Qpportunities Available to Business Prospects

Our world today is digital. Facebook boasts approximately 850 million users,  YouTube generates more than 4 billion video views daily, and there are more than  150 million blogs online. According to comScore, there are more than 18 billion  monthly searches conducted by U.S. internet users.

If you are a business owner, how could you possibly expect to succeed in the  coming years without mastering the art and science of digital marketing? And the  first step in the digital marketing funnel is getting in front of your target  audience (otherwise known as capturing the 'top of the funnel'), so that they  know you exist, they know you can help them achieve a goal, and they know you  are better than other options.

To help your business capitalize on the opportunities available through  digital marketing, here are five steps for you to get in front of more prospects  online:

1. Know Your Audience

You may think you know who your customers are, but have you ever actually  analyzed the data? Have you researched their lifestyles, their online  destinations and online behaviors? Have you developed personas for your  different audience segments?

Knowing as much about not only your customers, but more importantly, knowing  everything about your ideal customers is critical if you hope to be effective in  getting in front of them online.

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There are a number of good resources to uncover more details about your  audience online. Quantcast is a good place to start. If your company can afford  it, comScore provides tremendous amounts of online insights.

Also, contact the websites that you know your audience frequents. Download  their media kits, talk with their ad salespeople and editorial staff. Understand  the exact breakdown of their website audience, and their corresponding behaviors  on the site.

And don’t forget to ask your customers and prospects directly about their  online destinations and usage. This can often be the most insightful research  you can do.stone crushing plant:http://www.hxjqchina.com/n26.html flotation  cells:http://www.hx-china.com/16.html

2. Understand How They Search

Have you researched how your target prospects are searching for businesses  like yours? Google offers a free and easy Keyword Search Tool. Check the “Local  Monthly Searches” for the number of Google searches on your targeted keywords in  the United States (although there are options for checking international search  numbers as well). Or you can try a more robust keyword solution, such as  WordStream or SEOmoz Pro. Google also provides you with deeper insights and  trends through its Google Insights for Search tool.

Also, check out what your competitors are targeting in search. Tools such as  AdGooroo provide very detailed insights. If your budget does not allow for  AdGooroo, try SEMRush or SpyFu.

Then write a blog and add optimized posts on a regular schedule. Google will  love you. Companies are always surprised by just how much a blog can catapult  their organic search rankings and drive qualified traffic to their sites.

And what’s the key to writing blog posts that will be rewarded in the search  engines? Sure, you need to cover the basics like keywords as well as optimized  title tags and URLs. But even more importantly, you need to create content that  kicks butt! That’s right, content that blows people away. There’s a lot of  garbage content online already. Don’t waste your time with that just to try to  gain some Google rankings. Instead, write exceptional content that makes your  target audience scream, “That’s awesome!” That’s when they’ll share a link to it  on their blog, or their Facebook Page, or their Twitter feed. Over time, that’s  how the media can find you and use you as an expert, as well.

The article is  provided by Henan Hongxing,which is the professional manufacturer of complete  sets of mining machinery, for example,china sand washers, it is always  doing the best in products and service.

posted @ 2012-05-07 09:48  liajones  阅读(271)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报