GPS.NET 和 GeoFramework开源了
We've Closed Our Doors
Due to the tough economic conditions and rapidly changing climate for GPS and GIS software, we've had to close our doors. It's been a great four-year run and nothing has been as rewarding as hearing from customers about what they've accomplished with our software. Indeed, writing a component is a great way to be a little part of projects all over the world.
What now?
As promised, a contingency plan has been activated for all existing customers to ensure that they can continue to support their projects with no downtime. Customers are now being contacted with further instructions.
A portion of our source code has been released to the public domain under the LGPL license. Further code may or may not be released in the future. For now, released code is available at CodePlex:
本作品由Jake Lin创作,采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 任何转载必须保留完整文章,在显要地方显示署名以及原文链接。如您有任何疑问或者授权方面的协商,请给我留言。