mysql 语句case when

mysql 语句case when




CREATE TABLE `lee` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `name` char(20) DEFAULT NULL,  `birthday` datetime DEFAULT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8



insert into lee(name,birthday) values ('sam','1990-01-01');

insert into lee(name,birthday) values ('lee','1980-01-01');

insert into lee(name,birthday) values ('john','1985-01-01');


使用case when语句


select name, case         when birthday<'1981' then 'old'         when birthday>'1988' then 'yong'         else 'ok' END YORN from lee;




select NAME, case name      when 'sam' then 'yong'         when 'lee' then 'handsome'         else 'good' end from lee;


当然了case when语句还可以复合


select name,birthday, case      when birthday>'1983' then 'yong'         when name='lee' then 'handsome'         else 'just so so ' end from lee;




select NAME, CASE      when year(birthday)>1988 then 'yong'         when year(birthday)<1980 then 'old'         else 'ok' END from lee;



create table penalties ( paymentno INTEGER not NULL,     payment_date DATE not null,     amount DECIMAL(7,2) not null,     primary key(paymentno) )

insert into penalties values(1,'2008-01-01',3.45); insert into penalties values(2,'2009-01-01',50.45); insert into penalties values(3,'2008-07-01',80.45);

1.#对罚款登记分为三类,第一类low,包括大于0小于等于40的罚款,第二类moderate大于40 #到80之间的罚款,第三类high包含所有大于80的罚款。



第一道题的解法与上面的相同 select paymentno,amount, case      when amount>0 and amount<=40 then 'low'         when amount>40 and amount<=80 then 'moderate'         when amount>80 then 'high'         else 'incorrect' end lvl from `penalties`

2.#统计出属于low的罚款编号。重点看这里的解决方法 方法1. select paymentno,amount from `penalties` where case when amount>0 and  amount<=40 then 'low'     when amount>40 and amount<=80 then 'moderate'     when amount>80 then 'high'     else 'incorrect' end ='low';

方法2 select * from (select paymentno,amount, case      when amount>0 and amount<=40 then 'low'         when amount>40 and amount<=80 then 'moderate'         when amount>80 then 'high'         else 'incorrect' end lvl from `penalties`) as p where p.lvl='low';

posted on 2012-09-05 18:12  艾思派客  阅读(8531)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
