my git ~

this is private git account on oschina.

I use oschina because its faster in China and have free private repositores

I began to really use it a few months ago

this is a project i'm working on recently.

And i use xcode to manage git branchs,really easy to use!

Git can also do code analysis.This is a project i have done before.

Ah,most of the code is game engine.I wrote about 6k lines on it.

There is a concept calledtechnical debt,really interesting.We should not push off works to 

the future.So the framework and code quality are really important!



github also have a feature to host pages recently.So this is my test page on github

一定要点进去看啊有 很有意思的东西,这是我在github上面的个人主页,想学怎么建的还有放视频在上面的联系我


posted @ 2015-04-16 20:29  三班&陈旭  阅读(189)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报