
Everything (software) - Wikipedia

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_(software)
  • Everything is a desktop search utility for Windows that can rapidly find files and folders by name. On October 30, 2009, Everything was ranked #857 among 1,757 computer programs used by the 70,000 users of Wakoopa, making it more widely used than WinZip. Since January 2013, Everything has been actively developed after a four-year break. This utility is released under a free software license that allows modification and commercial redistribution, requiring only attribution.


  • http://voidtools.com/
  • Locate files and folders by name instantly.


  • https://baike.baidu.com/item/Everything/10641527
  • Everything是voidtools开发的一款文件搜索工具,官网描述为“基于名称实时定位文件和目录(Locate files and folders by name instantly)”。

搜索神器 EveryThing,你把它的潜力用到极致了吗?

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