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Welcome to another "How-to" article in Visual C#.NET. This article will focus on the Network functions within the Win32 API library associated with Network Management. The first thing is to point out is that there are two ways to manage users using the .NET Framework, the first being the Active Directory method, as you will notice you need to have Active Directory Installed and if you were managing users on a small network or on a stand alone station Active Directory won't be install and it would be not worth installing it. Therefore the other method and focus of this article is using the Platform Invoke layer and the Network functions of the Win32 API library. In this article we will look at how to Add, Delete and Modify Users and Groups using C# and also how we can query User and Network information for a machine or network, we will look at the following functions

  • NetUserAdd
  • NetUserDel
  • NetUserGetInfo
  • NetUserSetInfo
  • NetUserChangePassword
  • NetUserEnum
  • NetUserGetLocalGroups
posted on 2004-12-03 17:44  perlye  阅读(454)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报