Pipedata3d - Welding Neck Flange

Pipedata3d - Welding Neck Flange


Abstract. Pipedata3d show piping component data in tables and 3D modeling. It can help the piping designers to looking up piping information quickly and so improve the efficiency of piping design.

Key Words. Pipedata3d, ASME, GB, HG, CB, Piping Design

1. Introduction



本文将Pipedata3d的结合ASME B16.5中的对焊法兰将实现过程简要介绍一下,并给出相关的实现脚本代码,感兴趣的可以自己玩玩。

2.ASME B16.5 Weld Neck Flange

标准ASME B16.5中对焊法兰的相关尺寸如下图所示:


Figure 2.1 Welding Neck Flange Dimension


Figure 2.2 Dimensions of Class 150 Flanges

以 上数据来源为ASME B16.5-2009, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings。ASME is the registered trademark of The America Society of Mechanical Engineers.

3.Flange Modeling

基于OpenCASCADE中Draw Test Harness中的脚本,可以实现上述参数化式的造型,部分Tcl脚本如下所示:

    set dn 15
    set o 90
    set tf 9.6
    set x 30
    set ah 21.3
    set y 46
    set b 15.8
    set r 3
    set rf 1.6
    # modeling
    pcylinder aRaisedFace [expr $x/2.0] $rf
    pcylinder aFlange [expr $o/2.0] $tf
    pcone aNeck [expr $x/2.0] [expr $ah/2.0] [expr $y-$tf*2.0]
    pcylinder aWeld [expr $ah/2.0] $tf
    pcylinder aSocket [expr $b/2.0] [expr $y+$rf]
    nexplode aFlange E
    blend aFlange aFlange $r aFlange_2
    renamevar aWeld F
    explode F F
    renamevar F E
    explode E E
    chamf aWeld E E_1 F_1 S $rf
    # transform to the right position
    ttranslate aFlange 0 0 $rf
    ttranslate aNeck 0 0 [expr $tf+$rf]
    ttranslate aWeld 0 0 [expr $y+$rf-$tf]
    # boolean operations
    bop aRaisedFace aFlange
    bopfuse aResultShape
    bop aResultShape aNeck
    bopfuse aResultShape
    bop aResultShape aWeld
    bopfuse aResultShape
    bop aResultShape aSocket
    bopcut aResultShape
    # visualize
    vsetgradientbg 180 200 255 180 180 180 2
    vsetdispmode 1
    vdisplay aResultShape



Figure 3.1 A Welding Neck Flange DN150


Figure 3.2 A Welding Neck Flange DN150





5. References

1. ASME B16.5-2009. Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. 

2. OpenCASCADE6.8.0. Draw Test Harness User Guide. 2014

3. http://www.wermac.org/

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