了解Maclean Liu|向Maclean Liu提问 Oracle ALLSTARS 全明星(群内有多位Oracle高级售后support,N位OCM和ACE) QQ群 # QQ群号:23549328 # 已经升级到 2000人群,空位多多。欢迎有一定基础的Oracle骨友加入,现在入群需要经过Maclean的技术面试,欢迎面试,请加QQ号:47079569 为好友参加面试 2群基础群 适合刚入门的同学,会共享最佳入门实践和资料 QQ群 # QQ群号:171092051 # 已经升级到 500人的超级群,空位多多,无需面试


00年代的最后一个月,总算没有辜负这三年来对于oracle的学习;在一个月的无尽等待不断反思中,祝贺信终于来了: Dear Xiang Bing, Congratulations! on the successful completion of the Oracle DBA 10g Certified Master practicum. You are now a member of an elite group of Oracle professionals.  You will receive your Oracle DBA 10g Certified Master fulfillment kit that includes a congratulations letter, OCM certificate, OCM ID card, and denim OCM shirt to the mailing address mentioned in your Oracle DBA 10g OCM Hands-on course requirement Form. OCM, Hello World! 10年代是我们80后的年代!!

posted on 2009-12-08 18:29  Oracle和MySQL  阅读(145)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
