What is Flux?

Pluralsight - React and Flux for Angular Developers

1. An architectural concept. It a idea.

2. Not a library.

Key Thinking

  • One way data flow.
  • Events emmiters and dispatchers.

Javascript Events emmiter

  • Fake events.Really just a arrays of function.
  • Not browser events.

Emmiter idea code:

function EventEmmiter(){
    this._events = {};

EventEmmiter.prototype.on = function(type, listener){
    this._events[type] = this._events[type] || [];

EventEmmiter.prototype.emit = function(type){

EventEmmiter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener){
        this._events[type].splice(this._events[type].indexOf(listener), 1);

Dispatcher in javascript

  • Fake event listening. More objects and functions.
  • Functions that respond to particular actions.

Dispatcher idea code:

function Dispatcher(){
    this._lastID = 0;
    this._callbacks = {};

Dispatcher.prototype.register = function(callback){
    var id = 'CID_' + this._lastID++;
    this._callback[id] = callback;

Dispatcher.prototype.dispatch = function(action){
    for(var id in this._callback){

Dispatcher.prototype.waitFor = function(ids){

One way data flow

Two way data flow

posted @ 2016-12-13 10:52  FigureSkating  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报