YoungSheldon S1E9

YoungSheldon S1E9

♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ ♪ 昨天我移了一座山 ♪
♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ ♪ 我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
The Enterprise is preparing to leave Beta III in star system C-111. 进取号♥即将离开C-111星系的贝塔三星
Sociologist Lindstrom is remaining behind 社会学家林德斯特伦将会与
with a party of experts who will help restore 一队专家一起留下来
the planet's culture to a human form. 帮助该星球恢复到宜居环境
The late Landru, Captain. 最新的兰德鲁啊 舰长
A marvelous feat of engineering. 工程学上的一项伟大成就
A computer capable of directing the lives 一台能指导成千上万
of millions of human beings. 人类生活的电脑系统
But only a machine, Mr. Spock. 但它始终是机器啊 史波克先生
The original Landru programmed it with all his knowledge, 兰德鲁先生倾尽自己所有的知识打造它
but he couldn't give it his wisdom, his compassion, 但却无法将他的智慧 同情
his understanding, his soul. 理解与灵魂灌注给它
I prefer the concrete, the graspable, the provable. 我更喜欢具体的 可理解 可证明的东西
You'd make a splendid computer, Mr. Spock. 史波克先生 你一定能当一台很棒的电脑
That is very kind of you, Captain. 舰长 谢谢您的夸奖
That's humorous, because Spock is half human and half Vulcan. 这句的笑点 在史波克是半人半瓦肯人混血
But he's ashamed of his human side. 但他对自己人性的那方面感到羞耻
That's why I identify with him. 所以我对他很有认同感
Good luck. 祝好运
I gravitate a little more towards Kirk. 我更偏向寇克一点
Why? 为什么
Be-cause... everything he says... 因 为... 他所说的每 一 句 话
he makes sound so im-portant. 都说得好像很 重 要
I should hope so-he's the captain. 这样没错啊 他可是舰长
Sheldon. 谢尔顿
Do me a favor. 帮我个忙
Go help your brother study for his math test tomorrow. 去给你哥补习明天的数学考试
Is that really a good use of my time? 这不算浪费我的宝贵时间吗
Come on. I'm asking nice. 乖啦 我都好好求你了
If he doesn't pass, he won't be able to play football. 他要是没及格 他就不能打橄榄球
You realize he's often mean to me. 你知道他常欺负我吧
So? Your mother's mean to me. I still try to be helpful. 那又如何 你妈也常欺负我 我还是总帮她啊
Does she break wind on your head? 她有朝你的脸放屁吗
Because that's what Georgie does to me. 因为小乔治就对我这么做过
Can you help me out here? 你能帮我劝劝他吗
I'll do it if you take me to the train store. 如果你带我去火车玩具店我就帮你
You got it. 没问题
And buy me whatever I want. 而且我想要什么你都得买♥♥给我
Connie, what are you doing? 康妮 你这是在干嘛
Just providing my grandson 只是在给我孙 子
with financial guidance. 提供金 钱 上 的 建议
Don't mock the captain. 不许恶搞舰长
If Georgie passes his test, I'll get you whatever you want-- 如果小乔治考试及格 你想要什么都买♥♥给你
under 20 bucks. 限20块以内
Deal. 成交
Why? 为何
I guess I like him better than you. 我疼他多过喜欢你
Georgie? 小乔治
What? 干嘛
Dad told me to help you study for the math test. 爸爸叫我来给你补习数学考试
I don't need your help. Get lost. 我才不用你帮忙 一边儿去
Georgie, let him help you! 小乔治 让他教你
Fine. Come in! 好啦 你进来
Oh, dear. 天啊
What's your problem? 你有何不满
No problem. I'll just... 没有不满 我就...
tidy while we talk. 一边教一边打扫吧
Help yourself. 随你便
Before we start, I'd like to get a sense 我们开始前 我想先了解一下
of how much algebra you know. 你对代数有多少了解
Do you understand solving and graphing linear inequalities? 你懂怎么解与绘制线性不等式的图吗
Sure. 当然
Great. Explain it to me. 很好 你解释一遍给我听
First you solve 'em... 你先解出它们
and then you graph 'em. 然后你画出它们
And how do you do that? 那你怎么做这些呢
Uh, you know, 你懂的
carefully. 小心地做
Excuse me. 失陪一下
$20 isn't gonna do it. 这活儿20块接不了
So you collect all the terms linear in X. 先合并所有X的同类项
See? Simple. 你看 很简单吧
Maybe for you. 对你简单而已吧
No, it's simple for everybody. 不是 对所有人来说都很简单
Now you collect all the terms linear in Y. 然后再合并所有Y的同类项
I don't get it. 我不懂
Try this. Close your eyes. 试试这个 先闭上眼睛
Can you see 你能看到
the slope of the line given by the coefficients of X and Y? 由X与Y的系数所绘制出来的线吗
No. 不能
What do you see? 那你看到什么了
Darkness. 一片黑暗
Try harder. 再努力点
Wait. 等等
I see Elle Macpherson in a bikini. 我看到澳大利亚名模穿着比基尼
Ooh, it just fell off. 比基尼掉下来了
Dad! 爸爸
I'll make it $40! Keep going! 额度提到40块 继续教
Maybe the problem is you're not a good teacher. 或许问题是在于你不是个好老师
Unlikely. Regardless, I am your only hope. 不太可能 而且无论如何 我都是你唯一希望
What do you see when you close your eyes? 那你闭上眼睛时会看到什么
I see quadrant one as red, 我看到第一象限是红色的
quadrant two is soft and plush... 第二象限柔软又毛茸茸
quadrant three smells like lavender, 第三象限闻起来有薰衣草味
and quadrant four is overlaid with a Fibonacci spiral. 第四象限与斐波那契数列重叠在一起
That's really weird. 真是太奇怪了
No. What's really weird is doing simple algebra 才没有 真正奇怪的是解简单的代数时
and thinking about a girl in a bikini. 脑海里却想着比基尼女郎
I disagree. 我不同意
Dad! 爸爸
Keep going. 继续教
And when you divide by a negative number, 当除以负数时
you have to reverse the direction of the inequality. 你得把不等式的两端进行变号♥
I'm tired. I'm going to bed. 我累了 我要去睡了
But we're not done. You're going to fail. 但我们还没学完 你会挂科的
I get enough of what you said. I'll be fine. 我听够多你说的话了 我能行
It was at that moment I decided 就是在那一刻 我决定了
I was not cut out for teaching. 我并不适合教职
I consoled myself with the knowledge 我用我在其他方面
that I was wonderful at everything else. 都无人能出其右来安慰了自己
Take one and pass it back. 拿一份卷子就往后传
Take one and pass it back. 拿一份卷子就往后传
As you all know, this test'll count for 25% of your final grade. 你们应该知道 这考试占学期总成绩25%
Be sure to show all your work. 记得写出所有计算过程
If you get stuck on a question, 如果被哪一题难住了
move on and come back to it at the end. 先往下做 最后再回头想
And I shouldn't have to say this, 最后这话我应该不用强调了
but if there's any cheating, I will see it. 但如果有人作弊 我绝对会抓到
I got eyes in the back of my head. 老师我脑袋后也有长眼睛
I got more eyes than a potato. 我的眼睛比土豆上的洞眼还多
Ms. Ingram? 英格拉姆女士
Yeah, Sheldon. 怎么了 谢尔顿
I'm done. 我写完了
What? 什么
I enjoyed it very much. 我很享受答卷的过程
I'll take another if you have one. 如果你还有别份卷子 我愿意要一份
No, I don't have another one. 没了 我没有别份卷子
J-Just read ahead in the textbook. 你先翻开课本往下看吧
Oh, boy. 太好啦
Seeing my brother struggle was difficult for me. 看我哥垂死挣扎我也挺难受的
As his tutor, I took his failure personally, 身为他的家教 他的失败
almost as if I had failed. 感觉就像是我的失败
Which was odd, because I knew how dumb he was. 这挺怪的 因为我明知道他有多笨
Georgie, how'd you do on that math test today? 小乔治 你今天数学考得如何
It was tough. 还挺难的
I don't know. 我也说不准
I'm sorry I wasn't more help. 抱歉我没能帮到你什么忙
Me, too. 我也是
That's all right, baby, you tried. 没事的 宝贝 你尽力了
Yeah. It's okay, baby. 是啊 没关系的 宝贝
I don't understand what went wrong. 我不懂到底是哪里出了问题
Is there any chance you drank alcohol 你在怀小乔治的时候
when you were pregnant with Georgie? 是不是有喝过酒呢
No! 没有
Well, don't be so high-and-mighty. 不用这么高高在上
I drank when I was pregnant with you. 我在怀你的时候就有喝酒啊
You turned out fine. 你不也挺好的吗
These days everybody's like, "Don't drink, don't smoke." 这年头大家都在说"别喝酒 别抽烟"
I swear. Texas is turning into California. 德克萨斯都要变成加利福尼亚了
You realize there's nothing I can do if you fail. 你知道你要是挂科了 我可帮不上你吧
You're off the team. 你得退橄榄球队
I know. 我知道
Well, I'm gonna ask Jesus 我会求求耶稣基♥督♥
to help you get a good grade on that test. 帮助你这场考试得到好成绩
Shouldn't you have asked him before he took it? 你应该在他去考试前祈求祂才对吧
The man rose from the dead-- 伟大的祂死后都能复生
I think he can fix a test after the fact. 考完试之后再改应该只是小事一桩
You know, I hear you say things like that, 你知道当我听到你说这种话时
and I wonder if maybe I did have a few too many whiskey sours 我都会扪心自问我是不是怀了你的时候
when you were in my belly. 喝了太多柠檬威士忌酒
Not me, but not bad. 没到我的分数 不过还不错
I would say "A" for effort, 我想说"A"级努力
but... that's an "F." 但"F"级分数
What? How bad is it? 怎么了 有多烂
You got a "B." 你得到了"B"
Are you kidding? 不是吧
I don't believe it. 我真不敢相信
Me, neither. 我也是
Me, neither. 我也是啊
So, I guess I have to rethink my abilities. 我觉得我得重新评估我的能力
Clearly, I'm a wonderful teacher. 我很显然是个千古名♥师♥
Georgie didn't pass because of you. 小乔治不是因为你的教导而及格
What do you mean? 你这话什么意思
He cheated. 他作弊了
He had the answers written on the bottom of his shoe. 他把答案写在他鞋底了
He wouldn't do that. 他不会这样的
When you cheat in school, you only cheat yourself. 在学校考试骗人作弊 其实骗的只是自己
Where'd you get that? 你从哪学到的话
An inspirational poster outside the boys' room. 男厕外面的正能量海报上
I saw what I saw, Sheldon. 谢尔顿 我绝对没看错
Well, if this is true, 如果这是真的
he needs to turn himself in. 他得去向老师坦白
That'll never happen. He'll get kicked off the team. 他不可能去 他会被踢出球队
I'm sorry, I can't accept this. 抱歉 恕我无法相信
There must be another explanation. 我相信此事一定还有别的解释
If you don't believe me, look at his shoes. 如果你不相信我 你就去看他的鞋底
I will. 我会去的
This is quite a workout. 这运动量挺大啊
You dirty bird. 你个小人
What are you doing in here? 你在我房♥间里干嘛
You cheated. 你作弊了
No, I didn't. 我才没有
I'm holding the evidence. 我手里就拿着证据
Let me see that. 让我看看
I don't see nothin'. 我什么都没看到啊
That's obstruction of justice, 你这是妨碍司法公正
as well as disgusting. 兼肮脏又没卫生
Oh, relax. By passing that test, I get to play football, 别搞事 我考试及格 就能继续打球
and you get to go to the train store. 你也能去火车玩具店买♥♥东西
Everybody wins. 大家都有好处
But what about the truth? 那真♥相♥呢
What about it? 怎么样
It's supposed to set us free. 真♥相♥[理]必叫我们得以自♥由♥
Who told you that? 这话你哪学的
The Bible. 《圣经》啊
Since when do you care about what's in the Bible? 你什么时候信过《圣经》里写的话了
When it helps me win an argument. 当那些话能让我驳倒别人的时候
The Bible also says honor thy father and thy mother. 《圣经》也说"当孝敬父母"
And if you open your mouth, you're gonna make them sad. 如果你去跟他们说 你就会让他们伤心
He had me. 他辩倒了我
Somehow, the mullet-headed simpleton had me. 这二傻子莫名其妙地辩倒了我
This isn't over. 这事没完
Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do? 是吗 你想怎么样
All right, maybe it's over. 好吧 好像完了
Meemaw? 姥姥
I assume you've read the Surgeon General's report 我猜你已经看过公共卫♥生♥部♥部长关于
on the dangers of smoking? 吸烟有害健康的报告了
I'm gonna wait till they turn it into a movie. 我等着他们把报告拍成电影呢
Is that your new train? 那是你的新火车吗
Yes. It's my reward for helping Georgie pass the math test. 是的 这是我帮小乔治通过数学考试的酬谢
You don't seem too happy about it. 你看上去不是很开心啊
I don't feel like I earned it. 我觉得我不配拥有它
Why not? 为什么
Can you keep a secret? 你能帮我保守秘密吗
Well, at my age, the question is can I remember one. 我这么大年纪了 能记住秘密就不错了
Try me. 说来听听
Georgie cheated on the test. 小乔治考试作弊了
And nothing bad happened. 而且平安无事
He gets to stay on the football team, 他可以继续留在橄榄球队
Mom and Dad are proud of him; 爸妈以他为傲
I even got a train for helping. 我甚至因为帮他得到一辆小火车
So you're feeling guilty. 所以你有负罪感
Very much so. 正是这样
Well, that's a real conundrum. 可真是个疑难杂症啊
Have you been reading the Word of the Day calendar 你是不是有在看我生日送给你的
I gave you for your birthday? 每日一词日历
Indubitably. 无可置疑
So what do you think? 你对此事作何感想
I don't think you should let it bother you very much. 我认为你不应该对此深受困扰
I mean, there's always gonna be people in this world 我是说 这世上肯定有些人
who are playing fast and loose with the rules. 会不守规则
And your brother's one of them. 而你的哥哥就是这种人
That's how Captain Kirk is on Star Trek. 《星际迷航》的寇克舰长也是
Well, there you go, and he's, like, the main guy on that show. 没错 所以他是这部戏的主角
No, Mr. Spock is the main guy. 不 史波克先生才是主角
I stand corrected. 你说得对
Although Kirk is usually the one who saves the Enterprise. 不过通常拯救进取号♥的人都是寇克
Because he doesn't always follow the rules? 因为他不会总是死守规矩吗
He even cheated on a test when he was a cadet. 他甚至在学员时期的一次测试中作弊
The Kobayashi Maru. 小林丸号♥测试
The what? 小什么
Kobayashi Maru. 小林丸
Kirk is a legend because of it. 寇克因此成为传奇
Ko-Kobayashi Maru. 小林丸
Sounds like something you eat at Benihana's. 听起来像是日式铁板烧餐厅里的食物名
Have you ever been to one of those? 你有去过那种餐厅吗
They make you sit with strangers. 店家会让你跟陌生人坐在一起
It's crazy. 真扯
Do you think a Spock could become a Kirk? 你觉得史波克会变成寇克这样的人吗
Well, in my experience, 以我的经验之谈
most people stay the miserable bastards they are 大多数人活一辈子都是一个
their whole entire life. 可怜的混♥蛋♥
But... 但...
I have seen some folks change. 我也见过有人会改变
All right. Well, I'm gonna go play with this train. 好吧 我要去玩这辆火车了
You do that. 去吧
Georgie? 小乔治
Go away. 走开
I need to ask a favor. 我想请你帮个忙
What? 什么忙
It's private. Can I come in? 秘密 我能进来吗
Come on. 进来吧
What do you want? 你要干嘛
It occurs to me you have something in common with Captain Kirk. 我发现你和寇克舰长有共同之处
We both have cool hair? 我俩的发型都很帅吗
In order to succeed, 为了成功
you both play fast and loose with the rules. 你俩都不介意不守规则
Yeah, I suppose we do. 对 我想是的
When you cheated on the math test, what was your strategy? 你数学考试作弊的时候 你的策略是什么
Well, I guess the most important part 我猜最重要的部分是
was not stepping on anything wet before the test. 考试之前不要踩到湿乎乎的东西
And not getting an "A." 还有千万不要拿"A"
Why wouldn't you want an "A"? 你为什么不想拿"A"
'Cause that would raise suspicions. 因为那会引起怀疑
Who would believe I got an "A"? 谁会相信我能拿"A"
Tell me more. 再跟我说说
Okay, when you're telling a lie, 好的 撒谎的时候
it's important to throw in some details. 加入一些细节是关键
Like, when I was wanted to spend the night at Ricky's house, 比如我想去里奇家过夜
and Mom asked me if his mom and dad were gonna be home, 妈妈问我他爸妈是否在家
I said, not only are they be gonna be home, 我说他们不但在家
his dad was gonna teach us 他爸爸还会教我们
how to cook turkey legs in the smoker. 怎么做烟熏火鸡腿
I like turkey legs. Were they good? 我喜欢火鸡腿 好吃吗
There weren't any turkey legs, you dope. 根本没有什么火鸡腿 你个白♥痴♥
His parents were in Branson. 他父母在外地呢
That's incredible. I totally believed you. 真厉害 我刚才完全相信你的话
Details. 细节啊细节
Now get out of here, I got to finish reading this. 现在快出去 我得看完这本书
Thank you, Georgie, that was very helpful. 谢谢 小乔治 你真帮了我大忙
Did you hear that? 你听见了吗
What? 什么
Sounds like Georgie and Sheldon are getting along. 听起来小乔治和谢尔顿处得挺好
Really? 是吗
That can't be right. 不可能啊
I just heard it. 我刚听见的
Maybe there's hope for those two after all. 或许他们俩还有希望能处得来
Or it's a sign of the apocalypse. 或者这是末日的征兆
Honey, I'm-I'm watching this. 亲爱的 别打扰我看电视
So you'll have to find someone else 今天的体育课
to hold your ankles in P.E. Today. 你得找别人帮你按脚踝了
I'm sorry, what? 抱歉 你说什么
I've suffered a terrible injury and won't be able to attend. 我受了重伤 没办法上课了
What happened? 发生什么事了
See for yourself. 你自己看
"Dear Coach Wilkins, please excuse my son, Sheldon, "威尔金斯教练 请批准我的儿子谢尔顿
From P.E. 不上体育课
He has experienced a testicular hernia, 他得了睾丸疝气
And needs to rest for the next six to eight weeks. 接下来的六到八周都需要好好休息
Sincerely, Mary Cooper." 真诚的玛丽·库珀"
Testicular hernia? 睾丸疝气吗
That's called details. 这就叫细节
Ooh, that's rough. 真是可怜
Hmm. How'd it happen? 怎么弄的
It's hard to say, 不好说
but some risk factors include: heavy lifting, a chronic cough 但风险因素包括: 提重物 慢性咳嗽
and repetitive straining during bowel movements. 排便时的重复性劳损
I've been there. 我也有个这经历
Hmm. All right. 好吧
Guess I'll see you in... six to eight weeks. 那就...六到八周后见吧
I don't know if other supervillains 我不知道其他超级大反派
started their careers by getting out of P.E., 是否是从翘体育课开始他们的职业生涯
but that's where I began. 但我是
Emboldened by my faux hernia, 有我捏造的疝气来壮胆
I started taking books out of the library... 我开始把图书馆的书拿出来
without getting the cards stamped. 而不去盖借阅的章
You didn't check out those books. 那些书你还没登记呢
I know. 我知道
Before you judge me too harshly, 在你严厉地批判我前
I always brought them back on time. 我想说 我每次都按时还回去
I was a rule-breaker, not a lunatic. 我是破坏规矩的人 不是疯子
But perhaps my most satisfying transgression 但或许我最满意的违规
was duping my sister 是欺骗我姐姐
into relinquishing control of the TV. 放弃电视的控制权
Hello. 你好
What's that for? 那玩意是干啥的
Oh, this? I was just digging for money in Meemaw's backyard. 这个吗 我刚在姥姥后院挖钱呢
There's money there? 那里有钱吗
Oh, yes. I already found 75 cents. 有啊 我已经发现七毛五了
Who do you think left it? 你觉得是谁的钱
If I were to guess, 如果让我猜
I'd say pirates with holes in their pockets. 我觉得是口袋破洞的海盗
Can I use your shovel? 铲子能借我用用吗
Be my guest. 请便
Oh, baby, I'm gonna be rich. 宝贝 我要发大财了
Today, we're going to learn about Sir Isaac Newton. 今天我们来学习牛顿爵士
Hello, old friend. 你好 老朋友 of the world's greatest scientists... 世界上最伟大的科学家之一
See you tomorrow, Wayne. 明天见 韦恩
You have a good one, George. 祝你愉快 乔治
Hey, how's your son doing? 你儿子怎么样了
Georgie? 小乔治吗
No, the smart one. 不 聪明那个
He's fine. Why? 他挺好的 怎么了
What about the hernia? 他的疝气呢
What hernia? 什么疝气
The one your wife said he had. 你妻子说他得了啊
Happened to me while I was in the Army. 我在军队时也得过
I was in a bar in Georgia, tried to lift up this big gal. 是在乔治亚州的一间酒吧 试图抱起个胖妹
Swear I could hear something pop down there. 我绝对听到我下面有啥爆♥炸♥声
Sheldon gave you this note? 这张条是谢尔顿给你的吗
Yeah. 是的
I didn't write this. 这不是我写的
You sure? 你确定吗
Looks like your handwriting. 看起来像你的笔迹
It's got that little swoopy thing going on. 字体看起来有点飘
I didn't write it. 不是我写的
And I think I'd know if my son had a hernia. 如果我儿子得疝气 我肯定知道
So what, Sheldon forged a letter to get out of P.E.? 那就是谢尔顿为了不上体育课 伪造了请假条
Looks like it. 貌似是的
How about that. 真行啊
Don't be proud of him. 别为他感到骄傲
Can't help it. 我情不自禁
First time he ever seemed like my kid. 第一次他这么像我的亲儿子
Do you have any idea what's gotten into him? 你知道他为什么突然转了性吗
I might. 可能知道
Well? 为什么
Have you ever heard of... 你们有听过
Mobokachi Kaboom? 大鱼蛋
Wait. 不对
Koshimaki Magoo. 是小钢蛋
Wait a minute, I'm gonna get this. 等等 我一定能想出来
"Dear Professor Proton, "亲爱的质子教授
I would very much like to meet you, 我非常想跟您见面
And I only have three weeks to live. 我的生命就剩三周了
Please come visit me here in Medford, Texas. 请来德克萨斯州的梅德福市看我
Sincerely, Sheldon Cooper. 真诚的谢尔顿·库珀
P.S. My Meemaw makes excellent brisket." 附注 我姥姥做的饼干超级好吃"
Sheldon. 谢尔顿
Would you like to explain this note? 你能解释一下这张请假条吗
Well? 说呀
I was trying to be more like Georgie. 我只是想更像小乔治一点
That's a dumb idea. 这真是个蠢主意
We don't want Georgie to be like Georgie. 我们都不希望小乔治像他自己
Well, let me start by saying how very sorry I am. 听我说 我真的感到非常抱歉
Despite my explanation 尽管我解释说
that I was embracing my inner Kirk, 我是为了接纳我内在的寇克人格
my mother had me make amends for all my misdeeds. 我妈还是让我去弥补我曾犯下的错
Starting in the library, 先从图书馆开始
where I had to reshelve hundreds of books. 我得重新摆放上百本书
Well, to be honest, that one was a hoot. 老实说 这个简直爽呆了
The amends got worse when Coach Wilkins made me climb the rope. 当威尔金斯教练让我攀绳时 赎罪就不好受了
Lacking any upper body strength, 由于缺乏上肢力量
I hung there like a salami in a deli window. 我像一根熟食店里吊着的香肠一样
And finally, I had to apologize to my meemaw, 最后 我还得跟我姥姥道歉
who was an unfortunate victim of my sister's treasure hunt. 无辜成为我姐姐寻宝大计的受害人

posted @ 2020-05-09 10:29  pianling  阅读(420)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报