

问题一:运行theano时报Warning: Failed to import scipy.linalg.blas (DLL load failed)的问题:



Apparently, Theano is trying to access the bindings for BLAS through 
scipy, and the configuration variable "blas.ldflags" is empty, which 
means Theano was not able to access BLAS directly. 

I'm not sure what is needed exactly, but you may need to add the 
location of the blass DLL to the %PATH% environment variable, and to 
manually specify the blas.ldflags configuration flag for theano, for 
instance create a .theanorc.txt file in your home directory, with 
content that looks like: 

ldflags = -LX:\\YYY\\YYY -lopenblas 

where X:\\YYY\\YYY is the path containing libopenblas.dll 。



posted @ 2016-04-15 13:08  linbirg  阅读(382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报