闺蜜机 StanbyME 产品随想

今天媳妇告诉我,现在小度这边推出一款叫 “闺蜜机”的可用移动的IPAD设备,我点开链接一看,就感觉兴趣不大,不就是一款把屏幕做的更大些的IPAD了吗?
有哪些更多创新呢?为什么会需要花费上4千多的价格去购买? 不会还是老套路,不断的输出设备,通过里面的内容来卖钱?


下面是关于LG产品 StandbyME 的产品介绍,只是在国内还无法购买到,我先给到一个TW的链接,大家有兴趣的可用点开看看他的产品介绍,确实很吸引人。

StanbyME is a new product from LG that is a portable, battery-powered TV. It has a 27-inch screen and can be rotated, swiveled, and tilted to fit any viewing angle. It also has a built-in speaker and microphone, so you can use it for video calls or to listen to music. StanbyME is perfect for people who want a TV that they can take with them wherever they go. It is also a great option for people who live in small spaces, as it can be easily stored away when not in use.

Here are some of the features of the LG StanbyME:

1、27-inch Full HD display
2、Built-in battery with up to 3 hours of runtime
3、Rotating, swiveling, and tilting stand
4、Built-in speaker and microphone
5、Smart TV platform with access to streaming apps
6、Portable and lightweight design

The LG StanbyME is a versatile and innovative TV that is perfect for people who want a TV that they can take with them wherever they go. It is also a great option for people who live in small spaces, as it can be easily stored away when not in use.

对于这块新的产品,发现到更多的点,时间的消耗的产品的衍生,从最早的电视,游戏,视频,VR 这些场景的大量的发现与产品化,并且不断的去刺激到人性,让更多的人在这些上可能花费更多的时间,让这些行业是有这个非常大的市场,全球都是非常看好这些时间的,只是这些的时候是否是在更多的耗费用户的大量时间去满足的呢?


对于这种产品,其实我们也是一种在思考,这种产品如何更好的为人类的服务的同时,有可能从这块让企业赚到钱? 做这块的东西的企业会更需要有企业良心和社会责任的。


添添闺蜜机怎么样 添添闺蜜机有什么优缺点
LG StandbyME閨蜜機,1個大缺點,購買前請務必納入考慮

posted @ 2023-05-20 16:04  上海志彦  阅读(57)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报