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如何把小图片填满 MDIForm 成为背景图?

如何把小图片填满 MDIForm 成为背景图?

以下这个范例, 要:
1、一个 MDIForm:不必设定任何属性。
2、一个 Form1:不一定是 MDIChild,最好 MDIChild 为 False,但是 AutoRedraw 设成 True。
3、Form1 上面放一个隐藏的 PictureBox:名称为 Picture1,不必设定 Picture 属性。

'将以下模组放入 MDIForm 的声明区中:

Sub TileMDIBkgd(MDIForm As Form, bkgdtiler As Form, bkgdfile As String)
If bkgdfile = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim ScWidth%, ScHeight%
ScWidth% = Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
ScHeight% = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Load bkgdtiler
bkgdtiler.Height = Screen.Height
bkgdtiler.Width = Screen.Width
bkgdtiler.ScaleMode = 3
bkgdtiler!Picture1.Top = 0
bkgdtiler!Picture1.Left = 0
bkgdtiler!Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(bkgdfile)
bkgdtiler!Picture1.ScaleMode = 3

For n% = 0 To ScHeight% Step bkgdtiler!Picture1.ScaleHeight
For o% = 0 To ScWidth% Step bkgdtiler!Picture1.ScaleWidth
bkgdtiler.PaintPicture bkgdtiler!Picture1.Picture, o%, n%
Next o%
Next n%

MDIForm.Picture = bkgdtiler.Image
Unload bkgdtiler
End Sub


Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
TileMDIBkgd Me, Form1, "c:\windows\Tiles.bmp"
End Sub

posted on 2005-12-19 13:35  Roger Yen  阅读(1123)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报