比如当点i修改时(比如+1) 则w[c[i]]+1,w[cc[i]]-1

  1 const maxn=80001;
  3 type node=record
  4        po,next:longint;
  5      end;
  6      link=record
  7        l,r,s:longint;
  8      end;
  9      point=record
 10        x,y,z:longint;
 11      end;
 12      qu=record
 13        num,loc,next:longint;
 14      end;
 17 var tree:array[0..10000010] of link;
 18     q:array[0..80010] of point;
 19     w:array[0..160010] of node;
 20     que:array[0..160010] of qu;
 21     v:array[0..80010] of boolean;
 22     e:array[0..4] of longint;
 23     g,fa,an,loc,d1,d2,ph,h,cc,c,b:array[0..80010] of longint;
 24     st:array[0..80010,0..4] of longint;
 25     sa,a:array[0..160010] of longint;
 26     j,k,t,tot,num,len,x,y,z,i,p,s,n,m:longint;
 28 function lowbit(x:longint):longint;
 29   begin
 30     exit(x and (-x));
 31   end;
 33 procedure update(x:longint);
 34   begin
 35     tree[x].s:=tree[tree[x].l].s+tree[tree[x].r].s;
 36   end;
 38 procedure add(x,y:longint);
 39   begin
 40     inc(len);
 41     w[len].po:=y;
 42     w[len].next:=d1[x];
 43     d1[x]:=len;
 44   end;
 46 procedure addq(x,y,z:longint);
 47   begin
 48     inc(num);
 49     que[num].num:=y;
 50     que[num].loc:=z;
 51     que[num].next:=d2[x];
 52     d2[x]:=num;
 53   end;
 55 function find(x:longint):longint;
 56   var l,r,m:longint;
 57   begin
 58     l:=1;
 59     r:=p;
 60     while l<=r do
 61     begin
 62       m:=(l+r) shr 1;
 63       if sa[m]=x then exit(m);
 64       if sa[m]>x then r:=m-1 else l:=m+1;
 65     end;
 66   end;
 68 function getf(x:longint):longint;
 69   begin
 70     if a[x]<>x then a[x]:=getf(a[x]);
 71     exit(a[x]);
 72   end;
 74 procedure dfs(x:longint);
 75   var i,y:longint;
 76   begin
 77     i:=d1[x];
 78     v[x]:=true;
 79     inc(tot);
 80     b[tot]:=x;  //b表示序列上的点对应的树上的哪个点
 81     c[x]:=tot;
 82     while i<>0 do
 83     begin
 84       y:=w[i].po;
 85       if not v[y] then
 86       begin
 87         fa[y]:=x;
 88         dfs(y);
 89         a[y]:=x;
 90       end;
 91       i:=w[i].next;
 92     end;
 93     cc[x]:=tot;
 94     i:=d2[x];
 95     while i<>0 do
 96     begin
 97       y:=que[i].num;
 98       if v[y] and (an[que[i].loc]=0) then  //lca-tarjan
 99         an[que[i].loc]:=getf(y);
100       i:=que[i].next;
101     end;
102   end;
104 procedure sort(l,r: longint);
105   var i,j,x,y: longint;
106   begin
107     i:=l;
108     j:=r;
109     x:=a[(l+r) div 2];
110     repeat
111       while a[i]<x do inc(i);
112       while x<a[j] do dec(j);
113       if not(i>j) then
114       begin
115         y:=a[i];
116         a[i]:=a[j];
117         a[j]:=y;
118         inc(i);
119         j:=j-1;
120       end;
121     until i>j;
122     if l<j then sort(l,j);
123     if i<r then sort(i,r);
124   end;
126 function build(l,r:longint):longint;
127   var m,q:longint;
128   begin
129     inc(t);
130     if l=r then exit(t)
131     else begin
132       q:=t;
133       m:=(l+r) shr 1;
134       tree[q].l:=build(l,m);
135       tree[q].r:=build(m+1,r);
136       exit(q);
137     end;
138   end;
140 function insert(last,x,l,r,z:longint):longint;
141   var m,q:longint;
142   begin
143     inc(t);
144     if l=r then
145     begin
146       tree[t].s:=tree[last].s+z;
147       exit(t);
148     end
149     else begin
150       m:=(l+r) shr 1;
151       q:=t;
152       if x<=m then
153       begin
154         tree[q].r:=tree[last].r;
155         last:=tree[last].l;
156         tree[q].l:=insert(last,x,l,m,z);
157       end
158       else begin
159         tree[q].l:=tree[last].l;
160         last:=tree[last].r;
161         tree[q].r:=insert(last,x,m+1,r,z);
162       end;
163       update(q);
164       exit(q);
165     end;
166   end;
168 procedure work(i,x,z:longint);
169   begin
170     while i<=n do  //树状数组+主席树
171     begin
172       h[i]:=insert(h[i],x,1,p,z);  
173       i:=i+lowbit(i);
174     end;
175   end;
177 procedure get(x,y:longint);
178   var i:longint;
179   begin
180     e[y]:=1;
181     st[1,y]:=ph[x];
182     i:=x;
183     while i>0 do
184     begin
185       if h[i]<>0 then
186       begin
187         inc(e[y]);
188         st[e[y],y]:=h[i];
189       end;
190       i:=i-lowbit(i);
191     end;
192   end;
194 function sum:longint;
195   var i,j:longint;
196   begin
197     sum:=0;
198     for j:=1 to 4 do
199       for i:=1 to e[j] do
200         if (j<=2) then
201           sum:=sum+tree[tree[st[i,j]].r].s
202         else sum:=sum-tree[tree[st[i,j]].r].s;//u,v路径上的情况为tree[u]+tree[v]-tree[lca(u,v)]-tree[fa[lca(u,v)]];
203   end;
205 function getans(l,r,k:longint):longint;
206   var m,s,i,j:longint;
207   begin
208     if l=r then exit(sa[l])
209     else begin
210       m:=(l+r) shr 1;
211       s:=sum;
212       if s>=k then
213       begin
214         for j:=1 to 4 do
215           for i:=1 to e[j] do
216             st[i,j]:=tree[st[i,j]].r;
217         exit(getans(m+1,r,k));
218       end
219       else begin
220         k:=k-s;
221         for j:=1 to 4 do
222           for i:=1 to e[j] do
223             st[i,j]:=tree[st[i,j]].l;
224         exit(getans(l,m,k));
225       end;
226     end;
227   end;
229 begin
230   readln(n,m);
231   for i:=1 to n do
232   begin
233     read(g[i]);
234     a[i]:=g[i];
235   end;
236   s:=n;
237   for i:=1 to n-1 do
238   begin
239     readln(x,y);
240     add(x,y);
241     add(y,x);
242   end;
244   for i:=1 to m do
245   begin
246     readln(q[i].z,q[i].x,q[i].y);
247     if q[i].z=0 then
248     begin
249       inc(s);
250       a[s]:=q[i].y;
251     end
252     else begin
253       addq(q[i].x,q[i].y,i);
254       addq(q[i].y,q[i].x,i);
255     end;
256   end;
257   sort(1,s);
258   p:=1;
259   sa[1]:=a[1];
260   for i:=2 to s do
261     if a[i]<>a[i-1] then  //离散化
262     begin
263       inc(p);
264       sa[p]:=a[i];
265     end;
267   for i:=1 to n do
268     a[i]:=i;
269   dfs(1);
270   t:=0;
271   h[0]:=build(1,p);
272   ph[0]:=h[0];
273   for i:=1 to n do
274   begin
275     loc[i]:=find(g[b[i]]);
276     y:=fa[b[i]];
277     ph[i]:=insert(ph[c[y]],loc[i],1,p,1);  //建立未修改前的主席树
278   end;
279   for i:=1 to m do
280   begin
281     if q[i].z<>0 then
282     begin
283       z:=an[i];
284       get(c[q[i].x],1);  //提取区间
285       get(c[q[i].y],2);
286       get(c[z],3);
287       get(c[fa[z]],4);
288       s:=0;
289       for j:=1 to 4 do
290       begin
291         for k:=1 to e[j] do
292           if (j<=2) then
293             s:=s+tree[st[k,j]].s
294           else s:=s-tree[st[k,j]].s;
295       end;
296       if s<q[i].z then writeln('invalid request!')
297       else writeln(getans(1,p,q[i].z));
298     end
299     else begin
300       x:=q[i].x;
301       work(c[x],loc[c[x]],-1);
302       work(cc[x]+1,loc[c[x]],1);
303       loc[c[x]]:=find(q[i].y);
304       work(c[x],loc[c[x]],1);
305       work(cc[x]+1,loc[c[x]],-1);
306     end;
307   end;
308 end.
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posted on 2014-12-03 22:55  acphile  阅读(139)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报