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c++ - safe reading from a stream in a for loop using getline - Stack Overflow

The iostreams by default do not throw exceptions when errors occur. If you want to enable them:

cout.execeptions( std::ios::badbit );

would enable exceptions if badbit is set.

To enable them all:

cout.execeptions( std::ios::badbit 
                   | std::ios::eofbit 
                   | std::ios::failbit );

The exceptions thrown are of type:


which is derived from std::exception.

In general though, it is easier not to use execptions, but to use constructs like:

while( std::getline( myStreamObj, line ) ) {
   // process line
posted on 2012-10-25 13:31  lexus  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报