
  1 const eps=0.0001;
  2 type node=record
  3        po,next,len:longint;
  4      end;
  6 var e:array[0..200010] of node;
  7     fa,dep,p,f,s,q,qq:array[0..100010] of longint;
  8     d,w,g:array[0..100010] of double;
  9     v:array[0..100010] of boolean;
 10     md,tot,n,root,i,l,u,len,x,y,z:longint;
 11     h,r,m,ans,lim:double;
 13 function max(a,b:longint):longint;
 14   begin
 15     if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b);
 16   end;
 18 function maxx(a,b:double):double;
 19   begin
 20     if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b);
 21   end;
 23 procedure add(x,y,z:longint);
 24   begin
 25     inc(len);
 26     e[len].po:=y;
 27     e[len].len:=z;
 28     e[len].next:=p[x];
 29     p[x]:=len;
 30   end;
 32 procedure getroot(x,fa:longint);  //找重心
 33   var i,y:longint;
 34   begin
 35     i:=p[x];
 36     f[x]:=0;
 37     s[x]:=1;
 38     while i<>0 do
 39     begin
 40       y:=e[i].po;
 41       if not v[y] and (y<>fa) then
 42       begin
 43         getroot(y,x);
 44         s[x]:=s[x]+s[y];
 45         f[x]:=max(f[x],s[y]);
 46       end;
 47       i:=e[i].next;
 48     end;
 49     f[x]:=max(f[x],tot-s[x]);
 50     if f[x]<f[root] then root:=x;
 51   end;
 53 function calc(x:longint):boolean;
 54   var f,r,i,y,j,h,t:longint;
 55   begin
 56     f:=1;  r:=1;    q[1]:=x;
 57     dep[x]:=1;
 58     fa[x]:=0;
 59     h:=1; t:=0;
 60     j:=md;  //这个优化使数据某个点快了十倍,md表示之前处理的子树最深的链的深度
 61     while f<=r do
 62     begin
 63       x:=q[f];
 64       g[dep[x]]:=maxx(g[dep[x]],d[x]);
 65       while (j>=0) and (j+dep[x]>=l) do  //倒序入队,保证满足路径边数下界,维护单调降队列
 66       begin
 67         while (h<=t) and (w[j]>w[qq[t]]) do dec(t);
 68         inc(t);
 69         qq[t]:=j;
 70         dec(j);
 71       end;
 72       while (h<=t) and (qq[h]+dep[x]>u) do inc(h);  //端头出队满足上界
 73       if (h<=t) and (w[qq[h]]+d[x]>=0) then
 74       begin
 75         md:=max(md,dep[x]);
 76         exit(true);
 77       end;
 78       if dep[x]<u then
 79       begin
 80         i:=p[x];
 81         while i<>0 do
 82         begin
 83           y:=e[i].po;
 84           if (fa[x]<>y) and not v[y] then
 85           begin
 86             fa[y]:=x;
 87             dep[y]:=dep[x]+1;
 88             d[y]:=d[x]+e[i].len-m;
 89             inc(r);
 90             q[r]:=y;
 91           end;
 92           i:=e[i].next;
 93         end;
 94       end;
 95       inc(f);
 96     end;
 97     md:=max(md,dep[x]);
 98     for i:=1 to dep[x] do
 99       w[i]:=maxx(w[i],g[i]);
100     exit(false);
101   end;
103 function check(x:longint):boolean;
104   var i,y:longint;
105   begin
106     md:=1;
107     check:=false;
108     i:=p[x];
109     while i<>0 do
110     begin
111       y:=e[i].po;
112       if not v[y] then
113       begin
114         d[y]:=e[i].len-m;
115         if calc(y) then
116         begin
117           check:=true;
118           break;
119         end;
120       end;
121       i:=e[i].next;
122     end;
123     for i:=1 to md do
124     begin
125       w[i]:=-1000000007;
126       g[i]:=-1000000007;
127     end;
128   end;
130 procedure work(x:longint);
131   var i,y:longint;
132   begin
133     v[x]:=true;
134     h:=ans;
135     r:=lim;
136     while r-h>eps do
137     begin
138       m:=(h+r)/2;
139       if check(x) then
140       begin
141         ans:=m;
142         h:=m;
143       end
144       else r:=m;
145     end;
146     i:=p[x];
147     while i<>0 do
148     begin
149       y:=e[i].po;
150       if not v[y] then
151       begin
152         tot:=s[y];
153         root:=0;
154         getroot(y,0);
155         if s[y]>l then work(root);
156       end;
157       i:=e[i].next;
158     end;
159   end;
161 begin
162   f[0]:=2147483647;
163   readln(n);
164   readln(l,u);
165   for i:=1 to n-1 do
166   begin
167     readln(x,y,z);
168     add(x,y,z);
169     add(y,x,z);
170     if lim<z then lim:=z;
171   end;
172   for i:=1 to u do
173   begin
174     w[i]:=-1000000007;
175     g[i]:=-1000000007;
176   end;
177   root:=0;
178   tot:=n;
179   getroot(1,0);
180   work(root);
181   writeln(ans:0:3);
182 end.
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