EZ Stepper - EzStep23用法介绍

Commands for the EZStepper are single alpha characters normally followed by a numeric value.The alpha characters reprents "what to do" and the numeric value reprents "how much to do it".

A  0-2^32 Move motor to absoulte position.

P   0-2^32 Move motor relative in positive direction.

D   0-2^32 Move motor relative in Negative direction.


Zero Command:

Z  0-2^32 Motor

The Z command is used to initialize the motor to a known position(也就是说这个位置事先要确定)。

When issued,the motor will toward to 0 until the home opto sensor is interrupted.

If already interrupted,it will back out of the opto and come back in until re-interrupted.Current motor positon is set to Zero(这里设置绝对零点)

The homing is done at the current Speed V.

First ensure a positive move :/1P100R

Please issue the home flag:/1f1R or /1f0R.

posted on 2010-06-10 10:52  我和我自己  阅读(295)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
