k8s replicaset controller源码分析(3)-expectations 机制分析

replicaset controller分析

replicaset controller简介

replicaset controller是kube-controller-manager组件中众多控制器中的一个,是 replicaset 资源对象的控制器,其通过对replicaset、pod 2种资源的监听,当这2种资源发生变化时会触发 replicaset controller 对相应的replicaset对象进行调谐操作,从而完成replicaset期望副本数的调谐,当实际pod的数量未达到预期时创建pod,当实际pod的数量超过预期时删除pod。

replicaset controller主要作用是根据replicaset对象所期望的pod数量与现存pod数量做比较,然后根据比较结果创建/删除pod,最终使得replicaset对象所期望的pod数量与现存pod数量相等。

replicaset controller架构图

replicaset controller的大致组成和处理流程如下图,replicaset controller对pod和replicaset对象注册了event handler,当有事件时,会watch到然后将对应的replicaset对象放入到queue中,然后syncReplicaSet方法为replicaset controller调谐replicaset对象的核心处理逻辑所在,从queue中取出replicaset对象,做调谐处理。

replicaset controller分析分为3大块进行,分别是:
(1)replicaset controller初始化和启动分析;
(2)replicaset controller核心处理逻辑分析;
(3)replicaset controller expectations机制分析。

本篇博客进行replicaset controller expectations机制分析。



根据前面的分析,在replicaset controller对replicaset对象进行调谐操作时,首先会调用rsc.expectations.SatisfiedExpectations方法,返回true且replicaset对象的deletetimestamp为空,才会调用rsc.manageReplicas方法进行期望副本数的调谐操作,也即pod的创建/删除操作。

replicaset controller expectations机制分析

这个 expectations 机制的作用是什么?下面来分析一下。

以创建1000个副本的replicaset为例,分析下expectations的作用。根据前面对replicaset controller的核心处理分析可以得知,1000个pod将通过两次对replicaset对象的调谐,每次500个进行创建。

直接看到replicaset controller的核心处理逻辑方法syncReplicaSet



// pkg/controller/replicaset/replica_set.go
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) syncReplicaSet(key string) error {
	startTime := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		klog.V(4).Infof("Finished syncing %v %q (%v)", rsc.Kind, key, time.Since(startTime))


	rsNeedsSync := rsc.expectations.SatisfiedExpectations(key)
	selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(rs.Spec.Selector)
	if err != nil {
		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error converting pod selector to selector: %v", err))
		return nil


	var manageReplicasErr error
	if rsNeedsSync && rs.DeletionTimestamp == nil {
		manageReplicasErr = rsc.manageReplicas(filteredPods, rs)




// pkg/controller/controller_utils.go
// SatisfiedExpectations returns true if the required adds/dels for the given controller have been observed.
// Add/del counts are established by the controller at sync time, and updated as controllees are observed by the controller
// manager.
func (r *ControllerExpectations) SatisfiedExpectations(controllerKey string) bool {
	if exp, exists, err := r.GetExpectations(controllerKey); exists {
		if exp.Fulfilled() {
			klog.V(4).Infof("Controller expectations fulfilled %#v", exp)
			return true
		} else if exp.isExpired() {
			klog.V(4).Infof("Controller expectations expired %#v", exp)
			return true
		} else {
			klog.V(4).Infof("Controller still waiting on expectations %#v", exp)
			return false
	} else if err != nil {
		klog.V(2).Infof("Error encountered while checking expectations %#v, forcing sync", err)
	} else {
		// When a new controller is created, it doesn't have expectations.
		// When it doesn't see expected watch events for > TTL, the expectations expire.
		//	- In this case it wakes up, creates/deletes controllees, and sets expectations again.
		// When it has satisfied expectations and no controllees need to be created/destroyed > TTL, the expectations expire.
		//	- In this case it continues without setting expectations till it needs to create/delete controllees.
		klog.V(4).Infof("Controller %v either never recorded expectations, or the ttl expired.", controllerKey)
	// Trigger a sync if we either encountered and error (which shouldn't happen since we're
	// getting from local store) or this controller hasn't established expectations.
	return true


// Fulfilled returns true if this expectation has been fulfilled.
func (e *ControlleeExpectations) Fulfilled() bool {
	// TODO: think about why this line being atomic doesn't matter
	return atomic.LoadInt64(&e.add) <= 0 && atomic.LoadInt64(&e.del) <= 0


func (exp *ControlleeExpectations) isExpired() bool {
	return clock.RealClock{}.Since(exp.timestamp) > ExpectationsTimeout




// pkg/controller/replicaset/replica_set.go
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) manageReplicas(filteredPods []*v1.Pod, rs *apps.ReplicaSet) error {
	diff := len(filteredPods) - int(*(rs.Spec.Replicas))
		if diff > rsc.burstReplicas {
			diff = rsc.burstReplicas
		rsc.expectations.ExpectCreations(rsKey, diff)
		klog.V(2).Infof("Too few replicas for %v %s/%s, need %d, creating %d", rsc.Kind, rs.Namespace, rs.Name, *(rs.Spec.Replicas), diff)
		successfulCreations, err := slowStartBatch(diff, controller.SlowStartInitialBatchSize, func() error {

		if skippedPods := diff - successfulCreations; skippedPods > 0 {
			klog.V(2).Infof("Slow-start failure. Skipping creation of %d pods, decrementing expectations for %v %v/%v", skippedPods, rsc.Kind, rs.Namespace, rs.Name)
			for i := 0; i < skippedPods; i++ {
				// Decrement the expected number of creates because the informer won't observe this pod


// pkg/controller/controller_utils.go
func (r *ControllerExpectations) ExpectCreations(controllerKey string, adds int) error {
	return r.SetExpectations(controllerKey, adds, 0)

// SetExpectations registers new expectations for the given controller. Forgets existing expectations.
func (r *ControllerExpectations) SetExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int) error {
	exp := &ControlleeExpectations{add: int64(add), del: int64(del), key: controllerKey, timestamp: clock.RealClock{}.Now()}
	klog.V(4).Infof("Setting expectations %#v", exp)
	return r.Add(exp)


// pkg/controller/controller_utils.go
// CreationObserved atomically decrements the `add` expectation count of the given controller.
func (r *ControllerExpectations) CreationObserved(controllerKey string) {
	r.LowerExpectations(controllerKey, 1, 0)

// Decrements the expectation counts of the given controller.
func (r *ControllerExpectations) LowerExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int) {
	if exp, exists, err := r.GetExpectations(controllerKey); err == nil && exists {
		exp.Add(int64(-add), int64(-del))
		// The expectations might've been modified since the update on the previous line.
		klog.V(4).Infof("Lowered expectations %#v", exp)


pod add event handlerFunc-addPod

replicaset controller会监听pod的新增事件,每成功创建出一个pod,会调用addPod方法。在addPod方法中,同样会调用一次rsc.expectations.CreationObserved,将Expectations中期望创建的pod数量减1。

// pkg/controller/replicaset/replica_set.go
// When a pod is created, enqueue the replica set that manages it and update its expectations.
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) addPod(obj interface{}) {
	pod := obj.(*v1.Pod)

	// If it has a ControllerRef, that's all that matters.
	if controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(pod); controllerRef != nil {
		rs := rsc.resolveControllerRef(pod.Namespace, controllerRef)
		if rs == nil {
		rsKey, err := controller.KeyFunc(rs)
		if err != nil {
		klog.V(4).Infof("Pod %s created: %#v.", pod.Name, pod)


replicaset controller第一次创建了500个pod之后,通过replicaset controller对pod新增事件的watch,然后调用rsc.expectations.CreationObserved方法将Expectations中期望创建的pod数量减1,以及rsc.manageReplicas方法中对创建失败的pod数量,调用相应次数的rsc.expectations.CreationObserved方法将Expectations中期望创建的pod数量相应减少,最终使该replicaset对象的Expectations的值将变为:(key,add:0,del:0),这样在下次对该replicaset对象的调谐操作中,即可进行下一批次的500个pod的创建。

关于replicaset controller删除pod时的expectations机制,与上述创建pod时分析的expectations机制差不多,可以自己去分析下,这里不再展开分析。


上面以replicaset controller创建pod为例分析了expectations的作用,删除pod的逻辑中expectations起到了类似的作用,此处不再分析。下面来总结一下replicaset controller中expectations机制的作用。





posted @ 2021-10-27 09:40  良凯尔  阅读(707)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报