install mysql

download mysql

download mysql from ``````

configure environment

add ```D:\mysql\bin``` to path

download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package

select vcredist_x64.exe

register mysql service

cd D:\mysql\bin
mysqld -install

configure mysql configuration file

edit my.ini in D:\mysql



initialize mysql

cd D:\mysql\bin
mysqld --initialize

start mysql server to check mysql service

net start mysql

configure mysql root account

start no password mode of mysql server

net stop mysql
mysqld --skip-grant-tables

start another cmd

mysql -u root
flush privileges;
grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'mypassword' with grant option;
flush privileges;

kill mysqld.exe

taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe

start mysql again

net start mysql

use mysql

mysql -P 3306 -h localhost -u root -p
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