sqlldr 批量导入Excel 的变通处理方式

一、使用 VBA 批量将 Excel 另存为 CSV

Sub SaveToCsv() '批量将一个目录下的 excel 另存为 csv

    Dim fDir As String, _
        wB As Workbook, _
        wBName As String, _
        wS As Worksheet, _
        fPath As String, _
        sPath As String, _
        suffix1 As String, _
        suffix2 As String, _
        csvName As String

    'fPath = "D:\ExcelFiles\test\"
    'sPath = "D:\ExcelFiles\test\csv\"
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        If .Show Then fPath = .SelectedItems(1) Else Exit Sub
    End With
    If Right(fPath, 1) <> "\" Then fPath = fPath & "\"
    sPath = fPath & "转换成csv格式\"

    Dim fol
    fol = Dir(sPath, vbDirectory)
    If fol = "" Then
        MkDir sPath
    End If

    fDir = Dir(fPath)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Do While (fDir <> "")
            suffix1 = LCase(Right(fDir, 4))
            suffix2 = LCase(Right(fDir, 5))
            If suffix1 = ".xls" Or suffix2 = ".xlsx" Then
                On Error Resume Next

                Set wB = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fDir)
                wBName = LCase(wB.Name)
                wBName = Replace(wBName, suffix2, "")
                wBName = Replace(wBName, suffix1, "")
                For Each wS In wB.Sheets
                    csvName = wBName & "_" & wS.Name & ".csv"
                    wS.SaveAs sPath & csvName, xlCSV
                    Debug.Print "完成转换:" & wBName & "_" & wS.Name & ".csv"
                Next wS

                wB.Close False

                Set wB = Nothing

            End If

        fDir = Dir

        On Error GoTo 0
    MsgBox "批量处理完成"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

二、使用 BAT 批量获取 CSV 文件名称

@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"dir /a/s/b/on *.xls*"') do (
set file=%%~fi
set file=!file:/=/!
echo  infile '!file!' >> excel_file_names.txt

三、使用 Sqlldr 导入 Oracle

创建控制文件 import_data.ctl 

load data
infile 'D:\csv\haikou-1_1 (1).csv' 
infile 'D:\csv\haikou-1_1 (2).csv' 
…… 多个来自转换的 csv
truncate into table SQLLDR_DNB_ZYSJ
fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by ' ' TRAILING NULLCOLS
xh,gdj, gddw, tq, xl, yhbh, yhmc, yddz, yhlb, cjzd, zcbh, jldbh, sblb, sblx, sbmc, ccbh, sjrq, jdry, tyrq, dhpc, tynx, ccrq, sbxh, eddy, eddl, zqd, sccj, cs, mylx, jlfs, jlwz, btl, txdz, jlddz, txmklx, dbbb_cj, mylx_cj, txmklx_cj,
xzsj "sysdate"

执行控制文件 import_data.ctl 

sqlldr userid=SCOTT/123456@ORCL control=D:\sqllder_test\import_data.ctl bad=D:\sqllder_test\ldr_dnb4.bad log=D:\sqllder_test\ldr_dnb4.log skip=1 errors=9999 rows=10000 direct=true streamsize=10485760 date_cache=5000


posted @ 2024-03-19 15:58  合法勒索夫  阅读(9)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报