an answer about why do I feel dizzy and shaky after drinking coffee

Make sure you’re eating something with your coffee. Sometimes an empty stomach will make you feel the effects too fast. Drink enough water throughout the day as well.

You might choose a darker roast as well (I know, counter-intuitive). The more the beans are roasted, the less caffeine they’ll have - it burns off in the roasting process.

And maybe just try a smaller amount. I used to always drink a medium coffee and crashed hard with shakes and feeling weak about 11 a.m. Cutting back just a bit helped me balance out with food and water.

I don’t recommend decaf because some are processed with chemicals to make it decaf. There’s some debate whether it’s harmful or not, but I steer clear of it just in case. And really, you’re going to get caffeine in decaf anyway, just less of it.

posted @ 2020-03-06 14:30  RenBwo  阅读(119)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报