
#insert into 表名(字段)
#insert into 表名
#insert into 表名 set 字段=;

#update 表名 set 字段=[where 语句];

#delete 只能用来删除一行记录
#truncate table 此语句首先摧毁表,在新建表,数据不能恢复
#delete from 表名; #清空表里面的所有数据
#truncate table 表名;

#select [all|distinct] <列表达式>
#from 表名
#where <条件表达式>
#group by<列名>[having <条件表达式>]
#order by<列名>[asc|desc];

#group by 分组
#order by 排序(asc升序,默认为此项; desc降序)

#格式:字段 as 别名 或者 字段 别名
#select name as 姓名,js as 成绩 from examresult;
#select name 姓名,js 成绩 from examresult;

#比较:=>,<,>=,<=,!=<>,!>,!< ,not+比较运算符
#范围:between and not between and
#确定集合: in, not in (用来查找属性值属于指定集合的元组)
#字符匹配:like, not like
#空值:is null, is not null
#多重条件:and, or, not

#select name,js from examresult where js between 80 and 90;
#select name,js from examresult where js not between 80 and 90;

#select id,name from exam where dept in ("CS");
#select id,name from exam where dept not in ("CS");

# select * from exam where js is null;
# select * from exam where is not null;

#select * from exam where js=90 and dept="CS";
#select * from exam where js=90 or dept="CS";
#select * from exam where not js=90;

# %(百分号)代表任意长度的字符串(长度可以为0
# _(下横线)代表单个任意字符
#select * from exam where name like 'a%';
#select * from exam where name like '_';

#group by分组查询(按位置字段筛选)
# select * from exam group by dept;
# 练习:对成绩表按照名字分组后,显示每一类名字的js的分数。
# select name,sum(js)from ExamResult group by name;
# 练习:对成绩表按照名字分组后,显示每一类名字的Django的分数总和>150的类名字和Django总分
# select name,sum(Django) from ExamResult group by name having sum(Django)>150;

#having where
#select name,sum(Django)from ExamResult where name !="yuan"group by name having sum(Django)>150;

#聚集函数(聚集函数只能用于select子句和group by中的having子句)
#count(*):统计所有行 count(字段) 不统计null

posted @ 2021-05-17 21:02  ShadowFolk  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报