1 True and True  # True
 2 False and True  # False 
 3 1 == 1 and 2 == 1  # True and False -> False
 4 "test" == "test"  # True
 5 1 == 1 or 2 != 1  # True or True -> True
 6 True and 1 == 1  # True and True -> True
 7 False and 0 != 0  # False and False -> False
 8 True or 1 == 1  # True or True -> True
 9 "test" == "testing"  # False
10 1 != 0 and 2 == 1  # True and False -> False
11 "test" != "testing"  # True
12 "test" == 1  # False
13 not (True and False)  # not False -> True
14 not (1 == 1 and 0 != 1)  # not (True and True) -> not True -> False
15 not (10 == 1 or 1000 == 1000)  # not(False or True) -> not True -> False
16 not (1 != 10 or 3 == 4)  # not(True or False) -> not True -> False
17 not ("testing" == "testing" and "Zed" == "Cool Guy")  # not(True and False) -> not False -> True
18 1 == 1 and (not ("testing" == 1 or 1 == 0))  # True and (not (False or False) -> # True and (not False) -> True and True -> True
19 "chunky" == "bacon" and (not (3 == 4 or 3 == 3))  # False and (not (False or True) -> False and (not True) -> False and False -> False
20 3 == 3 and (not ("testing" == "testing" or "Python" == "Fun"))  # True and( not (True or False) -> True and ( not True) -> True and False -> False


posted on 2017-12-14 23:06  讲道理好嘛  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报