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JFormula 2.9 - Math Expression API

JFormula is a java library for evaluating various expressions (boolean, mathematical, if/then/else...). This release includes a new high precision mode.

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* Decimal, string, boolean operators (or, and, not, xor...)
* Unicode
* Boolean expression support : (A or B) and not ( C equals D )
* String expression support : "abc" != "cba"
* IF THEN ELSE expression
* Short expression format : 2x+3y
* Variable : A=(cos(PI + x )*2) + [y-x]^2
* Multiple lines expression : A = 1 B = A + 1 ...
* High precision mode
* Functions with decimal, boolean or string arguments
* Evaluation tree produced by a pluggable parsing system
* Evaluation optimization for symbol value changes
* Standard library with 24 mathematical functions
* Delegate for resolving unknown functions or symbols
* Extend or add a new library dynamically
* Share multiple formula context
* Override any functions from the current library by your one
* Support for multithreaded computing
* Many samples (library extension, graphes) for API interesting parts
* JDK 1.1 compliant (tested on JDK1.1.8 and JDK1.4.2)
posted on 2004-11-05 22:40  perlye  阅读(543)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报