Lesson 14 Do you speak English?


I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France. I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied me in the same language. Apart from a few words, I did not know any French at all. Neither of us spoken during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!

amusing: adj. 令人感到好笑的
amused: adj. 感到好笑的
amuse: v. ~ sb. 让sb.发笑
The book is amusing.
interesting: 有意思
funny: 好笑的,(可以指贬义),开心的,令人好笑的

experience: n. 经历(可数),n. 经验(不可数)
He has a lot of experience.
He has a lot of experiences.

wave to sb. : 向某人招手

lift: v. 举起,n. 搭便车
take a lift/ bus/ taxi
The student gave me a lift.
thumb lift: 拇指便车

reply: v. 回答
He answered/ replied.
answer sth./ reply to sth.
answer the letter.
I will reply to the letter.

native language: 母语 = mother tongue.

journey: n. 旅行。(统称)(偏陆地)
trip: 短距离旅行或出差
travel: 周游(长途)
tour: (为了玩的旅行) tourist: 旅客
go on business/ go on a trip.
3 days' journey. 三天的路程
voyage: (海上)旅行
flight: 空中飞行

when,while,as 当什么时候

表示方位的方式由3个介词:in, on, to
- to: 没有相接的,相离的 Japan is east to China.
- on: 接壤 North Korea is east on China.
- in: 在里面 Shandong is east in China.

drive to: 开车去某地
drive on: (on: 继续) on 加在动词的后面表示继续 My heart will go on.

as soon as: 一……就……+句子(时间状语从句),强调两个动作几乎连在一起。
As soon as I has received the letter, I called them back.
As soon as you arrive, you musth call me.

apart from: 除了……之外
except: except for
apart from(放句首) = except = besides
All the passengers are millionaires except us.
The shop is open in weekdays besides Saturday.
except for: 有时表示整体中某方面不满意
The articles is very good except fro the handwriting.
I invited everyone except George.
Except for/ Apart from George, I invited everyone.

during the journey: 在旅途中,自始自终
neither of sb. : 当中任何一个都不会 Neither of us like it.
either of sb. : 当中的任何一个 I don't like the book, my sister doesn't like it either.
如果不止两个人: none of. None of people like the new president.

when: 就在此时
I had nearly reached home when I found my mother standing there.

As I learnt: 正如我所料/知道
learn: (通过……而知道)得知
know: (本来就)知道
As we know, the New Concept English is very good.
As I think, it is the coldest day in this year.
As my mother said, it's cold.
As I heard, the news is shocking.

He was English himself!

until: 后面的从句之前发生了主句,但是使用起来很随意,以下两种情况都对
- 主句和从句都用一般过去时
- 主句和从句任意一个用过去完成时

posted @ 2016-11-08 19:53  蝌蝌  阅读(335)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报