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iNET - Write Once in .NET, Run Anywhere
Do you have an application written in the Microsoft .NET development environment that you need to run on another platform? Maybe you are traditionally a Microsoft shop, but you want to sell your products to customers that demand Linux, Unix, or Macintosh runtime environments. Or maybe you have enterprise applications written in Microsoft .NET, but your company has now standardized on Unix or Linux and you have to port those Microsoft apps over. Whatever the scenario, up to now if you wanted to take a program written in .NET and run it on another platform, you only had one choice: re-write the whole thing, and then maintain two separate code bases. Expensive. Time consuming. Ugly.

Now, Stryon’s iNET offers an entirely new solution: write your application in .NET, then use iNET to convert it to Java so that it can seamlessly execute in any Java-enabled environment, including Unix and Linux operating systems and leading application servers such as IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, SunONE, Oracle 9i, and JBoss. How does it work? INET’s language module (which we call IL2Java) converts .NET IL (intermediate language) code to Java source code. iNET’s Runtime Modules include all of .NET’s class libraries (Core, ADO.NET, WebForm, GUI.NET, WinForm, ASP.NET, XML and others) re-written in Java. With iNET you generate a pure Java application, meaning you can run in any Java-enabled environment. Seamless, fast, and powerful.

If you have applications written in Microsoft .NET that you need to run in a Java-based environment, then iNET is your best, most cost-effective solution. If you would like to take iNET for a test drive

posted on 2004-11-02 11:52  perlye  阅读(608)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报