postgresql jsonb类型查询

select * from (select * from ud_order where user_id=10 and status=2
select * from ud_order where user_id=0 and status=2 and order_info->'orderContact'->>'email' = '') a where 1=1

select * from ud_order where (user_id=10 and status=2) or (user_id=0 and status=2 and order_info->'orderContact'->>'email' = '') order by order_date desc limit 20 offset 0

select * from ud_order where (user_id=10 and status=2 and order_desc like '%t%') or (user_id=0 and status=2 and order_info->'orderContact'->>'email' = '' and order_desc like '%t%')


order_info 是jsonb类型



posted on 2016-05-05 14:59  qinyahui  阅读(2511)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报