ReleaseDC 和 DeleteDC 的区别

简单的说,GetDCReleaseDC 的调用配对,CreateDCDeleteDC 的调用配对。

GetDC 是从窗口获取现有的 DC,而 CreateDC 是创建 DC,所以 ReleaseDC 和 DeleteDC 的作用一个是释放,一个是销毁。






Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



Identifies the device context to be released.


Releases a device context, freeing it for use by other applications. The effect of the ReleaseDCmember function depends on the device-context type.

The application must call the ReleaseDCmember function for each call to the member function and for each call to the member function.


The application must call the ReleaseDCmember function for each call to the member function and for each call to the member function.






Return Value

Nonzero if the function completed successfully; otherwise 0.


In general, do not call this function; the destructor will do it for you. The DeleteDCmember function deletes the Windows device contexts that are associated with m_hDCin the current CDCobject. If this CDCobject is the last active device context for a given device, the device is notified and all storage and system resources used by the device are released.

An application should not call DeleteDCif objects have been selected into the device context. Objects must first be selected out of the device context before it it is deleted.

An application must not delete a device context whose handle was obtained by calling . Instead, it must call to free the device context. The and classes are provided to wrap this functionality.

The DeleteDCfunction is generally used to delete device contexts created with , , or .



就是 GetDC 或 GetWindowDC 获得的 DC 要使用 ReleaseDC 释放

Create 得到的 DC 要用 Delete 释放


posted @ 2021-01-11 10:17  personnel  阅读(631)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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