
10.1  if标签(属性:test(判断条件))


1 <select id="select1" resultType="com.zhiyou.clg.bean.User">
2         select *from user
3         <if test="name!=null">
4             where name=#{name}
5         </if>
6         <if test="age!=null and age!=''">
7             and age=#{age}
8         </if>
9     </select>

10.2  if+where ( where标签会知道如果它包含的标签中有返回值的话,就会插入where 若其以and或or开头会将and或or剔除)

 1 <select id="select2" resultType="com.zhiyou.clg.bean.User">
 2         select *from user
 3         <where>
 4             <if test="name!=null">
 5                 and name=#{name}
 6             </if>
 7             <if test="sex!=null">
 8                 and sex=#{sex}
 9             </if>
10             <if test="age!=null and age!=''">
11                 and age=#{age}
12             </if>
13         </where>
14     </select>

10.3 if+set( set标签会知道如果它包含的标签中有返回值的话,就会插入set并且剔除最后一个满足条件的逗号“,”)

 1 <update id="update1" parameterType="com.zhiyou.clg.bean.User">
 2         update user
 3         <set>
 4             <if test="name!=null">
 5                 name=#{name},
 6             </if>
 7             <if test="sex!=null">
 8                 sex=#{sex},
 9             </if>
10             <if test="age!=null and age!=''">
11                 age=#{age},
12             </if>
13         </set>
14         <where>
15             <if test="id!=null">
16                 id=#{id}
17             </if>
18         </where>
19     </update

10.4 choose(标签when+标签otherwise)----类似于switch语句,有且仅有一个条件会满足

 1 <sql id="usercolumn" >
 2          id,name,age,sex
 3      </sql>
 4     <select id="select3" resultType="com.zhiyou.clg.bean.User">
 5         select 
 6             <include refid="usercolumn"></include>
 7          from user
 8         <where>
 9             <choose>
10                 <when test="name!=null">
11                     and name=#{name}
12                 </when>
13                 <when test="age!=null and age!=''">
14                     and age=#{age}
15                 </when>
16                 <otherwise>
17                     and sex=#{sex}
18                 </otherwise>
19             </choose>
20         </where>
21     </select>

10.5 trim(trim标记是一个格式化的标记,可以完成set或者是where标记的功能;)





 1 <update id="update2" parameterType="com.zhiyou.clg.bean.User">
 2         update user
 3             <trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides=",">
 4                 <if test="name!=null">
 5                     name=#{name},
 6                 </if>
 7                 <if test="sex!=null">
 8                     sex=#{sex},
 9                 </if>
10                 <if test="age!=null and age!=''">
11                     age=#{age},
12                 </if>
13             </trim>
14         <where>
15             <if test="id!=null">
16                 id=#{id}
17             </if>
18         </where>
19     </update>

10.6 sql片段------使用sql标签定义(属性:id);引用片段时用include标签(属性:refid)

10.7 foreach

  属性:  collection:指定输入对象中的集合属性





 1 <sql id="namecolumn" >
 2          name
 3      </sql>
 4     <select id="select4" resultType="com.zhiyou.clg.bean.User">
 5         select 
 6             <include refid="namecolumn"></include>
 7         from user where id in 
 8             <foreach collection="ids" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="id">
 9                 #{id}
10             </foreach>
11     </select>


        name  like  concat(‘%’,#{name},’%’)

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