

abstract class Component

public abstract function Operation();


class ConcreteComponent  extends Component
public function Operation()
echo '具体对象的操作<br>';

 abstract class Decorator extends Component

protected $component;

public function setComponent($component){

$this->component = $component;

public function Operation()
if($this->component != null){


class ConcreteDecoratorA extends Decorator
private $addedState;

public function Operation()
parent::Operation(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
$this->addedState = "New State";
echo "具体装饰对象A的操作<br>";


class ConcreteDecoratorB extends  Decorator

public function Operation()
parent::Operation(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub


echo "具体装饰对象B的操作<br>";

private function addedBehavior(){


$c  = new ConcreteComponent();

$d1 = new ConcreteDecoratorA();

$d2 = new ConcreteDecoratorB();






class Person

private $name;

public function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;

public function Show(){

echo '装扮的'.$this->name.'<br>';


class Finery extends Person

public function __construct()

private $component;

public function setComponent($component){

$this->component = $component;


public function Show()
if ($this->component != null){




class TShirts extends Finery
public function Show()
echo '大T恤<br>';
parent::Show(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub

class Sneakers extends Finery

public function Show()
echo '拖鞋<br>';
parent::Show(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub


class BigTrouser extends Finery
public function Show()
echo '垮裤<br>';
parent::Show(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub


$paul = new Person('paulversion');

echo '第一种装扮<br>';

$sneaker = new Sneakers();

$trouser = new BigTrouser();

$shirts = new TShirts();




posted on 2018-02-06 18:30  paulversion  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报