(地);致命的(地)
hammer ['hæmə(r)] vt.压低(股票等)的价格;击败;敲打 vi.反复敲打,连续击打;致力于 n.锤;(拍卖等用的)醒木,槌
    例:The Middle East tension and the devaluation of the US dollar hanmmered the price of oil stocks.
    商:under the hammer 被拍卖
    搭:hammer away at 努力做/hammer home 给...以深刻印象/hammer out 竭力想出(解决办法等)
    派:hammered adj.捶打成了,锻造的;喝醉的/hammering n.锤击;攻击
seasoned ['si:znd] adj.经验丰富的,老练的;调过味的
    例:There is no constant winner on the stock market, even the seasoned investor.
entrepreneurial [,ɒntrəprə'nɜːriəl] adj.企业家(精神)的 
    商:entrepreneurial earnings 企业家收益/entrepreneurial project 创业项目/entrepreneurial flair 企业家才能
accountant [ə'kaʊntənt] n.会计;会计师
    例:An accountant must be sensitive to numbers.
    商:certified/registered accountants 注册会计师,执业会计师
beleaguered [bɪ'li:gəd] adj.包围的,围困的
    例:Relief supplies are delivered to the beleaguered cities.
steer [stɪə(r)] v.驾驶;操纵;沿着(某方向)前进
    搭:steer clear of 避开
    派:steering n.转向设置
    The government is making great efforts to steer the national economy towards stable and healthy development.
independent [,ɪndɪ'pendənt] adj.独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束的
    例:There are more than ten departments in the company and each department has their own independent account.
    商:independent operation 独立经营
    搭:be independent of 自立的,不受...影响的
    派:independence n.独立/independently adv.独立地

ledger ['ledʒ(r)] n.分类账;总账
    商:ledger clerk 记账员/payroll ledger 工资分类账/enter figures into sales ledger 将数字记入销售账
increase ['ɪŋkri:s] n.增加,增长;提高 [ɪn'kri:s] v.增加,增大
    商:increase in demand 需求增加/increase of budget 预算增加/increase of working hours 工作时间增加/increase in wage 工资的增长/increase the order 扩大订单
    搭:on the increase 正在增加,不断增加/increase by 增加了/increase to 增加到
    派:increasingly adv.不断增加地/increased adj.增加地(例:increased demand 增加的需求)
    Due to the promotion, there is a general increase in brand awareness of our products among female consumers aged from 18 to 34.
reputation [,repju'teɪʃn] n.名誉,名声
    例:Our products enjoy a good reputation both in the domestic and overseas markets.
repeat order 重复订单;追加订货;再次订货
    例:We always get repeat orders from our customers for the outstanding quality of our products and our timely delivery.
dissipate ['dɪsɪpeɪt] vt.浪费;驱散
    例:They finally gave up after dissipating so much time and energy to the infeasible project.
    派:dissipated adj.浪费掉的;沉迷于酒色的/dissipation n.消散;挥霍;放荡
volatile ['vɒlətaɪl] adj.不稳定的;(人)情绪多变的;(液体等)易挥发的
    例:Investors are quite cautious in investment as the market has been extremely volatile recently.
    商:volatile exchange rate 不稳定的汇率
    派:volatility n.不稳定性
commodity [kə'mɒdəti] n.商品,货物;日用品
    例:Prices rocket on several basic commodities like bread and meat.
    商:commodity inspection 商品检验/commodity list 商品清单/commodity futures 商品期货/commodity price 商品价格/commodity broker 商品经纪人
    搭:plentiful commodity 丰富的商品/scare commodity 稀缺的商品
estimate ['estɪmət] n.估计;评价;判断 ['estɪmeɪt] vt.估计;评价;判断 
    商:estimate and offer sheet 估价和出价单/estimate the cost/value/premium 估计成本/价值/保险费
    派:underestimate v./n.高估
welfare ['welfeə(r)] n.福利;福利事业;幸福
    例:The company intended to increase welfare spending to motivate the staff.
    搭:welfare state 福利国家/social welfare programme 社会福利计划/welfare lottery 福利彩票/on welfare 接受救济的
induction [ɪn'dʌkʃn] n.就职;接纳会员
    例:The mayor held a welcome banquet to celebrate the famous entrepreneur's induction into the local business community.
    搭:induction course 入门课程;培训课程

regulator ['regjuleɪtə(r)] n.监管者,监管部门
    例:It is difficult for the market regulator to catch every problem in the fast-moving and innovative financial market.
    派:regulatory adj.(对工商业)有监管权的,监管的(例:regulatory bodies 监管部门)
scale [skeɪl] n.大小,规模;等级,级别;量度制;比例(尺);刻度,标度;[pl.]天平,磅秤 vt.攀登,爬越
    商:economy of scale 规模经济/on a large/global scale 大规模地/全球规模地
    搭:scale down/back 相应缩减,按比例减少/scale up 按比例增加,扩大
    派:full-scale adj.全方位的/large-scale adj.大规模的
vocation [vəʊ'keɪʃn] n.职业;使命;才能
    搭:sense of vocation 使命感
    派:vocational adj.职业的(例:vocational qualifications/trainings 职业资格证书/培训)
    M: John has been dreaming of becomig a CEO.
    W: Me too. But I know that I have no vocation for that.
markup ['mɑːkʌp] n.标高售价;毛利;涨价幅度
    例:The present price will be maintained to the end of the month, and there will be a 10% markup next month due to the rising cost.
division [dɪ'vɪʒn] n.部门;分歧;差异
    例:Our company is reorganised into four divisions.
    商:sales division 销售部门/join/split a division 加入/分拆某个部门/the divisions between the rich and the poor 贫富差异
    搭:division in/within sth. 在...上的分歧/division between...之间的分歧
    派:divisional adj.部门的;分界的
roughly ['rʌfli] adv.概略地;粗糙地;令人不快地
    例:Compared with last month, the sales volume roughly increased by 15% this month.
    搭:roughly speaking 粗略地说
grapple ['græpl] vt.握紧;与...扭打 vi.全力以赴;尽力克服 n.抓紧
    搭:grapple with  扭打;设法解决
    The gap between the rich and the poor is just one of the critical problems that the government is grappling with.
occupancy rate 居住率,租用率
    例:The hotels usually grant a big discount to improve the occupancy rate in the low season.
advocate ['ædvəkeɪt] vt.提倡,鼓吹,主张 ['ædvəkət] n.提倡者,拥护者;律师;代言人
    例:He has a staunch advocate of free trade.
    商:advocate innovation 提倡创新/advocate entrepreneurship 宣扬企业家精神
    派:advocator n.提倡者,拥护者 
maintenance ['meɪntənəns] n.维持,保持;维修,保养;抚养费
    商:price maintenance 价格的维持/maintenance costs 维修成本
    搭:routine maintenance 例行保养

priority [praɪ'ɒrəti] n.优先(权);重点,优先考虑的事
    例:The most urgent priority now is developing the national economy and stabilising the price levels.
    搭:top priority dangwuzhiji/take priority over 优先做/get the priorities right 分出轻重缓急
reduce [rɪ'dju:s] v.减少;缩小;降低;概括,总结
    商:reduce the price/expense/budget 降低价格/减少开支/消减预算
    搭:reduce sth. to sth. 将...概括成
    派:reducible adj.可简化的
limited ['lɪmɪtɪd] adj.有限的;受...限制的
    商:limited company 股份(或责任)有限公司
prevent [prɪ'vent] vt.预防,防止;阻止
    例:The government recognised the seriousness of the event and took steps to prevent its further expansion.
    搭:prevent sb./sth. (from) doing sth. 防止...做某事
    派:prevention n.预防;阻止(例:Prevention is better than cure. 防患于未然是上策。)/preventable adj.可预防的(例:preventable accident 可以预防的事故)
apprentice [ə'prentɪs] n.学徒,徒弟;实习生 vt.使拜师于;使当...的学徒 vi.当学徒,学艺
    例:Hank was apprenticed to an advanced automobile mechanic in his early years.
    商:apprentice of HR department/marketing department 人力资源部/营销部的实习生
    派:apprenticeship n.学徒期,学徒身份;学徒制
full-on [,fʊl'ɒn] adj.全面的;不折不扣的
    例:Fuji REAL 3D W3 is one of the latest digital cameras and it can provide the consumers with a full-on visual experience.
    富士REAL 3D W3是一款最新的数码相机,它能给消费者带来全方位的视觉体验。
facilitate [fə'sɪlɪteɪt] vt.使便利;减轻...的困难
    例:Their excellent reputation and constant adherence to the principle of quality first facilitated their success in the global market place.
    派:facilitator n.诱导者;推动...的事物/facilitation n.简易化;促进
reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] adj.可靠的,可信赖的;真实可信的
    例:The quality of Japanese electronic products is reliable.
    搭:reliable supplier/business partner 可靠的供应商/可信赖的商业伙伴/reliable source 可靠的来源
    派:reliability n.可靠性/reliably adv.可靠地;确实地
customise ['kʌstəmaɪz] vt.定制,定做
    派:customisation n.用户化,专用化;定制/customised adj.定制的(例:customised product 定制产品)
    M: The quality of this batch of goods is much higher than the standard ones.
    W: Of course! They are customised by our special customers.
succeed [sək'si:d] vt.继承;接替 vi.成功;继承,继任
    例:Through these measures, the government has succeded in controlling inflation and reducing unemployment.
    搭:succeed to 继承;继任/succeed in 在...方面有成就;实现

cancellation [,kænsə'leɪʃn] n.取消;删除
    例:The unfulfilled delivery leads to the importer's cancellation of the contract.
    商:cancellation of contract 取消合同
    搭:announce a cancellation 宣布取消/make a cancellation 取消 
balloon [bə'lu:n] n.气球 v.(使)像气球般鼓起;(使)激增
    例:The current account deficit has ballooned to $150 billion.

We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves.

guru ['gʊru:] n.(行业)领袖,巨头;大师
    搭:investment guru 投资大师/management guru 管理大师
burglar ['bɜːglə(r)] n.夜盗,窃贼
    例:He has become a burglar due to his laziness.
    搭:burglar alarm 防盗报警器
milestone ['maɪlstəʊn] n.里程碑;划时代的事件
    例:The listing on the New York Stock Exchange marked an important milestone in the history of the company.
deputy ['depjuti] n.代理人,委托人;副职
    例:Alice will act as Adams' deputy for the time being when Adams is on business to Canada.
    商:deputy manager/editor/secretary 副经理/副编辑/副秘书
    搭:act as a deputy for sb.代理某人的职位
dampen ['dæmpən] vt.抑制;减少,降低
    例:Soaring prices would be conducive to dampening global oil consumption.
    搭:dampen one's enthusiasm/spirits 抑制某人的热情/减弱某人的兴致
suspension [sə'spenʃn] n.暂停;延缓;停职;悬浮
    例:The manager is on suspension for bad management.
    商:suspension of business/payment/production/export 暂停营业/付款/生产/出口
bargain ['bɑː:gən] n.特价商品;协议;交易 vi.讨价还价;谈判
    商:bargain price 廉价/bargain counter 廉价货品柜台/bargain ove the price 讨价还价 
    搭:drive a hard bargain 杀价(迫使对方接受苛刻条件)/make a bargain 订立协议;成交/bargain for/over 为...而讨价还价
    M: This is really a win-win agreenment for the two companies.
    W: Yes, they bargained for a long period before it was made.
null and void 无效的
    例:You are not entitled to make claims because the contract has been made null and void 
pack [pæk] vt.捆扎,把...打包 n.包裹;一捆
    例:Please do not pack all the documents into one box, because they serve different purposes.
    搭:pack a punch 拳头凶猛有力;说话击中要害/a pack of lies 一派胡言
accidental damage 意外损坏
    例:Insurance can be used to level off accidental damage.

bargaining ['bɑːgənɪŋ] n.讨价还价;商谈,谈判
    例:Simply speaking, international business negotiation is just bargaining.
    商:bargaining power 议价能力,谈判能力/bargaining chip/counter 谈判的筹码
omission [ə'mɪʃn] n.疏忽,遗漏;省略;删除
    例:Please further check the letter of author-isation in case of any omission.
logistics [lə'dʒɪstɪks] n.物流;后勤
    商:logistics integration 物流一体化/logistics department后勤部门/logistics firm 物流公司
    派:logistic adj.后勤的;物流的;逻辑的(例:logistics support 后勤支持)
activity [æk'tɪvəti] n.业务;活动,行动;活跃,活力
    商:activity-based costing 基于作业的成本方法/promotion activity 促销活动/offline/online activity 线下/线上业务活动
outbreak ['aʊtbreɪk] n.(战争的)爆发;(疾病的)发作
    例:The severe debt led to the outbreak of political crisis in Portugal.
swathe [sweɪð] n.狭长的条或片 vt.包裹;覆盖
    例:The export business in a swathe of coastal areas developed rapidly with their favourable geographical position.
    派:swathe sb./sth. in sth. 把某人/某物用某物包起来
provincial [prə'vɪnʃl] adj.省的;地方性的;狭窄的;粗野的 n.地方居民;乡下人
    例:The manager is very provincial and you'd better not show your dissatisfaction with him.
    搭:provincial election 地方性的选举
    派:provincially adv.外省地,地方地,偏狭地/provincialism n.胸襟狭隘;地方主义
dramatic [drə'mætɪk] adj.戏剧性的;生动的,逼真的;显著的;引人注目的
    例:This financial policy is going to have dramatic effects on the Chinese economy.
    商:dramatic increase/change/fall 剧增/剧变/暴跌/dramatic development 突飞猛进的发展
    派:dramatically adv.戏剧地;引人注目地
bundle ['bʌndl] n.(一)包,(一)捆;一大笔钱 vt.包,捆 vi.匆忙地走;匆匆离开
    例:To our surprise, the title gadget costs a bundle.
    搭:a bundle of 一捆;一些/bundle sth. with sth.将...和...捆绑在一起
access ['ækses] n.进入;接近的机会;市场销路 vt.存取;接近;使用
    例:Other countries' products are allowed to get access  to the Chinese market under the market economy.
    搭:access to (使用或见到的)机会、权利


workfare ['wɜːkfeə(r)] n.工作福利制
    例:The government is gradually establishing rural workfaces to provide social protection for vulnerable rural groups.
confidence ['kɒnfɪdəns] n.信心;信任;秘密
    例:The young man is said to be very much in the sales director's confidence.
    搭:have confidence in 对...有信心/in confidence 秘密地;推心置腹地/gain confidence 获得信心/lack of confidence 缺乏信心/confidence trick 骗局
advert ['ædvɜːt] n.(=advertisement)广告 vi.谈及,(间接)提到
    商:commercial advert 商业广告
moment ['məʊmənt] n.重要;契机;瞬间;重要时刻
    例:Internet economy is the topic of the moment.
    搭:for the moment 暂时;目前/at the critical moment 在关键时刻/of moment 重要的
    派:momentary adj.短暂的,片刻的/momentous adj.重大的,重要的/momentum n.势头;动力(例:a good economic development momentum 良好的经济发展势头)
coverage ['kʌvərɪdʒ] n.覆盖,覆盖范围;新闻报道
    商:insurance coverage 保险范围
    搭:media/press coverage 媒体/新闻报道/blanket coverage 统一承保;地毯式报道
blacklist ['blæklɪst] n.黑名单;进制贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单
    搭:on the blacklist 在黑名单上
    M: This notorious customer always delays our payments and tries to look for some trivial matters to claim.
    He has already been placed on the blacklist.
impose [ɪm'pəʊz] vt.把...强加于;征(税);罚(款) vi.利用;欺骗
    例:Many countries impose high tariffs to limit import from other countries.
    商:impose limitation/restriction/constraint on 对...施加限制
    搭:impose one's will on sb.将某人的意志强加于某人
    派:imposition n.强加;征收/imposing adj.壮观的;使人印象深刻的
red [red] n.赤字;亏空 adj.红色的
    例:Under such economic situations, the company has no other way but to operate in the red.
    商:in the red 负债,亏损
    搭:red tape 繁文缛节;官僚作风/red alert 紧急警报
authorise ['ɔːθəraɪz] vt.授权;批准,允许;委任
    商:manage an authorised fund 管理认可基金
    搭:be authorised by 经...批准/authorise sb. to do sth. 授权某人做某事
    派:authorisation n.授权,委托;授权书(例:grant authorisation 授权)
    We will authorise payment in 80 days if your company orders 50000 items of products.
embezzle [ɪm'bezl] vt.贪污;挪用(公款)
    例:The former director was accused of embezzling company funds
    派:embezzlement n.贪污;盗用(公款)/embezzler n.贪污者;挪用(公款)者


answering machine 录音电话
    例:Answering machines bring much convenience for daily office work.
    搭:install/switch on/use an answering machine 安装/打开/使用录音电话
refine [rɪ'faɪn] vt.精炼,提纯;改善;使...文雅
    例:Due to some small problems, the contract needs to be further refined.
    派:refined adj.精炼的;优雅的,有教养的/refinement n.改善;提炼/refiner n.精炼机;从事精炼加工的人(或公司)/refinery n.精炼厂;提炼厂(例:oil refinery 炼油厂)
markdown ['mɑːkdaʊn] n.减价;削价
    例:In order to show our appreciation to new and old customers, all the products will be sold at a markdown of 25%.
R&D (=Reserch and Development)研发与开发;研发部门
    例:The company is incresing their investment on R&D.
session ['seʃn] n.会议;(法庭的)开庭;学年;一段时间
    商:opening/closing session 开市/收盘
    搭:court session 法庭开庭期
backdate [,bæk'deɪt] vt.倒填日期;回溯
    例:The taxers who overpaid can backdate their claim to last February.
plate [pleɪt] n.碟;金属板;金属牌;(印刷用的)印版,图版 vt.用(金、银等)镀覆;给...装甲
    搭:have enough on your plate 问题(或工作等)成堆/a silver ring plated with gold 一枚镀金的银戒指/printing plate 印版/steel plate 钢板
    派:plating n.金属镀层(例:gold plating 镀金层)
service ['sɜːvɪs] vt.保养;维修;支付(公债等的)利息 n.任职;用处;政府部门;[常pl.]服务
    例:It is said that a highly developed service industry is one important sign of a modern economy.
    商:service charge 服务费/customer service 客户服务;售后服务
    搭:service area 服务区/service the debt 支付债务利息/at the service of sb./at one's service 随时可供使用(或提供帮助)/do sb. a/no service 有助于/无助于某人
    派:serviceable adj.可供使用的;耐用的
simulation [,sɪmju'leɪʃn] n.模拟,模仿;假装,伪装;模拟操作
    例:The department conducts a crisis simulation every year to strengthen their abilities to cope with crisis.
    搭:simulation model 仿真模型;模拟模型/computer simulation 计算机模拟
ultimate ['ʌltɪmət] adj.最终的;根本的;最高的 n.终极;根本
    例:The company's ultimate aim is to conquer the whole market of Southeast Asia.
    商:ultimate consumer 最终消费者
    搭:ultimate cause 根本原因/ultimate authority 至高无上的权威/the ultimate in luxury 极尽奢华
    派:ultimately adv.最终;最后/ultimatum n.最后通牒;最后结论


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