Linux have amazed every tech guy and make them curious to hands on Linux. Many of us not feel Linux easy to use but almost everyone agrees that it is a powerful l OS.

I am always interested in learning more on Linux. I found Linux is not as difficult as many people think and they feel it is little difficult to find Linux tutorial. I don’t think so that it is difficult to find Linux tutorial. I searched for some best place to learn Linux and decided to list those sites where you can find lot of Linux tutorial.

5 Linux Tutorial Sites


The Linux Tutorial – This site coves all Linux tutorials from Basics to Advanced users. There is a HOWTO section which will help you to find How To quires. There is a forum on which you can ask questions on Linux which can be answered by other users.

LOWFAT Linux – Tutorial on this site is written by Doctor Bob author of this site. This site covers in-depth Linux tutorial which can be easily understand by beginner.

Linux Online – There are about 20 Lessons which will cover all your basic Linux features and working. It can be best for beginners.

YouTube – Yes popular video hosting site. You may probably thinking why YouTube? YouTube is a Video site but you will find many great Linux video tutorials created by many users from all around the World. Just search for Linux tutorial and you will get hundreds of Linux tutorial videos.

LinuxSelfhelp – This site contain tutorial in category format where you can select your Linux category like Getting Started, Running Multiple OS’s, Programming on Linux or System Administration. You will get detailed tutorial on all categories.