

#include "stdafx.h"

#pragma code_seg(AFX_INIT_SEG)

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;


BOOL AFXAPI AfxWinInit(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
 LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
 ASSERT(hPrevInstance == NULL);

 // handle critical errors and avoid Windows message boxes
 SetErrorMode(SetErrorMode(0) |

 // set resource handles
 AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState();
 pModuleState->m_hCurrentInstanceHandle = hInstance;
 pModuleState->m_hCurrentResourceHandle = hInstance;

 // fill in the initial state for the application
 CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();
 if (pApp != NULL)
  // Windows specific initialization (not done if no CWinApp)
  pApp->m_hInstance = hInstance;
  pApp->m_hPrevInstance = hPrevInstance;
  pApp->m_lpCmdLine = lpCmdLine;
  pApp->m_nCmdShow = nCmdShow;

 // initialize thread specific data (for main thread)
 if (!afxContextIsDLL)                   //判断程序类型是:*.DLL还是*.EXE(是*.DLL类型否?)
  AfxInitThread();                         //在thrdcord.cpp文件中,Global functions for thread initialization and thread cleanup

 return TRUE;

// CWinApp Initialization

void CWinApp::SetCurrentHandles()
 ASSERT(this == afxCurrentWinApp);
 ASSERT(afxCurrentAppName == NULL);

 pModuleState->m_hCurrentInstanceHandle = m_hInstance;
 pModuleState->m_hCurrentResourceHandle = m_hInstance;

 // Note: there are a number of _tcsdup (aka strdup) calls that are
 // made here for the exe path, help file path, etc.  In previous
 // versions of MFC, this memory was never freed.  In this and future
 // versions this memory is automatically freed during CWinApp's
 // destructor.  If you are freeing the memory yourself, you should
 // either remove the code or set the pointers to NULL after freeing
 // the memory.

 // get path of executable
 VERIFY(::GetModuleFileName(m_hInstance, szBuff, _MAX_PATH));

 LPTSTR lpszExt = _tcsrchr(szBuff, '.');
 ASSERT(lpszExt != NULL);
 ASSERT(*lpszExt == '.');
 *lpszExt = 0;       // no suffix

 TCHAR szExeName[_MAX_PATH];
 TCHAR szTitle[256];
 // get the exe title from the full path name [no extension]
 VERIFY(AfxGetFileName(szBuff, szExeName, _MAX_PATH) == 0);
 if (m_pszExeName == NULL)
  BOOL bEnable = AfxEnableMemoryTracking(FALSE);
  m_pszExeName = _tcsdup(szExeName); // save non-localized name

 // m_pszAppName is the name used to present to the user
 if (m_pszAppName == NULL)
  BOOL bEnable = AfxEnableMemoryTracking(FALSE);
  if (AfxLoadString(AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle) != 0)
   m_pszAppName = _tcsdup(szTitle);    // human readable title
   m_pszAppName = _tcsdup(m_pszExeName);   // same as EXE

 pModuleState->m_lpszCurrentAppName = m_pszAppName;
 ASSERT(afxCurrentAppName != NULL);

 // get path of .HLP file
 if (m_pszHelpFilePath == NULL)
  lstrcpy(lpszExt, _T(".HLP"));
  BOOL bEnable = AfxEnableMemoryTracking(FALSE);
  m_pszHelpFilePath = _tcsdup(szBuff);
  *lpszExt = '\0';       // back to no suffix

 if (m_pszProfileName == NULL)
  lstrcat(szExeName, _T(".INI")); // will be enough room in buffer
  BOOL bEnable = AfxEnableMemoryTracking(FALSE);
  m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup(szExeName);

// CFile implementation helpers

#ifdef AfxGetFileName
#undef AfxGetFileName

UINT AFXAPI AfxGetFileName(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, LPTSTR lpszTitle, UINT nMax)
 ASSERT(lpszTitle == NULL ||
  AfxIsValidAddress(lpszTitle, _MAX_FNAME));

 // always capture the complete file name including extension (if present)
 LPTSTR lpszTemp = (LPTSTR)lpszPathName;
 for (LPCTSTR lpsz = lpszPathName; *lpsz != '\0'; lpsz = _tcsinc(lpsz))
  // remember last directory/drive separator
  if (*lpsz == '\\' || *lpsz == '/' || *lpsz == ':')
   lpszTemp = (LPTSTR)_tcsinc(lpsz);

 // lpszTitle can be NULL which just returns the number of bytes
 if (lpszTitle == NULL)
  return lstrlen(lpszTemp)+1;

 // otherwise copy it into the buffer provided
 lstrcpyn(lpszTitle, lpszTemp, nMax);
 return 0;

CWinApp theApp;

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])         //(1, 程序路径,环境变量==Document And Setting\All User)


  • Serialization support

  • Run-time class information

  • Object diagnostic output

  • Compatibility with collection classes


 CMyDeviceObject* myobj = new CMyDeviceObject;

 int nRetCode = 0;

 // initialize MFC and print and error on failure
 if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))    //看上面该函数定义
 {/*返回 HMODULE   ::GetModuleHandle(NULL)*/(HMODULE == HINSTANCE)
  // TODO: change error code to suit your needs
  cerr << _T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed") << endl;
  nRetCode = 1;
  // TODO: code your application's behavior here.
  CString strHello;
  strHello.LoadString(IDS_HELLO);    //加载*.rc文件中定义的字符串
  cout << (LPCTSTR)strHello << endl;

 return nRetCode;


// String Table

    IDS_HELLO               "Hello from MFC!"


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