

1. 单继承;

2.   值类型:

  基本:整数(byte,short,int, long), 布尔类型,实数,字符型;



3. 引用型数据:


4. 类


5. 代表: 安全的C#"指针“

    delegate  int MyDelegate();


using System;

delegate int MyDelegate();

class P
    public int Fun1(){return 0;}
    public static int Fun2(){return 0;}

class Q
   static void Main()
        P  p  = new P();
        MyDelegate d;
        d = new MyDelegate(p.Fun1);
        d = new Mydelegate(P.Fun2);


6. 数组. System.Array
int []a1 = new []int {1,2}; //一维数组
int [,]a2 = new [,]int {{1,2},{3,4}}; //二维数组
int [,,]a3 = new int[1,2,3]; //三维数组
int [][]a4 = new int[3][];   //二维可变数组



7. 装箱,拆箱:  object <-> 值类型

8. 参数:

    值参数:  int a

    引用参数: ref int b

    输出参数: out int c

9. 变量


10. 操作符

      exp is T

      exp as T : 返回T类型,不成功则返回NULL

      typeof : 获取类型

11. switch 中的 case 都是以 break 或者 goto case 或者 goto default 或者  throw 或者 return 来结束的;



1. 经常变长的字符串用  StringBuilder;

2. Implicit Typed local variable

// When the type of a variable is clear from the context, use var  
// in the declaration. 
var var1 = "This is clearly a string.";
var var2 = 27;
var var3 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

3. try-catch-throw

catch(Exception e)

4. try-finally 当 finally 中的块是Dispose方法时,可以用 using 语句来代替

Font font1 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f);
    byte charset = font1.GdiCharSet;
    if (font1 != null)

// You can do the same thing with a using statement. 
using (Font font2 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f))
    byte charset = font2.GdiCharSet;

5. object initializer

// Object initializer. 
var instance3 = new ExampleClass { Name = "Desktop", ID = 37414, 
    Location = "Redmond", Age = 2.3 };


posted on 2013-10-20 18:30  zReachzer  阅读(179)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报