
 1 body {
 2   margin: 0;
 3 }
 4 #game {
 5   background: url("../images/back.png") repeat;
 6 }
 7 .wuli{
 8     position: absolute;
 9     min-width: 200px;
10     height: 33px;
11     background: #355596;
12     opacity: 0.6;
13     filter:alpha(opacity = 60);
14     border-radius: 3px;
15     color: #fff;
16     text-align: center;
17     line-height: 33px;
18 }
19 .hide{
20     display: none;
21 }


 1 <!doctype html>
 2 <html lang="en">
 3 <head>
 4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
 5     <title>看我吃你们</title>
 6     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
 7     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
 8     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/game.js"></script>
 9 </head>
10 <body>
11     <canvas id="game" width="510" height="480"></canvas>
12 <script type="text/javascript">
13     $("#game").Game();
14 </script>
15 </body>
16 </html>


  1 View Code
  4 //@charset "utf-8";
  5 (function(window,document,$){
  6 "use strict";
  7 var game = {
  8 hx:0,
  9 hy:0,
 10 mx:0,
 11 my:0,
 12 ctx:"",
 13 pie:0,
 14 heroI:"",
 15 monsI:"",
 16 canvas:"",
 17 num : 0,
 18 cw : 0,
 19 ch : 0,
 20 init:function(item){
 21 game.initImg();
 22 var that = this;
 23 game.canvas = document.getElementById("game");
 24 game.pie = that.width()/17;
 25 game.ctx = game.canvas.getContext("2d");
 26 game.hx = game.getRandomPos().x;
 27 game.hy = game.getRandomPos().y;
 28 game.cw = game.canvas.width;
 29 game.ch = game.canvas.height;
 30 game.getRole();
 31 },
 32 initImg:function(){
 33 this.heroI = new Image();
 34 this.heroI.src = "images/me.png";
 35 this.monsI = new Image();
 36 this.monsI.src = "images/you.png";
 37 },
 38 //获取随机角色位置
 39 getRole:function(){
 40 this.getImg(this.heroI,this.hx,this.hy);
 41 setTimeout(function(){
 42 game.getMonster();
 43 },100);
 44 this.move();
 45 },
 46 move:function(){
 47 $(document).on("keyup",function(e){
 48 var m_e = e || window.event;
 49 var keycode = m_e.which;
 50 if(keycode === 38){
 51 if(game.hy*game.pie >game.pie){
 52 game.operate("y",false);
 53 }
 54 }else if(keycode === 40 ){
 55 if(game.hy*game.pie < game.ch-2*game.pie){
 56 game.operate("y",true);
 57 }
 58 }else if(keycode === 37){
 59 if( game.hx*game.pie > game.pie ){
 60 game.operate("x",false);
 61 }
 62 }else if(keycode === 39){
 63 if( game.hx*game.pie < game.cw-2*game.pie ){
 64 game.operate("x",true);
 65 }
 66 }
 67 });
 68 },
 69 operate:function(item,flag){
 70 var aim = flag ? 1 : -1;
 71 game.clearRole("hero");
 72 item == "x" ? game.hx += aim : game.hy +=aim;
 73 game.getNewHero(); 
 74 game.judgeEat(item,flag);
 76 },
 77 judgeEat:function(item,flag){
 78 if(item == "x"){
 79 //var cel = flag ? this.heroI.width : 0;
 80 var px = this.hx*this.pie;
 81 var disx = Math.abs(px-this.mx*this.pie);
 82 var disy = Math.abs(this.hy - this.my)*this.pie;
 83 if(disx < 5 && disy<5 ){
 84 game.clearRole("mons");
 85 game.getMonster(); 
 86 setTimeout(function(){
 87 game.showResult();
 88 },400);
 89 }
 90 }else{
 91 //var cel = flag ? this.heroI.height : 0;
 92 var py = this.hy*this.pie;
 93 var disy = Math.abs(py-this.my*this.pie);
 94 var disx = Math.abs(this.hx - this.mx)*this.pie;
 95 if(disx <5 && disy< 5 ){
 96 game.clearRole("mons");
 97 game.getMonster(); 
 98 game.showResult();
 99 }
100 }
101 },
102 showResult :function(){
103 this.num ++;
104 if(this.num <5){
105 if($(".wuli").length == 0){
106 var box = $("<div class='wuli hide'>干掉"+this.num+"个啦!^O^</div>");
107 $("body").append($(box));
108 var l = (this.cw-box.width())/2;
109 var t = (this.ch-box.height())/2;
110 box.css({
111 left:l,
112 top:t
113 }).removeClass("hide");
114 }else{
115 $(".wuli").html("干掉"+this.num+"个啦!^O^").show();
116 }
117 }else{
118 $(".wuli").html("你们全军覆没了诶~").show();
119 setTimeout(function(){
120 game.ctx.clearRect(game.mx*game.pie,game.my*game.pie,game.monsI.width,game.monsI.height);
121 });
123 }
124 setTimeout(function(){
125 $(".wuli").fadeOut();
126 },800);
127 },
128 clearRole:function(item){
129 var x,y,width,height;
130 if(item == "hero"){
131 x = this.hx;
132 y = this.hy;
133 width = this.heroI.width;
134 height = this.heroI.height;
135 }else{
136 x = this.mx;
137 y = this.my;
138 width = this.monsI.width;
139 height = this.monsI.height;
140 }
141 var py = y*this.pie;
142 var px = x*this.pie;
143 this.ctx.clearRect(px,py,width,height);
144 },
145 getNewHero:function(){
146 this.getImg(this.heroI,this.hx,this.hy);
147 },
148 //待优化,什么时候图片加载完成
149 getImg:function(img,x,y){
150 var that = this;
151 /*var icon = new Image();
152 icon.src=img;*/
153 setTimeout(function(){
154 that.ctx.drawImage(img,x*that.pie,y*that.pie);
155 },100);
156 },
157 getMonster:function(){
158 var x = game.getRandomPos().x;
159 var y = game.getRandomPos().y;
160 if(x === this.hx && y === this.hy ){
161 x = this.judgePos().x;
162 y = this.judgePos().y;
163 }
164 this.mx = x;
165 this.my = y;
166 this.getImg(this.monsI,this.mx,this.my);
167 },
168 judgePos : function(){
169 var x=0, y=0;
170 do{
171 x = this.getRandomPos().x;
172 y = this.getRandomPos().y;
173 }while(x === this.hx && y === this.hy);
174 return {x:x,y:y};
175 },
176 //返回随机的X,Y位置
177 getRandomPos:function(){
178 var x = Math.ceil(Math.random()*15);
179 var y = Math.ceil(Math.random()*14);
180 return {x:x,y:y};
181 }
182 };
183 $.fn.Game = function(param){
184 return game.init.apply(this,arguments);
185 };
187 })(window,document,jQuery);


posted @ 2016-01-15 21:53  有间小屋在森林  阅读(530)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报