
[爆笑吐槽]2014年10大网络流行语Top 10 online buzzwords of 2014

2015-01-02 10:30  kingshow  阅读(442)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

[爆笑吐槽]2014年10大网络流行语Top 10 online buzzwords of 2014




1、且行且珍惜(Cherish what you have at the moment)


Origin: At the end of March in 2014, Wen Zhang responded to the “infidelity gate” and admitted to cheating. 3 minutes later, [his wife] Ma Yili wrote the response on Sina Weibo “Love is easy, marriage is hard, cherish what you have at the moment”. Thus, “Cherish what you have at the moment” became a popular catchphrase.


2、你家里人知道吗?(Does your family [parents] know?)


Origin: This originated from a netizen reading news in an internet cafe: “you are so unrefined, does your family [parents] know?” Soon this phrase became a popular online catchphrase, its viral potential gave many netizens countless inspirations to ridicule.


3、画面太美我不敢看(The scene is so beautiful I dare not look)


Origin: This song lyric came from Jolin Tsai’s “Prague Square”, it was used by netizens to describe absurd things or events, most often during instances of scoffing and self-mockery.


4、萌萌哒(Meng Meng Da


Origin: Meng Meng Da evolved from the online meme Me Me Da, it mean you should take your medicine. Meng Meng Da is to make yourself “moe” (cute/adorable).


5、现在整个人都不好了(Now I’m all out of sorts)


Origin: This originated in a thread on Tianya asking for help, wherein the description contained “Now I’m all out of sorts”. It was then widely used to express a loss for words, helplessness, and unbearableness.


6、也是醉了(Also drunk)


Origin: This clever response came from the character Longhu Chong in Jing Yong’s “The smiling, proud wanderer”. The jokester Linghu Chong once satirized other people’s ass-kissing by saying “when I see toady people like that, I feel uncomfortable all over, swaying from side to side as if I was drunk.” Later a bunch of League of Legends players took a liking to the phrase. No matter how good or bad the opposing team is, everyone would say “wow, this guy’s skills, I’m also drunk.” [This phrase] mainly serves to express helplessness, gloominess, and a loss for words. Oftentimes it refers to incomprehensible things, the inability to communicate or mock. It can be replaced by phrases such as “speechless”, “incomprehensible”, and “unable to mock”.


7、我只想安静地做个美男子(I only want to quietly live as a beautiful man)


Origin: In the first episode of the second season of the web series 《万万没想到》 Never Would Have Thought (wan wan mei xiang dao), Tang Seng played by “Professor Yi Xiaoxing” repeatedly utters the phrase: “I only want to quietly live as a beautiful man”.


8、买买买(Buy Buy Buy)


Origin: This makes fun of a conversation between online personality Wang Sicong and his dad Wang Jianlin: Wang Sicong: Dad, this… Wang Jianlin: Buy buy buy! Wang Sicong: Dad, this… Wang Jianlin: Buy buy buy!


9、现在问题来了(Now here comes the question)


Origin: When the internet meme “Which school has the best excavator skills? Go to Shandong and find Lanxiang” was at its height, netizens added the phrase “now here comes the question” before the question “which school has the best excavator skills?”, which can also be followed with other questions.


10.有钱,就是任性(Have money, stubborn like that)


Origin: A while back, a person named Old Liu knew he was being scammed but still chose to wire money to the crinminals. When reporters interviewed him, he said he knew he had been scammed by the time he was tricked out of 70,000 yuan, but at the time he thought the police wouldn’t do anything about it [at such a small sum], and also wanted to see just how much the criminals could take from he. After this news aired, netizens jeered [with the phrase]: “have money, stubborn like that”.




Which school has the best excavator skills?



Tuhao, let us be friends.



What grudge do we have?



Wanna go out?/Wanna hook up?/Wanna date?



I’m not well-read [educated], so don’t trick/bully me./Don't take advantage of my illiteracy.


6、摩擦摩擦 我的滑板鞋

Rub it, rub it, my skating shoes



No zuo no die.



I want the whole world to know that this fish pond was bought by me…



Give me a break!



I have goose flesh



Give it one's best shot



I promise you won't get killed


