
Avoider G T

2010-02-04 16:36  宝宝合凤凰  阅读(167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Table of contents for AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial

  1. Learn ActionScript 3 by Following this Simple Avoider Game Tutorial
  2. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 2: Multiple Enemies
  3. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 3: Game Over
  4. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 4: Menus and Buttons
  5. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 5: A Score and a Clock
  6. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 6: Several Small Improvements
  7. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 7: Keyboard Control
  8. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 8: Adding a Preloader
  9. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 9: Music and Sound Effects
  10. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 10: Multiple Levels
  11. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 11: Saving and Loading
  12. AS3 Avoider Game Tutorial, Part 12: Garbage Collection