【读书笔记】:MIT线性代数(4):Independence, Basis and Dimension


The columns of A are independent when the nullspace N (A) contains only the zero vector.


1. If three vectors are not in the same plane, they are independent. No combination of V1, V2, V3 in Figure 3.4 gives zero except 0V1 + 0V2 + 0V3.
2. If three vectors W1, W2, W3 are in the same plane, they are dependent.


 Vectors that Span a Subspace:


A basis of a vector space:

Every vector v in the space is a combination of the basis vectors, because they span the space.There is one and only one way to write v as a combination of the basis vectors.



The dimension of C(A) is the rank of matrix A. The dimension of N(A) is the number of free variables(n-r)!


posted @ 2018-08-24 08:06  Junfei_Wang  阅读(498)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报