pythonchallenge Level 27



标题:between the tables



提示:did you say gif?

oh, and this is NOT a repeat of 14

打开bell.html 需要用户名和密码


from PIL import Image

img ="zigzag.gif")
print(img.getpalette()) # 以列表形式返回图像调色板
[37, 37, 37, 229, 229, 229, 162, 162, 162, 136, 136, 136...
# 发现是3个数字一重复的,去重
p = img.getpalette()[::3]
# 替换 str.maketrans(intab, outtab)
table = bytes.maketrans(bytes([i for i in range(256)]),bytes(p))
data = img.tobytes() # b'\xd7\xd0\xcb\x0c\xfe<\x8bHB\xbd\x7f\xb0\
trans = data.translate(table) # b'\xd0\xcb\x0c\xfe<\x8bHB\xbd\x7f\xb0
# 发现data第二位之后跟trans是相同的 比较data和trans不同之处

new =,img.size)
color = [255,]*len(data)

wordList = []
for d in range(len(data)):
    if data[d] != trans[d-1]:
        # chr(trans[d]).encode())
        color[d] = 0


 not 钥匙 word,找出not keyword的单词

import keyword,bz2

text = bz2.decompress(bytes(wordList[1:])).decode()
print(set(i for i in text.split() if not keyword.iskeyword(i)))
../ring/bell.html del assert repeat raise or class is exec return except print return switch from exec repeat else not while assert or class class break except assert yield finally ../ring/bell.html assert ../ring/bell.html in is yield and import break def ../ring/bell.html global repeat if yield pass exec del return def or repeat switch for else or break if global def raise lambda and else for ../ring/bell.html pass ../ring/bell.html elif break else is except if class import assert is lambda continue not finally global finally lambda class exec pass yield and break is assert elif def while break elif global assert except if import pass from for repeat global raise exec finally yield lambda class from or and break not try elif or finally yield if is raise except print lambda elif finally is if ../ring/bell.html is while global finally return while def continue in except assert and class assert global return finally import print import and del while raise elif print pass try switch import try try assert while return is in if continue try in from repeat global repeat in or not from if exec try del pass return except pass assert switch or assert ../ring/bell.html print continue try raise is for continue lambda else for in and yield from and pass elif break finally continue from elif while or except in or print global elif while def yield in def return lambda del finally not for ../ring/bell.html or try or from except finally def pass exec print class break return not import except or break import break global in from import return repeat pass yield break yield not for yield except yield in print yield class class ../ring/bell.html repeat repeat except def lambda class try def for global ../ring/bell.html and else ../ring/bell.html in print in global continue elif raise or is in yield is finally global from lambda global if finally from for not raise def not assert lambda return exec import yield from print not while del elif is elif except while not global try and global is exec ../ring/bell.html or assert break def print for raise assert not continue and in exec from exec for ../ring/bell.html for del try break while class assert return is for print is pass from break import from finally global repeat or import not elif class switch print class for while exec assert global elif switch def lambda elif and repeat continue global exec switch finally except break or from continue del pass return while assert lambda from finally while pass lambda try break lambda finally while except break yield and raise finally try is ../ring/bell.html else yield finally exec repeat not break elif elif break while try raise def continue while try assert for ../ring/bell.html exec pass yield in return or if import print assert global switch print for raise switch for from del def in not try in repeat and elif in yield return assert return repeat assert def try print while repeat from not in repeat lambda pass switch global not while except for not repeat assert class and not class repeat try assert raise is global def del or repeat from finally yield assert for or except return in ../ring/bell.html if and exec ../ring/bell.html break def raise and break raise raise def is def else break repeat or import del assert assert assert assert elif global except raise except continue yield elif def or switch raise finally elif break raise pass continue def elif def raise del global repeat and def else finally switch pass assert continue lambda in is is while try lambda or or while not else from in continue while finally and repeat raise lambda ../ring/bell.html for or finally switch try finally def for raise del global print finally elif if if try continue while def print for finally in not global is lambda return return yield assert lambda def exec repeat try repeat continue yield except lambda except def else in yield and return else yield switch from del not is raise if in print class exec raise class if is def for switch continue pass from except is return ../ring/bell.html yield return def pass yield from try except except import finally try assert lambda break try yield except global raise assert global try except assert exec elif break ../ring/bell.html import finally finally except assert from and continue exec else assert not print else ../ring/bell.html not ../ring/bell.html break if finally assert ../ring/bell.html except assert finally break pass print and lambda if lambda is except not if except exec lambda for ../ring/bell.html del if not global yield repeat global for break del or import ../ring/bell.html continue from break in is repeat switch global repeat repeat continue import print import assert yield break lambda if is lambda ../ring/bell.html finally raise except and break not pass del exec lambda for del ../ring/bell.html ../ring/bell.html if for return try for return is assert while while class finally while from elif try elif is global break while return class try import switch else and yield or return exec break or return repeat raise in while yield from return is class del for for not continue if finally elif else from while or continue continue in except break class is del import and def while exec finally lambda import global and and in and is ../ring/bell.html or yield and global try while in def try finally is del raise while from elif ../ring/bell.html and exec yield global def exec try import while from or continue for if lambda return or yield from while class finally or finally class yield continue try is except from or if elif while print continue raise try yield from try is break print exec def global del not exec continue return def if switch in global switch and def else switch assert elif continue or switch switch continue finally try pass finally ../ring/bell.html def break and try yield or lambda else return raise return else lambda import pass print else break yield ../ring/bell.html def lambda and class except or lambda print from not except elif raise pass from and del exec repeat try raise def not not class not return or break except elif return not class class switch print lambda break global for switch switch or else try from import in ../ring/bell.html from pass class except print switch is in for def raise if pass del print yield break return print elif else lambda repeat if elif def import break lambda if lambda in for not ../ring/bell.html from try lambda except exec repeat try is continue else exec while elif finally not switch else elif print def yield else raise break elif assert from for not exec not yield repeat continue else yield try try in is and return break and yield import lambda raise return and not assert del ../ring/bell.html and from or global and del break for repeat elif pass finally is in assert if lambda finally yield pass except in or continue from assert break from or if continue pass import finally ../ring/bell.html for del or pass return switch or not continue assert except elif is del print continue or assert switch exec in print for class not finally not not or and lambda try finally and while return yield elif import class print class break return for from in for is if not global class pass is lambda print assert continue switch for print continue continue except continue print repeat raise class lambda try else assert continue class else while except in import switch lambda def switch continue raise exec assert lambda return break switch print try ../ring/bell.html import class ../ring/bell.html return raise if global else in not break print from del is except in exec else pass assert def pass while yield else print class break class continue break not del global repeat raise finally finally while repeat pass assert exec yield try lambda in return for global repeat class print global repeat del print def from return finally if not and pass assert lambda raise del and for except and del yield return for else assert pass elif if continue not and try continue continue repeat elif in finally elif lambda while and repeat print import return lambda continue ../ring/bell.html continue continue except elif is elif continue pass raise import assert yield in except return switch if not try lambda not print finally for repeat not not repeat raise finally except del not from in print switch try or import global raise not repeat switch raise del yield exec break yield finally not or while is class break repeat try or switch in and repeat if except for finally try finally from break class try global def yield is try import lambda not elif ../ring/bell.html return elif not and elif from else except from repeat or import elif switch finally else raise for class finally for if while lambda elif except from return yield del not in and elif repeat pass or import exec break return or ../ring/bell.html for del for print global raise import return def import def continue for except break repeat import print return yield else yield else switch for elif in assert break global continue switch while not else if is yield try raise lambda ../ring/bell.html from continue switch else exec def yield ../ring/bell.html continue repeat ../ring/bell.html in is except global if if or ../ring/bell.html global and elif continue continue and pass try finally del exec else for pass yield break for or elif not finally break assert from else raise repeat exec in assert break is ../ring/bell.html global lambda print for and for try lambda yield while is return class exec and if switch else class lambda in return print del repeat while or from print assert global try if finally in exec return assert del not except elif for pass global yield return for del elif return continue elif is print break assert pass print global import from import elif yield ../ring/bell.html not continue del and class ../ring/bell.html global in and lambda ../ring/bell.html lambda continue class try switch is else repeat exec if print while import while import break not del pass print lambda pass raise return break is for ../ring/bell.html break class finally and return else raise class import ../ring/bell.html raise exec while exec repeat def in and except raise else not switch while except from ../ring/bell.html switch del for try print lambda print raise break from exec lambda global def exec else def pass import break finally import yield def repeat repeat not pass else break while or is except assert is ../ring/bell.html switch ../ring/bell.html if switch print finally is from def print not pass raise in repeat global not except lambda continue in lambda del else finally print assert return and class print ../ring/bell.html print lambda raise is raise return try and lambda not switch continue return if while else and try pass del pass finally return except if raise from def and ../ring/bell.html try if is and def switch class print class except switch pass from elif break except repeat elif else assert for else is exec def repeat and not raise return in pass del repeat return pass print ../ring/bell.html global exec break continue ../ring/bell.html else ../ring/bell.html del from finally while from class continue raise ../ring/bell.html finally and del is not is yield in raise del repeat switch ../ring/bell.html elif if exec assert raise try print finally if class ../ring/bell.html in is raise repeat while break def import repeat raise del or global raise from def break if repeat if del try and elif pass assert lambda switch global pass and global except finally while else pass except not except and print elif finally if ../ring/bell.html switch ../ring/bell.html else try print elif pass del repeat yield class lambda in raise del ../ring/bell.html else class try while yield def def repeat ../ring/bell.html elif finally if try from or from return continue global if break class repeat not print except while in import del del switch from if raise try break class switch if in and lambda yield raise else for print assert repeat ../ring/bell.html not for exec exec lambda except exec finally yield elif in exec def while while finally is ../ring/bell.html continue from finally global finally return yield yield class break finally del and raise else assert is in and del pass else exec or else or assert ../ring/bell.html except yield del finally print break raise del not else elif raise continue def continue print for return from print ../ring/bell.html return try break lambda while continue else finally finally finally switch and try class while while is continue del continue try try exec for try is return from assert print except is assert finally del except continue exec if raise print in del or continue finally finally else if not import yield def lambda global assert or except yield switch ../ring/bell.html is while global raise return print and is and lambda del pass import global exec switch global else or break continue return lambda try global del for or or pass except if import for print continue while class except break class break or if is return return ../ring/bell.html lambda yield def finally except switch print def def while raise assert ../ring/bell.html yield global except continue while exec while and finally repeat switch else and try from is assert or class exec if if exec and ../ring/bell.html and for del break pass elif class switch is print in except class print print assert continue else lambda def try or break global while pass try pass assert try yield yield finally class not repeat while is if except return return pass print class raise global else elif class repeat print continue return and assert pass def for switch def yield assert in or repeat is return elif print from def exec try in break del while except def global if from and except or finally and ../ring/bell.html if try except finally and except return finally finally else lambda lambda else pass for finally try yield exec del elif assert elif yield try pass def is global ../ring/bell.html assert class yield exec or for or class continue try elif continue for raise class not else else ../ring/bell.html pass global print finally del is repeat class del or raise or in elif for continue lambda if ../ring/bell.html def except lambda break not del not while def import yield try or from break return try class del global del continue return in exec repeat global try class finally switch and and except switch and return break is exec lambda if break exec assert else or ../ring/bell.html if global and for exec def while for or finally yield finally assert continue pass try from def try except class ../ring/bell.html yield else def elif break from raise return raise switch elif else ../ring/bell.html import raise while global not pass if repeat finally except return switch raise break return print print try except raise assert switch in not else ../ring/bell.html print exec class while return def else exec is elif not def global pass def del print while repeat import while import global switch yield del from exec ../ring/bell.html in assert yield except or pass raise print not continue del continue for pass from continue in return for yield import from except is class def elif not switch return exec for try switch continue yield del and or print repeat switch not repeat if elif else else del pass if raise global repeat is def assert if elif from for and except try raise import return while finally ../ring/bell.html return in pass not is is elif for while return assert except break while switch global or global if ../ring/bell.html assert finally from assert del exec import exec continue ../ring/bell.html del ../ring/bell.html lambda finally or exec while break del switch repeat print from assert not not and assert global break assert global ../ring/bell.html global raise lambda is elif from finally lambda except if repeat del raise class or while else if exec exec import not raise pass switch try elif break if if not global pass def elif if del if repeat class for class finally lambda print global import else else def print repeat else del for finally for repeat exec del if is class in for is raise return ../ring/bell.html repeat try pass ../ring/bell.html raise continue continue ../ring/bell.html is class except switch elif in del def from def try global not finally from finally assert or switch assert repeat in finally if raise or break raise switch else exec continue assert from if yield continue yield raise lambda in global class switch assert else def raise pass assert from repeat while finally lambda break import global try exec repeat exec else else print for pass ../ring/bell.html except ../ring/bell.html or global exec break or if finally assert or raise continue class not except try finally del raise if or raise elif try lambda is repeat switch break lambda raise while except print raise in repeat elif from exec not global elif while yield in global finally import not ../ring/bell.html not return del and is except exec if del class if elif is finally not while try def if pass lambda from assert is return from try print raise lambda ../ring/bell.html ../ring/bell.html finally else elif yield and break global return switch else ../ring/bell.html finally pass finally else break global pass assert is class in exec for is assert switch or from yield repeat break or else global else is or exec switch exec break ../ring/bell.html and for assert global and in del for exec import import for is try is finally break pass switch is continue elif pass class switch continue or class finally def def repeat from pass class ../ring/bell.html raise elif or not return break ../ring/bell.html finally yield except and elif for else switch elif while and if try lambda lambda class print global global return and yield import global def else finally return elif switch ../ring/bell.html ../ring/bell.html return print is else from ../ring/bell.html from return for class switch import import or import print yield global import lambda else def def not if exec lambda print return not or repeat except except exec in repeat finally except exec else return yield class print or pass class class is assert else import yield and raise global switch def class ../ring/bell.html continue elif if class finally or assert class while not switch repeat assert elif if is in break print not exec or continue continue ../ring/bell.html from if break repeat del from break try assert yield not return exec return not lambda continue def raise in raise del continue return exec pass in return if switch except raise exec print ../ring/bell.html exec while exec from switch lambda def is def switch return import in try raise global else else in print else pass repeat global print not del print not import class ../ring/bell.html exec if try for in break else lambda if in continue global in break break while if print break yield lambda not repeat if switch yield else def repeat def break not return import import if pass def is assert print in finally finally try try while print continue return exec break break pass continue not raise ../ring/bell.html global assert while import elif ../ring/bell.html print lambda in and and not del from continue assert class elif if return from while raise while elif elif ../ring/bell.html print ../ring/bell.html pass in in repeat for switch in for in return else print while finally return class pass switch repeat elif and pass import raise yield else class exec not is class if elif exec ../ring/bell.html from continue del or del yield and except except def repeat import pass exec del from try switch in assert is and return from not break repeat and while lambda continue finally finally or and finally assert repeat return break and import class lambda finally class yield exec global for and switch from continue import is class if print pass del print def if raise assert continue import exec switch pass del exec yield from continue class global or def switch is for if elif elif raise in exec continue def and is not return else from finally or del elif print class not repeat switch except or finally for not switch if break exec from assert def while assert except ../ring/bell.html while switch continue print pass raise def in if pass def else elif finally elif yield class is global print return import finally switch if is class for for ../ring/bell.html if assert switch del try class not or exec class not for in lambda if del finally not import ../ring/bell.html yield ../ring/bell.html try from except class del del return from elif def assert print elif or def exec is except while def print global or in exec switch while not not while elif and pass except else elif if in try raise if def continue in yield switch and while try try while continue else from and elif global except global repeat try return del continue print yield if exec return and in or or repeat return def break pass not for assert else switch pass while while try exec print for except import return print pass pass while while break finally yield from return def lambda for except pass except while try assert assert ../ring/bell.html and is lambda or lambda return raise pass pass print def class print except break if raise elif raise break ../ring/bell.html elif return else or for elif global exec for return pass while finally del repeat or import from elif del if import assert del return switch or ../ring/bell.html for yield for from while exec not pass break def yield pass is return raise for class import finally return in elif except try ../ring/bell.html from yield raise print return raise def repeat raise while else break assert in return lambda try exec or is def if in in if raise break repeat global else def in and if is class from or global continue if else ../ring/bell.html elif while for in if class switch yield repeat or print switch finally assert from continue ../ring/bell.html elif break elif for assert for lambda raise finally print is ../ring/bell.html and ../ring/bell.html not del in and del lambda yield from not class assert raise lambda try if for ../ring/bell.html lambda del break not or switch def elif try exec from while and for import class finally import del class switch switch del raise and print return import and del del repeat def while import switch from yield elif continue exec continue is if elif not if else global switch return yield from finally try elif and yield import is for exec exec def if while return yield for switch return exec import except if assert or def else repeat except switch class class switch global break continue repeat print for exec break finally is switch break is import lambda not exec except repeat exec exec if continue or class assert yield elif return assert in while lambda raise global assert lambda if break or exec print exec else except pass print repeat lambda or elif continue finally elif ../ring/bell.html continue exec not yield elif ../ring/bell.html elif not return return import for del exec ../ring/bell.html assert elif not def ../ring/bell.html from exec try continue raise not def from or return is del for for continue or global yield def return switch try try class del import import exec try del assert except class if break not and def is def and continue for else finally in exec assert for break pass raise not if except break global except except yield lambda finally for break raise del global ../ring/bell.html or for repeat pass if def yield return try elif class break else lambda class is assert from else yield except switch finally elif raise while for import print not is continue raise lambda class if del or for else continue exec and exec switch finally finally del exec continue return break not lambda break break or pass continue for except ../ring/bell.html return in in def ../ring/bell.html return break or pass switch lambda ../ring/bell.html while try else print else import break for def else assert else not repeat or except or from del from else break from is and if raise try return continue for break if lambda lambda switch print continue not if break return and not finally in not try except assert and del elif del global return and yield class continue global except print repeat def lambda or while for and finally assert return for pass except def lambda in global if not del assert for raise for raise ../ring/bell.html import repeat ../ring/bell.html del if while for exec not ../ring/bell.html yield or try break while continue return if continue del finally not for in and yield elif assert yield and is yield exec except assert continue assert return assert yield repeat and global finally pass is else ../ring/bell.html continue elif while print yield lambda continue yield elif return print repeat ../ring/bell.html continue print repeat else class raise is continue pass break import from try is except and elif class repeat else yield def and pass else finally if for while break for switch continue try import ../ring/bell.html def repeat def switch or import else def repeat finally return del else del pass in and elif class in or for or in global continue continue else exec del break exec class or from from yield import not finally break continue return finally not del break finally try class continue repeat assert return pass break pass return class not not from except global def from pass ../ring/bell.html class return del finally assert while ../ring/bell.html print print while exec raise if from assert repeat in if in yield continue for is try or except while exec is or elif raise print and except from switch from print in lambda ../ring/bell.html return assert continue in lambda finally else continue ../ring/bell.html finally try and for is is and exec from is yield break pass try finally continue for continue yield and return yield and break try while global elif def switch for pass in not yield finally def or assert while ../ring/bell.html assert return switch elif or repeat or class exec raise finally print in else raise switch and and assert repeat lambda ../ring/bell.html exec def for and else global pass except except or return repeat while import from import import assert yield if switch else print repeat import in while finally switch break is while del assert try try yield global finally class raise elif del for switch pass finally global or ../ring/bell.html switch global return else try elif continue is is except pass except else global import del except or print global else from for or for continue print is is return for ../ring/bell.html pass except def class break except elif while del not class while lambda or except repeat for ../ring/bell.html for try pass print yield yield yield import raise ../ring/bell.html if is yield yield or raise lambda print try break else in yield if pass ../ring/bell.html for return try pass for print elif yield continue assert if try or continue switch in pass return switch and break print not try import del import try import repeat class is class def in pass global not is return or while while continue if lambda for ../ring/bell.html in return ../ring/bell.html from print else while repeat del return not try return if in def repeat or else del for continue global for from break not exec while while is is finally not global try continue for for del continue not yield finally not exec finally return repeat del class is del continue if or ../ring/bell.html import exec lambda if pass break except is import or finally else break return not class or if from yield except print repeat break pass elif in yield is if except exec try from exec lambda finally return elif elif assert assert assert repeat assert else except switch class or else not not try return while or from continue class ../ring/bell.html lambda global ../ring/bell.html repeat is break for from assert exec not or global raise try raise is yield ../ring/bell.html print switch not def repeat in repeat continue from assert else try or while global del for break return while from import from repeat switch global break pass in repeat try is del class global continue continue global yield or from repeat ../ring/bell.html not except repeat assert for raise or class or return for assert import yield if import assert not switch finally not while switch return assert continue while print class try del switch except exec continue while if is not try finally print class switch not del else return lambda elif lambda yield return pass print and del break finally if def break finally try is yield exec del finally for import else def in try switch break assert finally print pass try finally switch finally from for except raise try return and exec class from else def from def switch finally raise exec raise break while ../ring/bell.html not global or except del repeat continue import break ../ring/bell.html exec else for from import except yield or lambda from and assert elif in or finally exec del and elif exec is print return or finally pass yield del from ../ring/bell.html if and for return raise pass def class assert ../ring/bell.html elif import break for elif is else not while finally elif from elif except for from or while return repeat if from for and pass is not if break yield except or finally except def continue pass or print else break if if not lambda while for yield class import except is def global lambda exec break lambda yield break in continue else continue elif not exec import except assert if global and exec lambda from for or exec while assert if lambda break pass not exec for from class switch else for global while if exec repeat print return in import while in for import global switch and if class exec lambda from from elif switch and def yield print in except finally is is yield while elif is while raise yield repeat print while exec class if raise finally is except print lambda and ../ring/bell.html for not def else for del print return for break elif global pass exec raise exec assert del continue lambda break or lambda lambda or class del is repeat yield from continue class continue elif if global lambda class is except repeat try pass pass or try not class return raise else try lambda break pass return from yield in except if while try and from finally or del exec exec exec print del try is finally ../ring/bell.html pass print finally not not del global is global exec in for assert del and lambda switch yield class import not break if ../ring/bell.html else return except global exec try and exec repeat return continue continue class elif break or not while and or except del return lambda switch print for return raise in exec def global or else break return global del from break class if return repeat break not from while del except try is raise try if repeat raise switch def return while and if else import yield raise else import repeat continue raise and try raise exec lambda elif except from in switch elif elif from is global finally lambda import or global print repeat try elif def import not switch ../ring/bell.html global break except def from repeat print del lambda elif else elif ../ring/bell.html yield raise yield import except exec exec from or switch else from not try elif class def repeat finally print continue or assert print pass from return repeat if yield raise repeat finally else del while lambda import repeat while del or ../ring/bell.html in is else in if in elif break print assert elif ../ring/bell.html not else finally pass from except pass while and exec return and class print del raise exec def import if return del continue elif is global or ../ring/bell.html ../ring/bell.html ../ring/bell.html global import del def import global break try else return if except elif from repeat except ../ring/bell.html else ../ring/bell.html def or and raise else lambda continue print else ../ring/bell.html repeat from elif else assert import is class in except ../ring/bell.html continue yield elif from yield pass ../ring/bell.html print for import exec except return is else in print del del continue while is while global pass except in finally or break is except exec repeat raise is or global try while pass return pass is pass raise raise switch in raise print global del break while try def lambda from try def import assert print import in del repeat except or else try while if yield is break print return elif exec is global continue is try global finally global continue repeat yield import not assert break not del else ../ring/bell.html yield return def or finally is global is lambda del print else switch finally except assert not elif import print or return class global ../ring/bell.html global exec try global is and if import and if repeat while not yield global from for def try elif switch yield pass def for or break repeat yield try print except is exec pass lambda in global ../ring/bell.html repeat import def del assert switch from from class not switch yield finally or repeat del try global global assert if ../ring/bell.html import raise break in raise not del is continue and except from ../ring/bell.html ../ring/bell.html lambda while finally except return break ../ring/bell.html yield or print yield for break pass else from lambda def finally print global try lambda print class del class try try import del class ../ring/bell.html while is or in else and yield import class def return not while and continue finally continue class ../ring/bell.html assert and from assert lambda exec switch import elif is repeat del pass return while ../ring/bell.html switch lambda del break pass while finally continue repeat break ../ring/bell.html is else from or ../ring/bell.html or assert else is finally continue global while switch for del not from import global pass elif switch switch yield break class or class else is ../ring/bell.html finally def finally in class global try except from del def def lambda lambda lambda finally while def elif switch and import lambda try yield import while global print ../ring/bell.html del return try exec import exec assert switch assert class del print lambda and from break del return and pass elif if is yield for else continue from del class import break del raise try try print switch else def import raise in in return finally else try while except except is lambda not import not in elif is or switch print continue pass return class assert if continue finally not from in try not try if assert try print repeat finally from exec from exec continue in print pass while yield class and continue del repeat return for from in for def while ../ring/bell.html not def import yield repeat global del class continue ../ring/bell.html class pass del except and global def elif else for lambda continue except global raise else del except assert global pass return class pass except from elif global if not elif is continue from pass finally class exec del print class if assert not raise try repeat try continue print pass in try pass elif while continue in finally if if else del switch try ../ring/bell.html pass raise def raise if ../ring/bell.html break class try is else not break import del assert repeat while break yield exec def for assert continue while global in except return or exec or pass and pass elif or return else break ../ring/bell.html print import del for exec for from else if try not return del except or lambda else del repeat def ../ring/bell.html except ../ring/bell.html finally def finally not break exec print except and print break assert repeat class continue ../ring/bell.html global if pass ../ring/bell.html for elif in else is ../ring/bell.html exec def not switch lambda print continue finally del print except return return while def while import exec del continue class yield not elif return else repeat else global else finally continue for yield assert assert raise if pass else raise class repeat for class elif print repeat finally ../ring/bell.html pass else elif if break switch and lambda try assert break ../ring/bell.html else def break exec exec del import is or switch raise while from global not pass from finally switch def or lambda assert break not not and elif global try and else except is not except and print import ../ring/bell.html switch while else ../ring/bell.html assert yield in pass class switch assert try print assert import lambda while repeat else switch continue or except yield switch and return import except else break assert repeat in global print import import def in finally class except or def switch print ../ring/bell.html try lambda and def try elif try ../ring/bell.html not from exec raise lambda and class repeat break ../ring/bell.html pass class lambda from else exec and switch yield elif repeat is continue finally or is def global print del from raise if while in for yield if assert yield not switch elif else and if continue def while finally not elif elif elif else if try lambda and def class exec raise del print from lambda if try print or not from if if print global return else in import is global not exec while lambda exec class from return pass break return exec global elif import for del pass while if del pass elif yield global pass class repeat assert try for while del is finally in in not print break repeat print not repeat if pass ../ring/bell.html and finally ../ring/bell.html from yield while raise and assert global while class break yield except is from global if raise break repeat in or if while while del while yield or else or switch repeat not from finally elif repeat continue yield switch switch else lambda try raise pass break break raise is or raise from continue for print import and not assert elif raise switch try is raise import and elif for global assert or switch in else in or elif elif else repeat raise elif is import continue try try def for for import for is ../ring/bell.html return if del assert global while if in not return if ../ring/bell.html or break is and try from except switch return in from finally global ../ring/bell.html finally raise return global not and assert lambda print lambda break assert finally break ../ring/bell.html import while finally def pass print elif pass finally break continue not finally except print not continue else exec break continue if global not pass continue def is print and from class break class for exec break while try del return assert exec else in lambda return exec class is repeat not raise repeat except for is print if not global repeat except import except for while lambda or repeat lambda assert is is yield switch not finally del print finally is global pass except global is break pass and break exec lambda repeat is class continue is from continue return except break raise is break exec switch finally not in or from raise from repeat return pass lambda assert global else from continue import break pass finally from else or else else break for while else from continue or except return for continue return or return ../ring/bell.html switch return class is else import raise or try return yield lambda and yield is def switch return or or except pass print if class or class is global else yield else except from else from raise del break switch print def from pass is pass while except finally import and del lambda def try is lambda continue exec lambda import for from print is del while continue finally def class assert in pass finally in exec exec assert del try raise raise for pass yield print yield yield lambda import not break for elif global not or yield not elif del from exec in yield elif yield class if class is or not pass and for global in or lambda global lambda return exec print import print raise assert import assert class del return ../ring/bell.html from lambda global def pass for switch or try print yield else in def class class else lambda except pass print print yield def def yield def exec in switch assert try raise from not from import return lambda global raise not switch ../ring/bell.html lambda return elif in print ../ring/bell.html while ../ring/bell.html for print while not elif is del del return if break while try print ../ring/bell.html assert from global return for print in finally is not exec yield except and finally or continue ../ring/bell.html lambda from raise print and repeat assert for break yield break global yield except del while repeat for switch lambda yield continue else if is import continue is finally except exec break global def def in class is lambda repeat raise or lambda continue while import yield ../ring/bell.html elif exec if lambda global continue except ../ring/bell.html elif del finally yield global is from else if pass switch repeat is while def pass from return from if while for return if try finally raise break not print return assert except import repeat import in try not ../ring/bell.html print is break assert switch print not exec or repeat and or for for in is ../ring/bell.html for try class global or break except del import try ../ring/bell.html is while from is raise global yield pass or except raise ../ring/bell.html def return def repeat if yield print finally global def not class else while raise try exec ../ring/bell.html pass lambda global pass not not elif pass elif switch repeat ../ring/bell.html break ../ring/bell.html import elif repeat elif import print ../ring/bell.html from global global and raise ../ring/bell.html del del del raise is class elif exec from ../ring/bell.html try import lambda try import or except import raise def raise class pass exec else try return yield repeat try or elif global raise in except exec print elif pass switch switch break except for yield continue not print else def repeat import exec exec from yield exec if global except print import for while import not is and or except exec import return lambda assert def else pass yield else from switch repeat while while class finally class raise break finally pass in or in print pass for except or print except while continue elif import finally switch for except for import not except is if class try break try pass global except raise ../ring/bell.html def raise lambda not global print def is return break switch print continue global print return break or if exec else repeat else for or else assert exec del elif ../ring/bell.html elif yield try or del and def pass exec return finally ../ring/bell.html global if assert elif except yield elif print if try try del pass for global return lambda break import and not break del break exec yield while while for except or while or or for lambda not import print break del else raise exec lambda else else continue switch ../ring/bell.html break else repeat import exec return if exec lambda elif continue or or while break ../ring/bell.html print not is elif assert not and except elif def ../ring/bell.html class print if elif elif return is and else ../ring/bell.html try switch for elif is if try yield break def print pass import class is if and repeat print print elif from exec from pass if not lambda elif raise ../ring/bell.html if for global pass or else exec lambda ../ring/bell.html raise not def in continue finally finally global for return elif yield exec or del switch yield if for def repeat in except try else or repeat exec is in return repeat finally is is exec ../ring/bell.html class exec for and if for and raise del while ../ring/bell.html ../ring/bell.html and or switch global break global in repeat for global break print lambda else if assert lambda not global class return def continue lambda continue assert finally repeat elif global def lambda finally and break del while or continue assert try switch from try continue not import import for yield else class not raise or raise switch assert repeat continue is print yield if break else repeat class import is in repeat import finally else assert print def return in def pass while global exec is repeat repeat else elif lambda print import pass except else elif break ../ring/bell.html print del else elif def def for repeat from is for pass import if ../ring/bell.html raise print yield del raise if or switch from if return except lambda def ../ring/bell.html import return lambda pass ../ring/bell.html or while exec for for elif else import pass class repeat return or in raise is class yield if or lambda print pass and elif return is import from and for or except repeat if print def if and switch else ../ring/bell.html for print ../ring/bell.html break finally elif ../ring/bell.html yield print from for raise switch ../ring/bell.html repeat if repeat pass while switch not raise import class print in del if del and lambda switch pass not def else assert and del del else is or class global lambda from pass for except switch print try try and raise finally is else return in and is lambda print raise assert class switch switch repeat pass return not finally from from if lambda return import not raise break import finally for repeat break finally import and elif in not else ../ring/bell.html not from break from import else switch yield class raise lambda if ../ring/bell.html or pass global while del class not from from ../ring/bell.html del try else raise except ../ring/bell.html elif class and for global pass import if if return not in assert and continue or is else else break while finally finally class class import while elif break in try if in not and if or or in exec try break def finally assert is exec return for else while assert repeat switch raise not elif exec or assert print yield ../ring/bell.html if break yield break from import elif class or raise break elif in while assert yield lambda global is if ../ring/bell.html raise pass break continue global is yield from class yield try raise or yield except ../ring/bell.html pass else ../ring/bell.html yield lambda exec lambda or return if or import while assert global global for is lambda in raise exec break pass repeat except continue else try import print break class ../ring/bell.html global for while break in elif print while yield yield global if print elif repeat class exec while and in else or if import import import return ../ring/bell.html not elif and while def repeat print not from break print in pass raise exec print except global class try break from in not else ../ring/bell.html continue not repeat pass exec repeat and exec and ../ring/bell.html print repeat switch yield repeat import lambda for class elif assert for lambda yield assert raise print if lambda repeat raise break try try not try def or else lambda while yield raise import if not exec finally for while break not finally elif yield import not yield if and continue finally elif repeat in or import import elif not exec pass is continue lambda or in class continue del finally in for return from or break except except ../ring/bell.html in ../ring/bell.html global exec else except if try else pass print if in else class return lambda ../ring/bell.html del def continue repeat is for raise or from else global repeat or continue from while except global is while elif continue def and yield while import raise continue def elif print try global repeat return try while finally elif in import while return return for assert def switch import import del from if for continue from continue exec while finally is elif exec for return class repeat raise finally switch return and exec exec print while not elif finally exec lambda elif lambda continue del is finally for print except continue class def and try while elif from raise not repeat else elif for in raise in raise exec lambda for for finally break class from continue yield return pass switch global def yield raise and try import finally elif pass break class not exec in raise raise print del break break return repeat elif not for try not pass lambda try continue class assert not assert and while pass for or while try global else break return in print import pass and pass for break lambda while class elif yield is return from raise print assert is break global if not return from print for raise del global and from from while exec pass break in def is yield break in or if exec and ../ring/bell.html if print switch print finally yield import if is while return and yield switch return ../ring/bell.html is for raise except continue print continue ../ring/bell.html lambda exec raise except else return elif else elif while in class finally except in return def def in raise lambda class ../ring/bell.html for switch for import raise try class import else def class for continue break from while repeat del def global and return else repeat continue return repeat del while and try else repeat switch while finally in lambda switch lambda exec assert break and repeat not else break raise elif def is or raise assert from switch in switch is in in print yield global try ../ring/bell.html del for break return del from except while return elif assert else try continue pass assert or pass not assert repeat if except continue assert class assert switch try print or return exec class switch break assert or or and raise continue is finally elif exec exec and continue if print or ../ring/bell.html in not repeat in exec while exec yield exec elif print pass break import ../ring/bell.html try del except repeat del or switch try from ../ring/bell.html switch assert else repeat exec elif elif is return if return else is print if else ../ring/bell.html import lambda raise yield print assert switch in while return import and assert except raise exec continue if exec print switch in yield except in from else class break is pass yield finally lambda print not assert elif in switch except continue raise break if is lambda exec except print lambda switch class lambda from break return global print continue del assert for return print finally and for try else if del not else is assert def finally def is raise del for del yield yield import and return class raise yield for is del assert from and except global yield global else continue or def elif ../ring/bell.html global in is from else if def class ../ring/bell.html break except else ../ring/bell.html break assert is elif global repeat else except switch try else try break ../ring/bell.html lambda assert import else or return or not else except for class or finally ../ring/bell.html switch global raise is repeat break is repeat if else except else raise def break for del continue pass switch except assert return def ../ring/bell.html global from repeat def exec assert else repeat for ../ring/bell.html global global try global print import exec global del return or def exec in print def while in from is import is del from yield if exec global if switch assert break if def return global except while if not if from for continue exec try continue exec not repeat class while in continue lambda print assert pass break ../ring/bell.html finally if def print in switch from is exec in exec for if break import ../ring/bell.html break continue if return def not or try in ../ring/bell.html finally continue pass break except ../ring/bell.html except lambda and else break elif finally continue pass and elif while in del class from global class break except print else pass else and for repeat in continue exec for break def assert for from if raise except while else switch repeat del if not or break lambda print global finally del for and repeat class and raise switch except except is lambda and switch try repeat from yield break continue if break in pass repeat raise or and print try is class class except finally while in print switch global return break except return in ../ring/bell.html elif import in lambda if exec pass return break ../ring/bell.html def in yield print while break ../ring/bell.html def def del switch def while del for from from break in return try and raise in in continue else class from assert is import del global while from raise while for return return in if and ../ring/bell.html repeat break exec assert from and continue break class return is else ../ring/bell.html elif in raise global while break assert or is not not yield try raise in import def for global for lambda not exec try raise def yield for global while if exec for raise raise try assert switch and pass and continue print import return elif if in switch yield del finally except assert finally try return ../ring/bell.html pass assert or switch del assert and if raise lambda del break switch except class else import pass in if and from import break from lambda continue raise ../ring/bell.html del del for or yield yield in try is class continue return yield not finally class pass in else print switch print lambda del else lambda import return lambda repeat class else else return yield ../ring/bell.html repeat class for def and finally while try assert for break import for raise is in break raise switch else else ../ring/bell.html yield ../ring/bell.html assert or pass global break for while print yield print return raise if global del pass and exec in in break continue class import return and exec if pass if continue try in while def try exec raise del raise not not while while elif and pass if else pass is return pass except for repeat while continue lambda if del not assert not ../ring/bell.html raise not in if global global return assert or for for break if yield in from global print from not assert while try print for try from or global global print else elif finally while import not switch class continue while exec print from in while print elif continue finally yield while if lambda is continue while raise if global from and not import elif from pass exec elif ../ring/bell.html try ../ring/bell.html or return class else continue except is exec else def class not global try return in lambda except def del return exec yield exec lambda exec elif if if if is exec print or try for try print del class print def or assert and ../ring/bell.html print raise or not repeat try from del in elif switch switch pass elif and in lambda or return or switch return return continue ../ring/bell.html del exec elif return finally exec continue def try return from finally for return return or pass in del in else is lambda elif for finally except from global repeat ../ring/bell.html break and not continue lambda def return and try and ../ring/bell.html and elif return break global raise repeat or ../ring/bell.html continue def del except global for def class else continue and def in print def assert exec elif print elif raise repeat print ../ring/bell.html yield yield and del raise try in yield else class except break return pass else from exec raise is del lambda repeat else and return repeat exec while if elif pass else while yield in assert is assert raise not print or pass del ../ring/bell.html exec repeat not for while is and while try else except class if lambda finally del ../ring/bell.html lambda else from in or break not is switch for elif not if else if if global or class continue repeat if break continue lambda yield elif yield for def print raise and yield yield raise def finally in exec switch lambda try pass continue return switch print in except or class if except import continue elif def switch for lambda lambda if repeat while print pass in del def switch print else continue break print for in elif continue yield if except break ../ring/bell.html global in not global global break for lambda from print import class ../ring/bell.html pass switch repeat is assert continue or break if return return repeat switch ../ring/bell.html raise try break raise import finally if import del and pass return repeat for except not or switch import or import global lambda from if print pass is finally exec exec elif print not switch assert else pass pass is is switch while elif if exec class is finally ../ring/bell.html def if except while ../ring/bell.html break lambda class switch and finally return break def def is global finally yield break except is break in try try exec in except exec class for ../ring/bell.html in break import break print else return ../ring/bell.html elif and break finally continue in if print is for while exec assert finally ../ring/bell.html finally continue print elif break not return assert while repeat except assert del except yield assert ../ring/bell.html or for is try for raise ../ring/bell.html def while from del raise assert repeat print ../ring/bell.html else break return pass except yield if or import repeat try def in continue ../ring/bell.html from break continue elif import print continue print finally for if else while while return yield or pass yield pass lambda print is else yield is from or else in not repeat in from def global break lambda raise else for elif def finally assert from except not not in try class raise while if for exec while and raise return global global finally return raise try from del from is class repeat pass repeat try switch class else not del is assert print from del in continue assert ../ring/bell.html print repeat class for print except in del pass not import continue return from in from else exec global raise global repeat from break import except def continue or ../ring/bell.html raise exec import global print except repeat repeat import not for raise def in ../ring/bell.html not if continue except repeat raise class pass ../ring/bell.html or raise except if while raise from print else class class exec try del lambda else finally exec ../ring/bell.html def break ../ring/bell.html while del return lambda for print in global if yield or yield del ../ring/bell.html and assert class or from exec global del yield try from yield raise in except is for or or yield for print assert for except yield except pass switch return is yield is or while return ../ring/bell.html raise assert ../ring/bell.html print finally lambda else for if del and for in while ../ring/bell.html raise pass yield exec def def finally is in if print print global return global try and not if ../ring/bell.html or while def while class in finally yield assert assert return def while while global switch while yield in elif def except repeat not is elif import is try and class raise or if break finally assert repeat def exec return exec pass del or not switch raise or return from in finally finally ../ring/bell.html return lambda del lambda lambda ../ring/bell.html while finally yield yield in switch switch if assert else is try del def and yield break from class except break def return repeat or in print not in except else raise except import continue assert print or is elif or print for in repeat switch def break yield pass def import global else is from lambda while try from elif in not in while else raise in yield exec switch import is for return class or finally raise ../ring/bell.html or exec lambda or print else or class and finally or break while elif else for del def from else except is not import repeat if exec pass finally and break del lambda if switch global repeat pass def is if from finally not for if for def print repeat from continue repeat in not assert raise assert break yield raise break assert lambda yield else for in else pass if switch is finally break class for and yield global except class switch for finally not global def raise for elif class def repeat class try else print in pass for and in raise pass is switch finally not continue global return for else raise is for import from yield ../ring/bell.html class else and and from ../ring/bell.html continue import continue except elif is pass lambda continue from switch not lambda is elif def print try raise ../ring/bell.html class while elif switch pass repeat try switch is switch repeat or finally in except class import def in del elif ../ring/bell.html if yield class and lambda global else assert else class while class continue switch yield global break or ../ring/bell.html in ../ring/bell.html continue repeat ../ring/bell.html assert break finally except del del raise print break except return del from repeat and print lambda raise in else not not is yield from ../ring/bell.html assert and def import lambda in finally class print and class pass in repeat else and del for def def else ../ring/bell.html switch global not else import break or global while ../ring/bell.html and assert not elif try and import lambda or while else finally try if yield yield assert except raise if pass is exec while except not break exec continue import continue while print continue switch is global print except and not try class print and lambda else else exec exec del class exec or while and class not del except def raise lambda is if from switch global lambda class return else break yield switch import repeat except in not not import class while and continue finally for lambda not except or finally return not while lambda is else finally global global yield except from print class is switch raise for and raise break import try lambda else print for is try def exec is print and ../ring/bell.html import global import repeat not def ../ring/bell.html and yield class elif try finally print try is or repeat ../ring/bell.html is return import is return ../ring/bell.html import not while import for for return exec try del ../ring/bell.html import try elif else print yield repeat yield return class while in exec is raise continue def elif raise switch repeat pass yield lambda del else del yield and class print lambda repeat lambda ../ring/bell.html global exec yield and exec while yield try yield if del for if elif for try ../ring/bell.html pass finally from assert is switch del yield try finally yield del not not continue raise and ../ring/bell.html global print exec lambda except exec def from print global lambda is continue pass from pass raise or repeat def repeat not ../ring/bell.html pass assert return assert else from continue def is not exec ../ring/bell.html in or lambda pass ../ring/bell.html elif if class assert yield pass import pass in not switch not finally for global except assert or print global return del repeat from repeat in pass is import def from del yield not raise while not def not import class and import or return pass raise switch except not elif repeat is global pass while def global try yield continue return finally import del in class try exec raise from raise for lambda lambda break del print and raise except del return finally global or break and def global from or del continue lambda assert return elif in switch finally yield else while for elif for print or else or global lambda print or finally pass global exec repeat is global pass break exec and raise raise and is elif raise else raise elif while del not while return if for repeat in try def or try ../ring/bell.html finally try print switch import assert lambda class print exec break exec def in else pass assert and if import is while ../ring/bell.html del if break else continue finally while if break while else except while for is from continue continue or or return yield def if print ../ring/bell.html is except lambda raise import is switch and return finally repeat exec except and not break continue and elif class repeat raise not del while while in repeat global lambda class import elif def ../ring/bell.html raise switch while and raise class assert return class break or return except continue in repeat assert else elif from except print from ../ring/bell.html repeat from lambda finally except print or finally in continue in except pass is break print repeat ../ring/bell.html import is global return def break in or raise from ../ring/bell.html if not in else def print exec exec while and or or from repeat repeat is not and exec import or switch elif del is raise and not return while class ../ring/bell.html not return return in in or while in ../ring/bell.html lambda print continue from return try def pass try from del for break if del assert del try break or while pass import repeat while class not finally for repeat for while assert elif while import switch lambda assert finally print del raise import global else or while lambda continue continue try print if in exec in raise break assert raise global ../ring/bell.html repeat repeat break ../ring/bell.html except assert else while global switch except else while repeat if import ../ring/bell.html def from finally elif if in raise if finally not for repeat print yield is exec ../ring/bell.html try or def exec finally from in print elif is ../ring/bell.html in lambda ../ring/bell.html from switch break exec print if while except switch yield switch break exec def else def pass return pass elif continue pass or class try raise class return exec else else class repeat exec else assert assert print for and del def except or not def or for while exec switch not else if in is finally repeat print not elif class else for except class switch pass elif ../ring/bell.html class finally not yield and assert except import while def return except and class try elif global for switch elif or finally pass elif is break not is raise yield switch from if and raise in pass assert not global exec continue is def except assert else assert del class return repeat print for pass continue elif del except switch yield except lambda yield or is is for or return finally return ../ring/bell.html continue elif class if class for else def while switch pass import and yield def print del global print global exec assert class else break continue global class ../ring/bell.html import if return repeat continue lambda exec except for is switch exec except def elif for if return except def repeat except try finally switch del for if finally return def is del not global if switch for is import and except pass import try is if try while exec pass for del import finally exec assert finally def global global yield print from continue except if def from print def or for assert print assert for def try continue class not assert global elif global del or import switch is if import from while return pass for ../ring/bell.html or is yield exec from except in if except if or elif raise import print import for continue is and break class except if continue except def switch return lambda del finally del or ../ring/bell.html yield except class repeat import break pass yield pass ../ring/bell.html not and else from break ../ring/bell.html switch exec from assert raise pass not print ../ring/bell.html switch import is is from assert try ../ring/bell.html exec pass exec lambda else not and elif elif repeat elif switch is break ../ring/bell.html switch repeat elif repeat continue or elif from continue def for class global except import if try exec and del print is and from print if class import def else for if is raise while yield else or except if pass raise switch print is switch switch import and return pass or or try elif def del break class try def in switch assert import elif return and raise except ../ring/bell.html lambda class pass ../ring/bell.html del switch global exec import repeat and lambda exec class raise return print in is import elif break switch if for break if yield break is break ../ring/bell.html repeat def assert global repeat return raise break for try else assert continue print import lambda import try while class yield return class ../ring/bell.html lambda finally else if global and from import yield lambda in raise def global is assert ../ring/bell.html pass is else lambda ../ring/bell.html not print import continue not elif continue import yield is ../ring/bell.html break def pass in for exec def exec assert while class elif break elif while in continue def assert switch continue exec and try or try if def is except except is is from elif is is except ../ring/bell.html class exec assert return not ../ring/bell.html raise raise if else ../ring/bell.html or elif try if for class switch from break del not break and not or while for assert pass class or break if class global pass return elif else elif raise ../ring/bell.html or def global print if in finally switch del except else except except else try for or if print while repeat not while finally class try return raise assert import lambda in def ../ring/bell.html yield global del assert or finally while lambda try import in import assert switch or import yield switch exec elif yield from from repeat try elif pass continue while import print raise ../ring/bell.html except print repeat and or assert finally or break import ../ring/bell.html switch class class ../ring/bell.html not assert raise import if and except while except lambda from exec break if for ../ring/bell.html repeat ../ring/bell.html break lambda yield break try yield and print try try not return if def del else print in break switch lambda from yield lambda finally import exec is del global in switch repeat from return is print not assert while switch elif assert in if except repeat not else raise is del def and raise class del class while switch class class print elif import lambda or print not or not global and continue pass exec raise continue assert del and and finally assert in raise is in raise switch def or elif in pass from if is pass exec def assert elif except else not import return if pass import import and from assert and repeat except continue raise if import switch import return from raise if not exec or not try print ../ring/bell.html or repeat def is else for lambda repeat repeat repeat global from pass exec elif yield assert finally or lambda or and class pass pass in not or from return else exec exec def del if for while del lambda switch del except lambda else not lambda import while continue lambda if try elif yield del continue and for import break while if global ../ring/bell.html class continue in from for while repeat pass import pass continue continue ../ring/bell.html del in assert lambda def try or finally continue finally from import if global is not ../ring/bell.html finally except not except elif or from global not def class print elif print yield class try for exec is continue not and assert switch raise repeat in from finally print and class import assert del lambda break print yield assert return exec import ../ring/bell.html class not global def del lambda lambda and class for pass break class import try is is elif raise elif break if while while continue not import except continue del elif except class global ../ring/bell.html break else elif if assert return ../ring/bell.html and switch finally break continue import and pass continue raise from else finally class class print try yield continue ../ring/bell.html for def continue switch pass return pass repeat del break finally except exec repeat except del return in break or in class class or is is switch or repeat def del finally global continue import except for class break for except elif lambda return except try is elif lambda for global repeat not switch continue while
{'switch', 'exec', 'repeat', '../ring/bell.html', 'print'}

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