Python基础-序列化 json,pickle



# 特殊的参数
l1 = [1, 2, 3, {'name': 'alex'}]

# dump load 只能写入文件,只能写入一个数据结构
# with open('json文件1',encoding='utf-8',mode='w') as f1:
#     json.dump(l1,f1)

# 读取数据
# with open('json文件1',encoding='utf-8') as f2:
#     l1 = json.load(f2)
#     print(l1,type(l1))

# 一次写入文件多个数据怎么做?

# 错误示例:
# dic1 = {'username': 'alex'}
# dic2 = {'username': '太白'}
# dic3 = {'username': '大壮'}
# with open('json文件1',encoding='utf-8',mode='w') as f1:
#     json.dump(dic1,f1)
#     json.dump(dic2,f1)
#     json.dump(dic3,f1)

# 读取数据
# with open('json文件1',encoding='utf-8') as f1:
#     print(json.load(f1))
    # print(json.load(f1))
    # print(json.load(f1))

# 正确写法:
dic1 = {'username': 'alex'}
dic2 = {'username': '太白'}
dic3 = {'username': '大壮'}
# with open('json文件1',encoding='utf-8',mode='w') as f1:
#     f1.write(json.dumps(dic1) + '\n')
#     f1.write(json.dumps(dic2) + '\n')
#     f1.write(json.dumps(dic3) + '\n')

# with open('json文件1',encoding='utf-8') as f1:
#     for i in f1:
#         print(json.loads(i))


posted @ 2020-05-07 21:26  秋欲白  阅读(131)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报